

作者: 戈壁堂 | 来源:发表于2021-05-06 20:20 被阅读0次






    • 1.《国家的视角》 ; Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed; [美]詹姆斯·C.斯科特/James C Scott;
    • 2.《秦汉帝国——中国古代帝国之兴亡》; [日]西嶋定生;
    • 3.《技术垄断—文化向技术投降》; Technology: The Surrender of Culture to Technology; [美]尼尔•波斯曼/Neil Postman; [得到电子书]
    • 4.《文字的力量》; The Written World : The Power of Stories to Shape People, History, Civilization; [美]马丁·普克/Martin Puchner;
    • 5.《俾斯麦: 一个普鲁士人和他的世纪》; Bismarck: Ein Preuße und sein Jahrhundert; [德]克里斯托弗·诺恩/ Christoph Nonn
    • 6.《誓言:白宫与最高法院》; The Oath: The Obama White House and the Supreme Court; [美]杰弗里·图宾/Jeffrey Toobin;
    • 7.《至高权力》; Supreme Power: Franklin Roosevelt vs. the Supreme Court; [美]杰夫·谢索/Jeff Shesol
    • 8.《秩序—不法之徒为何比我们想象的更有秩序》; Anarchy Unbound: Why Self-Governance Works Better Than You Think; [美]彼得·李森/Peter T. Leeson
    • 9.《伯林传》; Isaiah Berlin: A Life; [加]叶礼庭/Michael Ignatieff;
    • 10.《人口浪潮》; THE HUMAN TIDE; [英]保罗·莫兰/Paul Morland;
    • 11.《婚姻史》; A History of Marriage; [加]伊丽莎白·阿伯特/Elizabeth Abbott
    • 12.《我们为何结婚,又为何不忠》; Anatomy of Love: A Natural History of Mating, Marriage, and Why We Stray; [美]海伦·费舍尔写/Helen Fisher
    • 13.《邻人之妻》; Thy Neighbor's Wife; [美]盖伊·特立斯/ Gay Talese;
    • 14.《告别伊甸园:多偶制怎样改变了我们的生活》; Out of Eden: The Surprising Consequences of Polygamy; [美]大卫·巴拉什/David Barash
    • 15.《不平等社会》; The Great Leveler: Violence and the History of Inequality from the Stone Age to the Twenty-First Century; [澳]沃尔特·沙伊德尔/Walter Scheidel
    • 16.《专家之死——反智主义的盛行及其影响》; The Death of Expertise: The Campaign against Established Knowledge and Why it Matters; [美]托马斯·尼科尔斯/Tom Nichols;
    • 17.《知识分子》; Intellectuals: From Marx and Tolstoy to Sartre and Chomsky; [美]保罗·约翰逊/Paul Johnson;
    • 18.《谁是美国人》; Who Are We?: The Challenges to America's National Identity; [美]塞缪尔·亨廷顿/Samuel P. Huntington;
    • 19.《美国秩序的根基》; Roots of American Order; [美]拉塞尔·柯克/Russell Kirk
    • 20.《独自打保龄:美国社区的衰落与复兴》; Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community; [美]罗伯特·帕特南/Robert D. Putnam
    • 21.《美国的难题》; Reviving America; [美]史蒂夫·福布斯/Steve Forbes;
    • 22.《不平等社会》;The Great Leveler: Violence and the History of Inequality from the Stone Age to the Twenty-First Century; [澳]沃尔特·沙伊德尔/Walter Scheidel
    • 23.《奇妙的生命》; Wonderful Life: The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History; [美]史蒂夫斯蒂芬·杰·古尔德/Stephen Jay Gould
    • 24.《亨利八世最忠诚的仆人鲜为人知的故事》; Thomas Cromwell: The untold story of Henry VIII’s most faithful servant; [英]托马斯·克伦威尔/Tracy Borman
    • 25.《日本:生存的艺术》; Bending Adversity: Japan and the Art of Survival; [英]戴维·皮林/David Pilling;
    • 26.《水俣病》; Minamata: Pollution and the Struggle for Democracy in Postwar Japan; [美]蒂莫西·乔治/Timothy S. George
    • 27.《日俄战争》; [日]横手慎二
    • 28.《第二次世界大战在亚洲及太平洋的起源》; [日]入江昭
    • 29.《反对选举》; Against Elections; [比]达维德·范雷布鲁克/David Van Reybrouck
    • 30.《掉队的拉美》;Left Behind: Latin America and the False Promise of Populism;[智]塞巴斯蒂安·爱德华兹/ Sebastian Edwards;
    • 31.《征服与革命中的阿拉伯人》;The Arabs: A History;[英]尤金·罗根/Eugene Rogan; [得到電子書]
    • 32.《一战史》;The First World War;[英]约翰·基根/John Keegan;
    • 33.《黑旗:ISIS的崛起》;Black Flags;[美]乔比·沃里克/Joby Warrick;
    • 34.《缔造和平: 1919巴黎和会及其开启的战后世界》;Peacemakers: The Paris Peace Conference of 1919 and Its Attempt to End War;[加]玛格丽特.麦克米伦/ Margaret MacMillan;
    • 35.《战败者: 两次世界大战间欧洲的革命与暴力,1917-1923》;The Vanquished: Why the First World War Failed to End;[德] 罗伯特·格瓦特/Robery Gerwarth;
    • 36.《1916:全球史》;1916: A Global History;[英] 基斯•杰弗里/Keith Jeffrey
    • 37.《梦游者: 1914年,欧洲如何走向“一战”》;The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914;[英]克里斯托弗·克拉克/Christopher Clark;
    • 38.《德皇威廉二世回忆录》;THE KAISER's MEMOIRS;[德]威廉二世/WILHELM II;
    • 39.《敌人与邻居: 阿拉伯人和犹太人在巴勒斯坦和以色列,1917-2017》;Enemies and Neighbors: Arabs and Jews in Palestine and Israel, 1917-2017;[英]伊恩·布莱克/Ian Black;
    • 40.《巴黎和会与中国外交》;唐启华;
    • 41.《哈布斯堡王朝》;The Habsburg Empire: A New History;[荷]彼得·贾德森/Pieter M. Judson;
    • 42.《1913:一战前的世界》;1913,In Search of the World before the Great;[英]查尔斯·埃默森/Charles Emmerson;
    • 43.《雅尔塔:改变世界格局的八天》;Yalta: The Price of Peace;[美]沙希利·浦洛基/S. M. Plokhy;
    • 44.《风暴眼——美国政治中的最高法院》;Storm Center: The Supreme Court in American Politics;[美]戴维·奥布赖恩/David OBrien
    • 45.《病床边的陌生人》;Strangers At The Bedside: A History Of How Law And Bioethics Transformed Medical Decision Making;[美]戴维·罗思曼/David J. Rothman
    • 46.《走向火焰:帝国、战争与沙皇俄国的终结》;Towards the Flame: Empire, War and the End of Tsarist Russia;[英]多米尼克·利芬/Dominic Lieven
    • 47.《火与烬:政治中的成与败》;Fire and Ashes: Success and Failure in Politics;[加]叶礼庭/Michael Ignatieff;
    • 48.《想太多的人类学家》;Close Encounters with Humankind: A Paleoanthropologist Investigates Our Evolving Species;[美]李相僖;
    • 49.《想象的共同体:民族主义的起源与散布》;Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism;[美]本尼迪克特·安德森/Benedict Anderson;
    • 50.《发明民族主义》;The Cult of the Nation in France: Inventing Nationalism, 1680–1800;[美]大卫·贝尔/David A. Bell
    • 51.《法国资产阶级:一个神话》;The Myth of the French Bourgoisie: An Essay on the Social Imagination: 1750-1850;[美]萨拉·梅萨/Sarah Maza
    • 52.《自行车的回归》;Le retour de la bicyclette;[法]弗雷德里克·赫兰
    • 53.《谁丢了美国》;The Men Who Lost America: British Leadership, the American Revolution, and the Fate of the Empire;[英]安德鲁·奥肖内西/ Andrew Jackson O'Shaughnessy
    • 54.《剧变》;Upheaval: Turning Points for Nations in Crisis;[美]贾雷德·戴蒙德/Jared Diamond;
      1. 《玫瑰的名字》; Il nome della rosa;[意]翁贝托·艾柯/Umberto Eco


    • 1.《经济学与法律的对话》;Law's Order: What Economics Has to Do with Law and Why It Matters;[美]大卫·D. 弗里德曼 / David D. Friedman
    • 2.《与达尔文共进晚餐》;Dinner with Darwin: food, drink and evolution;[英] 乔纳森·西尔弗顿/Jonathan Silvertown;
    • 3.《德国总参谋部》;A Popular Account of the German General Staff;[英] 斯宾塞·威尔金森/Spenser Wilkinson;
    • 4.《渴望风流》;Depths of Glory;[美]欧文·斯通/Irving Stone
    • 5.《民国》;杨早
    • 6.《完美博弈》;The Perfect Bet: How Science and Math Are Taking the Luck Out of Gambling;[英]亚当·库哈尔斯基/Adam Kutcharski
    • 7.《“错误”的行为》;Misbehaving: The Making of Behavioral Economics;[美]理查德·塞勒/Richard Thaler;
    • 8.《优雅的辩论》;Congenial Debates on Controversial Questions;[美]布鲁斯·沃勒/Bruce N. Waller
    • 9.《千年帝国史》;Visions of Empire;[美]克里尚·库马尔/Krishan Kumar;
    • 10.《清代的案与刑》;郑小悠;
    • 11.《货币的非国家化》;Denationalization of Money;[英] 弗里德里希·冯·哈耶克/Friedrich A. Hayek
    • 12.《爱彼迎传》;The Airbnb Story;[美]利·加拉格尔/Leigh Gallagher;
    • 13.《哗众取宠》;Playing to the Gallery;[英]格雷森·佩里/ Grayson Perry
    • 14.《观念的市场》;The Marketplace of Ideas: Reform And Resistance In The American University;[美]路易斯·梅南德/Louis Menand
    • 15.《规模》;Scale: The Universal Laws of Growth, Innovation, Sustainability, and the Pace of Life in Organisms, Cities, Economies, and Companies; [英]杰弗里·韦斯特/Geoffrey West;
    • 16.《知识分子与社会》;The Housing Boom and Bust;[美]托马斯·索维尔/Thomas Sowell;
    • 17.《美国人》;The Americans: The Colonial Experience;[美]丹尼尔·J·布尔斯廷/Daniel J. Boorstin
    • 18.《朝鲜战争:未曾透露的真相》;Korea: The Untold Story of the War;[美]约瑟夫·古尔登/Joseph C. Goulden;
    • 19.《保守主义思想》;The Conservative Mind: From Burke to Eliot;[美]拉塞尔·柯克/Russell Kirk
    • 20.《那些古怪又让人忧心的问题》;What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions;[美]兰道尔·门罗/Randall Munroe;
    • 21.《广场与高塔》;The Square and the Tower : Networks, Hierarchies and the Struggle for Global Power;[英]尼尔·弗格森/Niall Ferguson;
    • 22.《切尔诺贝利的祭祷》;VOICES FROM CHERNOBYL;[白俄]斯维特兰娜·阿列克谢耶维奇/ Svetlana Alexievich;
    • 23.《瘟疫与人》;Plagues and Peoples;[美]威廉·麦克尼尔/Willaim H. McNeill;
    • 24.《棉的全球史》;Cotton:the Fabric That Made the Modern World;[義]乔吉奥·列略/ Giorgio Riello
    • 25.《纸上的舞者》;Edgar Degas: Drawings and Pastels;[美]克里斯托弗·劳埃德/Christoper Lloyd
    • 26.《婚外》;Mistresses: A History of the Other Woman;[加]伊丽莎白·阿伯特/Elizabeth Abbott
    • 27.《鱼翅与花椒》;Shark’s Fin and Sichuan Pepper;[英]扶霞·邓洛普/Fuchsia Dunlop;
    • 28.《注定一战》;Destined for War:Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap?;[美]格雷厄姆·艾利森/Graham Allison;
    • 29.《为爱成婚:婚姻与爱情的前世今生》;Marriage, a History: How Love Conquered;[美]斯蒂芬尼·孔茨/Stephanie Coontz;
    • 30.《原来如此》;Know It All: 132 Head-Scratching Questions About the Science All Around Us;[英]米克·奥黑尔/ Mick O'Hare
    • 31.《美国内战史》;History of the Civil War, 1861-1865;[美]詹姆斯·罗德斯/James Ford Rhodes;
    • 32.《美国种族简史》;Ethnic America: A History Reprint Edition;[美]托马斯·索维尔/Thomas Sowell;
    • 33.《中国人与美国人》;徐国琦;
    • 34.《耶鲁美国小历史》;A Little History of the United States;[美]詹姆斯·戴维森/James West Davidson;
    • 35.《江户时代的婚姻习俗》;[日]菊地仁美
    • 36.《近代欧洲的霸权》;[日]福井宪彦;
    • 37.《自达尔文以来》;Ever Since Darwin: Reflections in Natural History;[美]古尔德/Stephen Jay Gould
    • 38.《印象派的敌人》;马萧;
    • 39.《现代艺术150年》;What Are You Looking At 150 Years of Modern Art in the Blink of an Eye;[英]威尔·贡培兹/Will Gompertz;
    • 40.《另眼看艺术》;Keeping an Eye Open;[英]朱利安·巴恩斯/Julian Barnes;
    • 41.《未来战争》;Future War: Preparing for the New Global Battlefield;[美]罗伯特·拉蒂夫/Robert H. Latiff;
    • 42.《村落效应》;THE Village Effect: How Face-To-Face Contact Can Make Us Healthier, Happier and Smarter;[美]苏珊·平克/Susan Pinker;
    • 43.《米兰·昆德拉传》;高兴
    • 44.《装腔指南》;How to Sound Cultured;[英]托马斯·霍奇森;休伯特·范登伯格/ Hubert Van Den Bergh and Thomas W. Hodgkinson;
    • 45.《菊次郎与佐纪》;[日]北野武;
    • 46.《鸡征服世界》;Why Did the Chicken Cross the World?;安德鲁·劳勒/Andrew Lawler;
    • 47.《新政之后》;Civilizing Chengdu: Chinese Urban Reform, 1895-1937;[美]司昆仑/Kristin Stapleton
    • 48.《茶馆》;王笛
    • 49.《亚洲与一战:一部共有的历史》;徐国琦;
    • 50.《为什么要废除死刑》;L'abolition;[法]罗贝尔·巴丹德/Robert Badinter
    • 51.《欧洲王室另类史》;A Treasury of Royal Scandals: The Shocking True Stories History's Wickedest, Weirdest, Most Wanton Kings, Queens, Tsars, Popes, and Emperors;[美]迈克尔·法夸尔/ Micheal Farquhar
    • 52.《谁塑造了美国》;Out of Order: Stories from the History of the Supreme Court;[美]桑德拉·奥康纳/Sandra Day O’Connor
    • 53.《直到贝壳消失:新消费时代的支付革命》;The End of Money: Counterfeiters, Preachers, Techies, Dreamers--and the Coming Cashless Society;[美]戴维·沃尔曼/David Wolman
    • 54.《订阅经济:创造可持续增长的未来》;Why the Subscription Model Will Be Your Company’s;[美]左霆/Tien Tzuo
    • 55.《论欧洲》;A Grand Illusion: An Essay on Europe;[美]托尼·朱特/Tony Judt
    • 56.《势利》;Snobbery; [美]约瑟夫·艾本斯坦/Joseph Epstein;
    • 57.《谁统治》; Who Governs?: Democracy and Power in an American City; [美]罗伯特·达尔/Robert Alan Dahl
    • 58.《效率崇拜》;The Cult of Efficiency; [加]贾尼丝·格罗斯·斯坦/Janice Gross Stein



