

作者: 羊皮卷的味道 | 来源:发表于2019-05-19 15:45 被阅读0次
    Jason Meyer 杰森迈尔
    Mark 12:35-37 马可福音12章35-37节
    35 And as Jesus taught in the temple, he said, “How can the scribes say that the Christ is the son of David? 36 David himself, in the Holy Spirit, declared, “‘The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at my right hand, until I put your enemies under your feet.”’ 37 David himself calls him Lord. So how is he his son?” And the great throng heard him gladly. 35 耶稣在殿里教训人,说:“经学家怎么说基督是大卫的子孙呢? 36 大卫自己被圣灵感动却说:‘主对我的主说: 你坐在我的右边, 等我把你的仇敌放在你的脚下。’ 37 大卫自己既然称他为主,他又怎么会是大卫的子孙呢?” 群众都喜欢听他。
    Introduction 引言
    I continually stand amazed when I see the symmetry of Scripture. What is said is glorious, but how it is said is glorious as well. What symmetry do we see here? In chapter 12, Jesus told a parable about Israel’s history of rejecting God’s prophets like servants sent from the Master of a vineyard. The climactic moment came when the Master sent His Son. But rather than respecting him they sought to kill him and they disrespectfully discarded the body. The Master is going to come and destroy the vineyard. The religious leaders knew that Jesus told the parable not just about them, but against them. And then they plotted to kill him – in fulfillment of the parable Jesus had just told. 当我看到圣经的对称时,我不能不惊讶。经文所讲的内容是荣耀的,但它怎样讲的方式也是荣耀的。我们在这看到什么对称性?在第12章中,耶稣讲述了一个关于以色列拒绝上帝先知的历史比喻,就像从葡萄园的主人那里派的仆人一样。高潮时刻是当主人差遣他的儿子的时候。他们不但没有尊重他,而是力图杀死他,而且不尊重地抛弃了尸体。主人要来摧毁葡萄园。宗教领袖知道耶稣讲的比喻不仅仅是关于他们,而且是针对他们。他们就策划杀了他 – 这恰恰证实了耶稣刚才所说的比喻。
    Then, we get three questions – three attempts in the plot against Jesus. They all failed. But it was a glorious triumph of God turning evil for good because we have such mind-splitting revelation – straight from the mind and mouth of God incarnate! Verse 34 closed with a climax: no one dared to challenge Jesus by asking him anymore questions. 然后,我们听到了三个问题 - 是三次针对耶稣的阴谋尝试。它们都失败了。但这是上帝将恶变为善的光荣胜利,因为道成肉身的上帝直接用祂的话语给了我们启示!第34节以高潮结束:没有人敢再向他问挑战性的问题。
    Now we get three responses from Jesus that set the record straight against the religious leaders – particularly the scribes. First, he asks them a question about why the scribes say the Messiah is only David’s Son – which will highlight Jesus’ true identity as Lord (12:35-37). Then we have two vignettes: (2) the scribe as a symbol of false devotion to God (12:38-40), and (3) the poor widow as a symbol of true devotion to God (12:41-44). 接下来我们要看到耶稣的三个回击,直接针对宗教领袖 - 特别是文士。首先,他问他们一个问题,为什么文士说弥赛亚只是大卫的儿子 - 这将突出耶稣作为主的真实身份(12章35-37节)。然后有两个小插曲:(2)文士作为对上帝的虚假奉献的象征(12章38-40节),和(3)贫穷寡妇作为对上帝真正奉献的象征(12章41-44节)。
    Today we are going to unpack the first in this series of three. We hear (1) the question he raises in verse 35, (2) the words of David he cites in verse 36, (3) his counter question in verse 37, and (4) the crowd’s response at the end of verse 37. 今天我们要打开这三连击中的第一个。我们听到(1)他在第35节提出的问题,(2)他在第36节引用的大卫的话,(3)他在第37节中的反问题,以及(4)人群在第37节末尾的反应。
    Outline 大纲
    1. Jesus’ Challenge (v. 35) 耶稣的挑战(第35节)
    2. Jesus’ Citation (vv. 36) 耶稣的引用(第36节)
    3. Jesus’ Counter-Question (vv. 37a-b) 耶稣的反问题(第37a-b节)
    4. The Crowds’ Response (v. 37c) 群众的回应(第37c节)
    1. Jesus’ Challenge to the Scribes (v. 35) 1.耶稣对文士的挑战(第35节)
    35 And as Jesus taught in the temple, he said, “How can the scribes say that the Christ is the son of David? 35耶稣在殿里教训人,说:“经学家怎么说基督是大卫的子孙呢?
    Jesus is now teaching in the temple and calls into question the scribes’ understanding of the Messiah. Do they really know who they are looking for? They have taken the position that the Messiah is David’s son. He calls this position into question by questioning their ability to read the Scriptures. 耶稣现在在圣殿里教训, 并质疑文士对弥赛亚的理解, 他们真的知道他们在找谁吗?他们采信的观点是弥赛亚是大卫的儿子。他通过质疑他们读圣经的能力来质疑这个观点。
    2. Jesus’ Citation of David’s Words (v. 36) 2.耶稣对大卫之言的引用(第36节)
    36 David himself, in the Holy Spirit, declared, “ ‘The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit at my right hand, until I put your enemies under your feet.” ’ 36大卫自己被圣灵感动却说:‘主对我的主说: 你坐在我的右边, 等我把你的仇敌放在你的脚下
    Jesus quotes here from Psalm 110:1. This psalm is the most frequently quoted Old Testament text in the New Testament. The NT authors allude to it or quote it some thirty-three times. 耶稣引用诗篇110章1节。这首诗是新约圣经中引用最多的旧约经文。新约作者提到或引用了大约三十三次。
    Jesus says that the superscription of this text matters. 耶稣说这个文本的标题很重要。
    “A PSALM OF DAVID.” “大卫的诗篇。”
    Who cares about a superscription? We have already seen that specific details in Scripture are important – like God saying, “I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,” not “I was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” He does the same thing here. Jesus does not start with what is being said, but with who is saying it. 谁在乎一个标题?我们已经看到圣经中的具体细节是重要的 - 就像上帝说的,“我是亚伯拉罕,以撒和雅各的上帝”,而不是“我曾是亚伯拉罕,以撒和雅各的上帝。”这里,祂做同样的事情。耶稣并不是从所说的话开始,而是从说话者开始。
    David is speaking. And David is not speaking on his own. He is speaking “in the Holy Spirit.” This doctrine is called “concursus.” We say that Scripture has a human author and a divine author. How do they work together? The human author is carried along by the Holy Spirit so that what the human author says is what God wants him to say. The Baptist Catechism asks, “who wrote Scripture?” Answer: “holy men, who were moved, by the Holy Spirit.” 大卫在说话。大卫不是靠自己说话。他说“在圣灵里”。这个教义被称为“同意”。我们说圣经有一个人类作者和一个神圣的作者。他们如何一起工作?人类作者被圣灵感动,所以人类作者所说的是上帝让他说的话。浸信会教理问答,“谁写圣经?”答案:“被圣灵感动的圣人。”
    Why does it matter that this is David speaking? To find out – we have to see what David says. 为什么这是大卫说的话如此重要?要找出答案 - 我们必须看看大卫所说的话。
    “The Lord said to my Lord…” “耶和华对我主说:”
    We now have some identification to do. Who is the first Lord – “The Lord?” It is Yahweh. But that begs a burning question. If Yahweh is “The Lord,” then who on earth is “my Lord?” Some could respond and say that the divine Lord is speaking to the Israel’s king – or the earthly lord – because it is a “coronation psalm.” But wait just a minute. David is the king. And he is already ruling. So it cannot be a reference to the current king of Israel – that is David. So David the king is calling another King, “my Lord.” 我们现在做一下身份认定。谁是第一位主 - “主?”这是耶和华。但那引出了一个亟待解决的问题。如果耶和华是“主”,那么谁是“我主?”有些人回应并说是神圣的主对以色列的国王–即地上的主-说话,因为这首是“加冕诗”。但是等等请稍等。大卫是国王。他已经在执政了,因此不可能指的是现任的以色列国王-就是大卫王,所以大卫王是在呼唤另一位国王,“我的主。”
    And what does God say to David’s Lord? “Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet.” 上帝对大卫的主说了什么?“坐在我的右手边,直到我把你的敌人放在脚下。”
    This text became the most quoted text to demonstrate the exaltation and enthronement of Jesus after his resurrection (Acts 2:33-35; Rom. 8:34; 1 Cor. 15:25; Heb. 1:3, 13). 这段经文被引用最多,证明了耶稣复活后的高举和登基(使徒行传2:33-35;罗马书8:34;林前15:25;希伯来书1:3,13)。
    3. Jesus’ Counter-Question to the Crowd (v. 37a-b) 3.耶稣对人群的反问题(第37a-b节)
    37 David himself calls him Lord. So how is he his son? 37大卫自己既然称他为主,他又怎么会是大卫的子孙呢?”
    Do you see the question? How can the Messiah be David’s son, if he is David’s Lord? Now let us see what he is really posing. He is not denying that the Messiah is the son of David. The Old Testament made it very clear that the royal Messiah was to be born in David’s line (2 Samuel 7). Jesus has already been confessed as “the Son of David” by Bartimaues (Mark 10:47-48). 你看到了这个问题吗?如果他是大卫的主,弥赛亚怎能成为大卫的子孙呢?现在让我们看看他真正的意图是什么。他并不是在否认弥赛亚是大卫的子孙。旧约圣经清楚地表明,君王弥赛亚将出生在大卫的血脉里(撒母耳记下7章)。耶稣已经被巴底买承认为“大卫的子孙”(马可福音10:47-48)。
    What is Jesus doing? He is not questioning the accuracy of the scribes understanding, but the adequacy of it. In other words, the question is not whether the Messiah is the Son of David or not, but whether he is more or not. 耶稣这是在做什么?他并不质疑文士理解的准确性,而是质疑其充分性。换句话说,问题不在于弥赛亚是不是大卫的子孙,而在于他是不是有更进一步的身份。
    4. The Crowds’ Response (v. 37c) 4.群众的回应(第37c节)
    And the great throng heard him gladly. 群众都喜欢听他。
    The scribes just got Scripture shamed and the crowd loves it. The professional interpreters of the Bible – the experts of the Bible, don’t know how to read the Bible. Not just on some minor matter, but on the matter of their core and blessed hope: the Messiah. So it should come as no surprise if the scribes couldn’t identity the Messiah. Indeed – they can’t – even when he is standing right in front of them. 文士在此处圣经感到很尴尬,众人却都高兴。专业解读圣经的人 - 圣经的专家,却不知道如何解读圣经。这不是什么小问题,而是关乎核心问题和有福的盼望:弥赛亚。因此,如果文士不能认出弥赛亚,那就不足为奇了。确实 - 他们不能 - 即使祂站在他们面前。
    Main Point: Scripture paints a picture of the Messiah as both David’s son and David’s Lord. Jesus is that picture come to life – live and in living color. 要点:圣经描绘了弥赛亚的真实画像,既是大卫的子孙,也是大卫的主。耶稣就是那张生动的画面 - 活生生的,有鲜活的色彩。
    Jesus takes the brush of Scripture and paints this portrait of the Messiah that the scribes cannot refute…And the crowds love it. But neither the scribes NOR the crowd is saved. Gladly hearing does not get one in the kingdom anymore than acknowledging Jesus’ wisdom in the previous story. It is not enough to say Jesus is right, one must confess he is Lord. 耶稣拿起圣经的画笔,描绘出文士无可辩驳的弥赛亚画像......众人喜欢它。但文士和众人都没有得救。高兴地听到但是没有一个人进入祂的王国,因为他们只是在上一个故事中承认耶稣的智慧。人仅仅说耶稣是对的还不够,必须承认祂是主。
    We must come to grips with this reality. You can come to church and listen to preaching about the identity of Jesus and hear the truth gladly without ever surrendering to it fully. It does not matter that you can hear it and not get “up in arms about it.” That is no sign that you are in the kingdom. It can stay out there as an interesting issue for debate and discussion, but never go in here as a matter of whole-hearted faith and surrender. 我们必须牢牢掌握这一现实。你可以来到教会,聆听关于耶稣身份的讲道,并且乐意地听到真理,然而从未完全降伏在真理之下。你听到它却没有“掌握它”那就一点用都没有。这并不是你在神国里的迹象。真理可以留在灵魂外面作为一个有趣的辩论和讨论问题,但从来没有作为一个全心全意的信仰进到心里并降伏之下。
    This is the issue that all eternity hinges upon – who is Jesus? It is never enough to simply say “I believe in Jesus.” The Bible has many questions for you. What do you believe about him? Is he truly man – is he only man? Wise teacher or more? Is he truly God – is he only God? Did he really come in the flesh? Why did he die? Do you believe he rose from the dead? If he truly is alive, where is he now and what is he doing? What will he do? 这是关乎永恒的问题 - 谁是耶稣?简单地说“我相信耶稣”是永远不够的。圣经里有很多问题问你。你相信祂是什么?他真的是人吗 - 他仅仅是人吗?仅仅是智慧的教师还是更进一步?他真的是上帝吗 - 他仅仅是上帝吗?他真的是道成肉身吗?他为什么死?你相信他从死里复活吗?如果他真的活着,他现在在哪里,他在做什么?他将会怎么做?
    It is not enough to say “I believe and the details do not matter.” There is nothing that every New Testament letter rebukes as that idea. The details matter – they make an eternal difference – they define where you will spend eternity. 仅仅说“我相信就行了,细节无关紧要”是不够的。新约圣经中的每封书信都谴责这个想法。细节很重要 - 它们会产生永恒的区别 - 它们定义了你将在哪里度永恒。
    So let me ask – do you understand the evidence of Scripture for the true humanity and deity of Jesus? We would several additional sermons to fill in all of the details in full, but let me give you a sense – a whirlwind sense - but a sense nonetheless of the cumulative case for these truths in Scripture. 所以,让我问一下 - 你是否理解圣经对耶稣真正的人性和神性的证据?我们会在另外的证道中全面讲解所有细节,但是让我给你一个感觉 - 一种旋风感 - 是对于圣经中这些仍然是真理的累积情况一种感觉。
    Seven lines of evidence in Scripture support the deity of Jesus: (1) divine names are ascribed to Jesus (Son of God, only begotten Son, first and last, Alpha and Omega, beginning and end, the Holy One, the Lord, the Lord of glory, and God blessed forever), 圣经中七个证据见证耶稣的神性:(1)神性的名字归于耶稣(神的儿子,神的独生子,首先的和末后的,阿尔法和俄梅伽,创始成终者,圣者,主,荣耀的主,永蒙赞美的神),
    (2) divine attributes are ascribed to Jesus (omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, and eternality), (2)神的属性归于耶稣(全能,全知,无所不在,永恒),
    (3) he is said to hold and fill divine actions or offices (Jesus is the One who created the world, forgives sins, raises the dead, sustains all things, subdues all things, will bring judgment upon all, and gives eternal life to whom he chooses), (3)祂持有并满足神圣的行动或职分(耶稣是宇宙的创造者,赦罪者,让死人复活的,维系万物的,降服万有的,审判一切的,赐永生给蒙拣选的人),
    (4) Scriptural quotations or allusions - statements about Yahweh in the OT are applied to Jesus in the NT (Psalm 102:24–7 (compare Hebrews 1:10–12); Isaiah 40:3–4 (compare Matthew 3:3; Luke 1:76); Isaiah 6:1, 3, 10 (compare John 12:37–8); Isaiah 8:13–14 (compare 1 Peter 2:7–8)), (4)圣经的引用或暗指 - 在旧约中关于耶和华的陈述适用于新约中的耶稣(诗篇102:24-27(与希伯来书1:10-12比较);以赛亚书40:3-4(与马太福音3:3及路加福音1:76比较);以赛亚书6:1,3,10(与约翰福音12:37-38比较);以赛亚书8:13-14(与彼得前书2:7-8比较)),
    (5) the names of the Father and the Son are linked together closely (Matt. 28:19; Rom. 1:7; 2 Cor. 13:14; 1 Thess. 3:11; James 1:1), (5)父与子的名字紧密相连(马太福音28:19;罗马书1:7;哥林多后书13:14;帖撒罗尼迦前书3:11;雅各书1:1),
    (6) divine worship is ascribed to Jesus, (6)神圣的崇拜归于耶稣,
    (7) Jesus claimed to be God (Luke 2:41-52; Matt. 3:14-15, 17; 5:21, 27, 33; 11:27; John 8:58, etc), (7)耶稣声称自己是上帝(路加福音2:41-52;马太福音3:14-15,17; 5:21,27,33; 11:27;约翰福音8:58等等),
    Seven lines of evidence in Scripture also support the humanity of Jesus: (1) the names of Jesus (For example, Jesus refers to himself as “Son of Man” in the Gospels and Paul refers to him as “the man” Christ Jesus (1 Tim. 2:5)), 圣经中也有七个证据支持耶稣的人性:(1)耶稣的名字(例如,在福音书中,耶稣称自己为人子,保罗称他为“人”基督耶稣),
    (2) the claims of Scripture regarding the incarnation (John 1:14 gives proof of this point. The author of Hebrews stresses the totality of his humanity: “in all things he was made like his brothers” (Heb. 2:17)), (2)圣经关于道成肉身的宣告(约翰福音1:14提供了证明。希伯来书的作者强调他完全的人性:希伯来书2:17),
    (3) the growth of Jesus (Jesus grew (Luke 2:40). He increased in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52). Hebrews 5:8 also speaks of learning obedience through suffering.), (3)耶稣的成长(耶稣成长(路加福音2:40)他的智慧和身量,以及 神和人对他的喜爱,都不断增长(路加福音2:52)。希伯来书5:8也说他因着所受的苦难学会了顺从),
    (4) the true human actions of Jesus (he ate, drank, slept, prayed, cried, died), the physical limitations of Jesus (he got hungry, he got thirsty, he got weary, he got sleepy, he was killable), (4)耶稣真正的人类行为(他吃饭,喝饮,睡觉,祷告,哭泣,死亡),耶稣肉身的有限(他饥饿,他口渴,他疲累,他困倦,他可以被杀),
    (5) the temptations of Jesus (We are told that God cannot be tempted by evil. Jesus was tempted in every way as we are, yet without sin (Heb. 4:15)), (5)耶稣被试探(我们被告知神不受邪恶试探。耶稣在各方面受试探,只是没有犯罪(希伯来书4:15)),
    (6) the stress upon Jesus’ dependence upon the Father in prayer and dependence upon the power of the Holy Spirit, (6)强调耶稣祷告倚靠父神和圣灵的大能,
    (7) the words of Jesus (Jesus said “to my God and your God” (John 20:17). He identified with us and called us “his brothers.”) (7)耶稣的话(耶稣说:“去见我的神,也是你们的神(约翰福音20:17)”。他认同我们,称我们为“他的兄弟。”)
    And even more amazing than each of these true natures is the fact that they were joined together perfectly – not mixed, not fused, not intermingled. So many movements of false teaching or heresy have popped up because people try to rationalize or minimize or mix – so that they deny that he is truly divine (Unitarians) or truly human. The Bible takes this great and holy mystery (we cannot fully explain it) and then fences the mystery (we can say what is true and what is not true – without being able to remove the mystery and make it sound simple or easy). 甚至比这些真实性质更令人惊奇的是它们完美地结合在一起 - 不掺杂,不混合,不紊乱。由于人们试图使其合理化或简略化或混合化,所以出现了许多错误教导或异端兴起 - 因此他们否认他的神性(一神论者)或他的人性。圣经持守了这个伟大而神圣的奥秘(我们无法完全解释它)然后护围着这个奥秘(我们可以说出什么是真的,什么是不真实的 – 却无法解开这个奥秘并让它听起来简单或容易)。
    The Bible says clearly and the church embraces strongly that Jesus is the eternal Son of God who left the courts of heaven’s glory and took on flesh. He was born of the virgin Mary and was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Truly man and truly God. No subtraction of deity, but the addition of true humanity – two natures perfectly joined in one person. Does it embarrass you or thrill you? 圣经清楚地说明了,教会坚定地信奉耶稣是永恒上帝的儿子,他离开了天庭的荣耀并取了肉身。他出生于童贞女玛丽亚,是由圣灵受孕的。真正的人和真正的神。没有缩减丝毫的神性,但加上了真正的人性 - 两个性质完美地融合于一个位格。这真理使你难堪还是使你震动?
    He lived a perfect life – perfectly loving the Father with all of his heart, soul, mind, and strength and obeying all of the will of God, despite being tempted in every way like we are and yet without ever sinning. He obeyed perfectly and he died as our substitute, paying the price for all the ways and all the times we have failed to obey God as we ought. His life was a sacrifice that purchased our acceptance and accomplished reconciliation with God – restoring the broken relationship with God so that we are no longer children of wrath, but children of God. He rose from the dead and ascended on high – reigning triumphant over all of his enemies. He is right now interceding for us before the throne and God is putting all of his enemies under the feet of his Son and at the right time when the Father pleases Jesus will return and every knee will bow and every tongue confess in heaven and earth and under the earth that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. 他活出了完美的生命 – 尽心尽性尽意尽力完全地爱父神,顺服上帝的一切旨意,尽管凡事受过试探,与我们一样,但是他却没有犯罪。他完全服从,他为我们替罪而受死,为我们以一切方式在一切时中悖逆神的罪孽而付代价,他献上自己的生命赎回了我们,使我们与神和好 - 恢复我们与神的破裂关系,使我们不再是可怒之子,而成为神的儿女。他从死里复活升至高天–掌王权胜过他所有的敌人。他现在正在神施恩宝座前为我们代求,神把一切仇敌都放在他儿子的脚下,并且在父神喜悦的日子,耶稣将再来,到那时天上地下万膝必跪拜,万口必承认耶稣基督是主,使父神得荣耀。
    This world in which we live will test whether or not we really believe these truths by testing our commitment to them. So many people are raised in church and just accept this as a point of doctrine instead of a point of identity. Christians are defined by whether they celebrate this truth as core or talk about it as an “issue” or a “discussion.” We cannot play fast and loose with this truth. It deserves all or nothing. I read a fantastic quote from St. Augustine this week that perfectly encapsulates this truth: “Christ is not valued at all, unless he is valued above all” — St. Augustine. 我们生活的这个世界将试验我们是否真信并持守这些真理。很多在教会中长大人会接受这一教义,但是并非以此感同身受,基督徒的定义是根据他们是不是以此真理为核心来庆祝,而非只将其作为一个外在的“问题”或“命题”来讨论。对这真理我们不能敷衍了事。它要么值得你的全部,要么就一文不值。本周我从圣奥古斯丁那里读到一段精彩的引文,完美地说明了这一事实:“基督于你,若非重于泰山,便是轻于鸿毛。” - 圣奥古斯丁。
    Paul even said that the gospel can be summed up in these two twin truths as something to remember and never forget. 保罗甚至说福音可以用这两个孪生真理来概括,作为记忆和永远不会忘记的东西。
    8 Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead, the offspring of David, as preached in my gospel, 9 for which I am suffering, bound with chains as a criminal. 8你要记得那从死人中复活的耶稣基督,他是大卫的后裔所生的,这就是我所传的福音。 9 我为了这福音受了磨难,甚至像犯人一样被捆绑起来(提摩太后书2:8-9)
    I love this verse. Jesus Messiah – he is the Son of God come in the flesh in the line of David, now alive: risen and reigning triumphant over the grave and all his enemies. And as he lives – history is heading toward the time when all of his enemies will be under his feet. That process is happening now. 我爱这节经文。耶稣弥赛亚 - 他是上帝的儿子,在肉身是按照大卫的家谱,现在活着:复活掌王权胜过坟墓和他所有的敌人,他活着 - 历史正朝着这一时刻推进:他所有的敌人都伏在他脚下。这个进程正在发生。
    I want to ask you directly. Are there some here that can hear this gladly without submitting to it and celebrating it with whole-hearted surrender? Don’t play fast and loose with this truth. Will you receive it? Will this be the time when you stop holding it at arms length and let it go heart deep? Today is the day of salvation. Now is the acceptable time. If you hear his voice, do not harden your heart. Don’t put it off as something to think about sometime – sadly, that line of thinking often leads to rejection by refusal to land the plane and commit. 我想直接问你。在这里有没有人虽然能高兴地听这真理,却不全心全意地降伏服于它?对此真理不要敷衍,你愿意接受它吗?此时是否可以成为你不再拒绝它,而是让它深入内心的时刻?今天是救恩的日子,现在就可以接受,如果你听到他的声音,不要让你的心刚硬,不要把它当作某种以后想想再说的东西 - 遗憾的是,这种思维方式往往会导致拒绝接受此真理。
    I want to speak to you if you are a newer Christian. Is this a core truth? Do you hold it as one truth among other truths? Do not make the mistake of settling for loose theological thinking? Don’t buy the lie that says “I am a practical person. I do not have time for doctrinal fine points. I just want to live the Christian life and avoid thinking.” Do not separate doctrine and life, head and heart, light and heat. The way to great experiences is through deep discovery of doctrine. 如果你是一个新的基督徒,我想和你说话。这是一个核心事实吗?你把它当作其他真理中的一个真理吗?不要错误地停留在松散的神学思想上,不要听谎言说“我是一个讲究实际的人。我没有时间细究教义上的细节,我只想过基督徒的生活,不想多想。”不要把教义和生活,头脑和心灵,光和热分开。通过深入研思教义,才能有更大的属灵经历。
    Conclusion 结语
    I want to speak to you if you have been a Christian for some time now. I wonder if these truths still sing in your heart with loud shouts of joy. I wonder if these truths still shine with radiant colors? I wonder if these truths still taste sweeter than honey or better than the most mouth-watering thing on your menu? 如果你现在已经成为一名基督徒,我想跟你说话。我想知道这些真理是否仍然在你心中歌唱,大声欢呼。我想知道这些真理是否仍然闪耀着光芒四射的色彩?我想知道这些真相是否仍然比蜂蜜更甜,或者比菜单上最令人垂涎的东西更好吃?
    If I were to get out a spiritual stethoscope to check your spiritual pulse or heart beat, what would I find? Do you savor saying even his name? Jesus. Is that the name above every name? You hear a name and affection comes rushing forth. Sometimes it is a name that brings disdain – leaves a sour taste. Other times someone can say a name – your Mom’s name or your spouses name or your child’s name – and suddenly sweetness comes – affection comes. Does your heart explode at the mention of his name and his actions and attributes? Are you as thrilled about the name of Jesus as biblical authors were? I love how they pile up adjectives and descriptions for Jesus. Not just Jesus, but our Lord Jesus Christ. Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End, Worthy to receive all power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing. 如果我要拿出一个精神听诊器来检查你的精神脉搏或心跳,我会发现什么?你是否喜欢说出他的名字?耶稣。这是万名之上的名字吗?有时你会听到一个名字,感情就如洪水决堤。有时这是一个带来蔑视的名字 - 留下苦涩的回味。其他时候,有人可以说一个名字 - 你的妈妈的名字或你的配偶名字或你孩子的名字 - 突然甜蜜来了 - 感情来了。提到他的名字,他的行为和属性,你的感情会不会井喷?你是否像圣经作者一样对耶稣的名字感到兴奋?我喜欢他们如何为耶稣堆积形容词和描述。不只是耶稣,而是我们的主耶稣基督。阿尔法和欧米茄,开始和结束,配得一切力量和财富,智慧和力量,荣誉,荣耀和赞美。
    Does your mind and soul feel stretched and expanded and challenged by these mysteries? 你的思想和灵魂是否会被这些奥秘所拉伸和扩张?
    Do you not feel that it is a great privilege to be allowed to look into such wondrous mysteries and glorious truths? God has given us His word that we might do so, not that we might skip over it lightly, but that we might delve into it and try to grasp what has happened…And so we stand before Him. We stand before this mystery of godliness, God in the flesh! The strangest, the most amazing thing that has ever happened—indeed, I do not hesitate to say, the supreme act of God. It is so supreme that I expect it to be unusual in every respect, and I find the Scriptures tell me that it was. . . . And let us realize and remember that it all happened so that we might be saved, that our sins might be forgiven. The Son of God became man that the children of men might become children of God. 难道你不觉得被允许去研究这些奇妙的奥秘和光荣的真理是一种很大的荣幸吗?上帝赐给我们他的话,我们可以这样做,而不是我们可以轻易地跳过它,但我们可以深入研究它并试图把握所发生的事情......所以我们站在他面前。我们站在这个神圣的奥秘之中,上帝成了肉身!有史以来最奇怪,最神奇的事情 - 事实上,我毫不犹豫地说,是上帝的至高无上的行为。这是至高无上的,我希望它在各方面都是不寻常的,我发现圣经告诉我它是。。。。让我们意识到并记住这一切都发生了,以便我们可以得救,使我们的罪得赦免。上帝的儿子成了人,为要让人的儿女可能成为上帝的儿女。
    The Bible says that boasting is excluded when you understand who he is and what he has done. The cross takes sinful boasting by the shirt collar, forcefully shoves it out the door, and then locks the door so it cannot return. 圣经说当你明白他是谁以及他做了什么时,就不会自夸。十字架揪住自夸的后领,强有力地将它抛出门外,然后将门锁上,使其无法返回。
    The incarnation and the atonement are so intertwined in Mark’s Gospel. The Son of Man came. What does that mean? Where did he come from? He came from the realms of glory! The Son of God comes as Son of Man. He comes to be a ransom – paying the price to set us free from our slavery to sin and condemnation because of our sin. 道成肉身和赎罪在马可福音中如此交织在一起。人子来了。那是什么意思?他是从哪里来的?他来自荣耀的境界!上帝的儿子是人子。他成了赎价 - 付出了代价,使我们摆脱罪的奴役和刑罚,因为我们犯了罪。
    But Mark is not alone in making this point. Let’s listen to Paul unpack this same truth. The incarnation is at the heart of the atonement. 但马可并不是唯一一个提出这一点的人。让我们听听保罗揭开同样的真相。道成肉身是赎罪的核心。
    5 For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time. 5 因为 神只有一位,在 神和人中间也只有一位中保,就是降世为人的基督耶稣。 6 他舍了自己作万人的赎价,到了适当的时候,这事就证实了。
    A mediator must be able to represent the two parties in conflict. Jesus can do so perfectly – because he is truly God and truly man. He also gave himself to bring about reconciliation through the ransom (payment) by his blood. The blood will never lose its power – and we should never cease our praise. 中保必须能够代表冲突中的双方。耶稣可以完美地做到这一点 - 因为他是真正的上帝和真正的人。他还通过他的血液作为赎金(支付)来实现和解。血液永远不会失去力量 - 我们永远不应该停止赞美。
    Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
    Sermon Text: Mark 12:35-37 讲道经文:马可福音12章35-37节
    Sermon Title: David’s Son and David’s Lord 讲道标题:大卫的儿子和大卫的主
    Main Point:Scripture paints a picture of the Messiah as both David’s son and David’s Lord. Jesus is that picture come to life – live and in living color. 要点:圣经描绘了弥赛亚的画像,既是大卫的子孙,也是大卫的主。耶稣就是那张活的写真 - 活生生、鲜活的色彩。
    Outline 大纲
    1. Jesus’ Challenge (v. 35) 耶稣的挑战(第35节)
    2. Jesus’ Citation (vv. 36) 耶稣的引用(第36节)
    3. Jesus’ Counter-Question (vv. 37a-b) 耶稣的反问题(第37a-b节)
    4. The Crowds’ Response (v. 37c) 群众的回应(第37c节)
    Discussion Questions
    1. What is the precise challenge that Jesus brings against the scribes? 耶稣对文士带来的挑战确切地讲是什么?
    2. What Psalm does he cite to make his point? 耶稣引用了哪首诗篇来证明观点?
    3. Why does it matter that David is the author of the Psalm? In other words, what point is Jesus making and why does his point hinge in part upon David being the author of the Psalm? 大卫是诗篇的作者,这一点为什么重要?换句话说,耶稣的观点是什么,为什么他的观点部分取决于大卫是这首诗篇的作者呢?
    4. Why is Jesus’ rebuke of the scribes so powerful? Why would it be devastating for the scribes in particular? 为什么耶稣对文士的斥责如此强大?为什么特别对文士来说是毁灭性的?
    5. What are some of the lines of evidence for the deity of Jesus? 耶稣的神性有哪些证据?
    6. What are some of the lines of evidence for the humanity of Jesus? 耶稣的人性有哪些证据?
    Application Questions 应用问题
    How is your heart responding to the truths in Scripture about Jesus? Do you feel boredom, do you have a sour taste, or is Jesus the sweetest name? What would it take to savor Jesus more this week? 1.你的心如何回应圣经中有关耶稣的真理?你觉得无聊,苦涩,抑或耶稣是最甜蜜的名字?本周你要在哪方面更多地品尝耶稣?
    Are the truths of Jesus humanity and deity precious to you? How will our culture test your commitment to them? 2.耶稣人性和神性的真理对你来说是否珍贵?我们的文化将如何测试您对这些真理的委身?
    What would it look like to take the next steps of obedience in this passage? What landed on you that you need to share with others this week? Who do you need to share it with? 3.在这段经文中采取下一步的服从会是什么样子?本周您需要与他人分享的是什么?你需要和谁分享?
    Prayer Focus 祈祷焦点
    Pray for a grace to stand in fresh awe of who Jesus is and what he has done! 祈求恩典让我们对耶稣是谁以及他做了什么重新生起敬畏!



