Ordinary life,extraordinary spir

Ordinary life,extraordinary spir

作者: 旅途2019 | 来源:发表于2019-10-09 13:50 被阅读0次

When I reached my thirties these years ,I felt that I am so ordinary ,every day I go to work ,send and recieve child ,have meal ,sleep and so on ,so commom life as everybody all over the world .May be it is the reason that I feel too common and I want to get some change .Life is what we give it ,you want to leisure,your life will leisure, you want to busy ,your life will busy, you want to happy ,your life will happy ,and so on .

Life is ordinary ,life is common things belonged everyone ,life is eat ,drink ,play ,and happy ,its creature is this . we have ordinary life as other people ,but we have the different spirit for our life .Some people reached the peach of its work area,some did not ,some people was happy every day,some was not ,some people wrok hard ,some do not .so how spirit you have ,what life you get .

We have a ordinary life ,but we can not have an ordinary spirit ,we must have an extraordinary spirit for life .We can sport every day ,we can keep health, we can work hard ,we can study all kind of skills ,we can happy every day ,we can do an opimism ,we can have excitment all day long.

just smile and rush,guys .



    本文标题:Ordinary life,extraordinary spir
