
作者: 山猪打不过家猪 | 来源:发表于2021-12-16 17:45 被阅读0次

14 Work overtime

It seems like nowadays, people have to work overtime whenever it is required.This unwritten rule of the workplace has both its pros and cons.On the one hand, employees who work extra hours are more likely to get a promotion because, to some extent, working overtime is considered a sign of loyalty to the company.A further advantage is that the employee may get overtime pay,depending on the company of course. And for the company, it means higher productivity and improved growth potential. On the contrary, frequent overtime might also be an annoyance for the employee.It leads to worse mental and physical health. And if employees can not find time to spend with family and friends, it could stain or even ruin close relationships.Besides,work-life balance is already tough enough to maintain without overtime.As a result, people get more and more anxious and find it hard to be efficient employees.

16 Married or single life

People used to get married and have kids with purpose of having someone to take care of them once they get old. However, with better medical care and more nursing homes available, people no longer worry about it so much.In terms of divorce rates, they re so incredibly high that people are scared of marriage.In some places, it takes men a fortune to get married, which make it even more difficult for those who want to. Besides that, there's been a lot of horrible news reported about people being killed by their partners.Obviously, no one wants to end up in such a situation. Now many people prefer to stay single so that they can simply enjoy their lives, not worry about partner's cheating and have no responsibilities to take care of someone or get along with their partner's family.

17 learn from quarantine

During the lock down, I got plenty of time to look back on my life.I m really lucky that my family and friends safe and sound.Also, thanks to the quarantine, I can spend more time with my loved ones and try thins that I said I would do but just never happened. And in some way, the earth can have some days off and be free from noise and emissions, which is pretty cool. Meanwhile, I do feel sorry for those who lost their jobs, who are suffering from depression. And I guess it s a big challenge for all of us and we re gonna have to stay strong and positive. After this experience, I really feel like I should live my life to the fullest and I m not gonna take any ordinary day for granted.

18 elderly people

I wonder why younger people are more adept at phones than previous generations.It seems like most features were designed to serve the needs of young people.zoom and other apps make working online possible .But can you think of an app made for the elderly within two seconds?Zoom
Even if we don't know how to use a new device or app, we have friends around that can teach us.But it's harder for the elderly to get help.And they use less features less frequently due to a bunch of reasons.We consider ourselves internet savvy cuz we grew up with it, which the elderly didn't. But that kind of situation will happen to our generation too in the future for sure.

21 depression

Yesterday I texted Ian and wanted to know what he was up to, but he hasn't replied yet.l don't know whether I should call him to check if he's ok, cuz it happens a lot.Usually, it's that he doesn't feel like doing anything because of depression, and he literally just wants to be alone.We used to hang out together all the time while in high school.At that time, I sensed some of his struggle, since he mentioned his random physical pains, but all in all, he looked fine.Then one day, he reached out to me and said he was actually clinically depressed.
And it hit me that his state of mind was getting worse and worse.
Sometimes I tried to make him happy,but it seemed like he just didn't feel anything.


  • masirui

    14 Work overtime It seems like nowadays, people have to w...


