- Monica: I know, he, he's just so... You remember you and Tony DeMarco?
- Rachel: Oh, yeah.
- Monica: Well, it's like that. With feelings.
- Rachel: Oh wow. Are you in trouble.
- Monica: Big time!
- Rachel: Want a wedding dress? Hardly used.
- Monica: I think we are getting a little ahead of ourselves here. Ok. Ok. I am just going to get up, go to work and not think about him all day. Or else I'm just gonna get up and go to work.
- Rachel: Oh, look, wish me luck!
- Monica: What for?
- Rachel: I'm gonna go get one of those (Thinks) job things.
- 「 it's like」这种 be like sth./sb. 或者说 like 当介词的用法其实很常见, 表示像 XXX 一样, 比如这些地方也用到了:
- S07E13 Mr. Geller: Your mother's right, I do look like an ass. //Monica 的爸爸把 Porsche 送给她的时候说的
- S06E09 Ross: It tastes like feet! //大家在吃 Rachel 做的蛋糕
- S01E17 Chandler: Say you never feel like a father. //待补
- S01E22 Chandler: I don't sound like that. //Phoebe 拿 Chandler 说话的语气取笑
- S08E10 Phoebe: Sometimes people may** seem like** jerks on the outside. //Phoebe 在教育小 Ben
- S10E10 Monica: Hey, you smell like perfume and cigarettes. //待补
- S01E24 Rachel: Ross, you're like my best friend. //Ross 表白之后, Rachel 的反应. 表示「就像是 XXX 一样」
- S10E
- Rachel: No one's been more like a sister to me.
- Monica: I know what you mean. You're like a sister to me too.//Rachel 要去巴黎之前跟 Monica 告别
- 「big time」在这里可以理解为 very much
- S03E15
- Rachel: Ross, do you realize this is the first time in my life I'm doing something I actually care about. This is the first time in my life I'm doing something that I'm actually good at? I mean if you don't get that...
- Ross: No, hey, I get that, ok, I get that big time.
- S01E13 Mr. Tribbiani: Joe, your dad's in love big time. //Joey 老爸婚外恋
- S04E04 Joey: Ah-ha-ha, you guys owe me big time. //欠我很大一个人情哦
- S05E17
- Monica: Ok, I freaked out a little.
- Chandler: A little?! You freaked out big time! //Monica 对确认他们关系很害怕, 从两个人对 freak out 的修饰词也可以看出 big time 能当成 a little 的反义词 (a lot)
- S03E15
- 「hardly used」基本上没怎么用过, hardly = almost not, 但因为本身就带有 not 的意思了所以不能再跟 not 一起用, 同样的用法还出现在:
- S03E20 Rachel: I actually, hardly notice it anymore. //Rachel 在 Bloomingdale 的老板 Joanna 向她打听 Chandler 的问题 (其实是 Rachel 理解错了)
- S06E18 Phoebe: I can hardly smell it over here.
- S10E12 Rachel: Well, look, it's hardly snowing anymore. //外面几乎不下雪了, 暗示 Phoebe 可以在露天举办婚礼
- 「I think we are getting a little ahead of ourselves here.」 重点句
- ahead of 表示在 XXX 前面
- get ahead of 表示领先
- get ahead of ourselves 可以理解成「想太多」
- 同样的用法还出现在:
- S05E15 Monica: You're a few steps ahead of us. //他们的恋情刚公开, 大家纷纷表示我要当 godfather 啥的
- 「wish me luck」祝我好运吧, 如果要表达这个意思不用 goodluck to me
- 「things」在老友记里很常见, 可以用来弱化语气, 这里相当于「那种东西」, 比如接在自己不熟悉的事物后面
- 「li
ke that」爆破音失去爆破 - 「feelings」DJ音标发音: [ˈfi:liŋ], 注意读得稍微长一点, 还要注意 l 在前半段和后半段都被用到
- 「Bi
gtime」爆破音失去爆破 - 「ahead of ourselves」连读成 aheada vor selves
- 「go to work」to 读成 d 之后就变成了 go d work
- 「no
tthink about him all day」- t + t 爆破音失去爆破
- think about 连读成 think-bout-im (h 被击穿连读)
「h」被击穿连读: 即一个辅音与一个以"h"字母打头的单词结合时,[h]音被击穿,辅音与"h"后面的音连读.
- him all 连读成 (shopping mart 的 mart) imall
- 「get up」 连读成 getup
- 「gonna go get」三个单词都是 g 开头, 注意不要弄混顺序
- 「one of」连起来读成 one nuf
- 「jo