

作者: 任宇_Rainee | 来源:发表于2019-11-10 21:07 被阅读0次




Online games are an extension of realsociety. Online games are the carrier of culture. The network game as a kind ofnew media, it changes our way to socializing and entertainment, and it createsa new social trend. Network game is the cornerstone for introducing andconveying traditional Chinese culture. It is a bridge to enhance communicationbetween friends. It is the spiritual opium to relax and great stress-reliever.Online games are an embodiment of the economic pattern. Game developers andoperators, the Internet and telecommunications industries can profit fromonline games. Online games are a model of social networking systems. Networkgame has three needs it must simultaneously satisfy: material, psychological,especially spiritual needs. Players can obtain virtual currency, technologicalidentity and social proof missing in real life from online games. The sameimmersive experiences (goals, activities, and experiences) between playerspromote the integration of virtual and real social circles.

The world outlook and values of the realsociety are orderly and unified, and the values in the online games arediversified, which forms a gap between the virtual and practical. In onlinegames, players are not restricted by external rules and social requirements,break through the limitations of geographical and temporal, and experiencecompetition or cooperation. Online games can be divided into three categoriesaccording to different system platforms: Web game, client and mobile game.

 Withthe promotion and application of smart phones, mobile terminal online gamesinduce players' high level of perceived mobility. Players feel free to log intogames. And then they can process multiple visual images, exercise spatiallogical thinking, improve the ability to solve problems and develop a grandstrategy. A high sense of pleasure and the sense of the passing of time leadsto self-regulation incapacitation. General enthusiasts and ordinary users, withthe lack of self-regulation ability, gradually degenerate into online gamingaddicts. A gaming addicts show a low sense of belonging to real world. Theyhave strong emotional dependence on online games. The way of thinking anddealing with problems extends from the virtual world to the real world. In theend, it's a mismatch with the real world. How to avoid becoming and deal withan addict is a problem?

We face addiction of an increase in onlinegames. The government should strengthen the management and supervision. Thegovernment regulate the relevant legal system of the video game market. Gamedevelopers and operators should improve the system of imitation addiction, likelimit the game time and increase the difficulty of the task. Parents or schoolshould promptly detect and correct children's addition to online games. Playersthemselves should improve their self-regulation and control ability, andreasonably plan the game time and frequency.


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