36 Oakfield Court
Hashlemere Road
Crouch End
London, N. 8
Jan. 29th,1952
Dear Miss Hanff:
Thank you very much for your letter,
I appreciate your kindness in telling me
the cloth I worked has given you so moch
pleasure. I only wish I could do more.
I expect Mrs. Doel has told you I am
getting on in years so I am unable to do
as much as I used to. It is always a joy
to me when my work gets into the hands
of someone who appreciates it.
I see Mrs. Doel most days, she often
speaks of you. Perhaps I may see you if
you come to England.
Again thanking you,
Yours very sincerely,
Mary Boulton
Mary Boulton,绣桌布的老奶奶