We grow neither better nor worse as we grow old but more ...
For better or for worse, the people we surround ourselves...
哪来的什么文艺小资 不过是有人在替你负重前行 不问结局 致自己 致教育人 致诚心的关爱 惟愿前路能如桃花般灿烂 惟...
Worse me,better me.
We can make the world better,because we will be a better ...
不规则的变化 'good' - 'better' 'bad' - 'worse' 'far' - 'farther...
It will get worse before it gets better. 在情况变好之前,会先...
Criticism-5 "We must neither assume a standard of virtue ...
Learning makes a good man better and ill man worse.好人越学越好...
本文标题:We grow neither better or worse