机器学习-4 k-NN【附代码】

机器学习-4 k-NN【附代码】

作者: Eric_i33 | 来源:发表于2019-07-21 13:06 被阅读0次


k 最近邻算法(k-nearest neighbor, k-NN)是一种基本的分类方法(二分类 / 多分类),由 Cover 和 Hart 于1968年提出。它的输入为特征向量,通过距离度量多数表决,输出类别标记。该算法不具有显式的学习过程,且 k 值的选择对结果会产生重大的影响,因此对于 k-NN 而言,k 的选择至关重要


数据集 特征空间


每个样本的预测类别 = 该样本所属的以 k 为范围的邻域内所有训练样本类别的投票值



目标函数的任务是使所有训练样本的邻域内误分类率最低,所以 k 是待估计的参数

k-NN 不具有显式的学习过程,一般在预测的过程中通过线性扫描KD树的方法执行判断

手写 k-NN 算法并与 Sklearn 作比较

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.spatial.distance as dist
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
#import random as rd
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier

class KnnModel(object):
    def check_k(K, x_train):
        if not isinstance(K, np.ndarray):
            raise TypeError("K must be as type of np.ndarray")
        if (min(K) <= 0) or (max(K) > len(x_train)):
            raise ValueError("K must be in range [1, N]")
        for k in K:
            if not isinstance(k, np.int32):
                raise TypeError("the element of K must be as type of np.int32")
        return None
    def __init__(self, K, metric):
        self.K = K
        self.metric = metric
    def z_scale(self, x_train):
        mu = np.mean(x_train, axis=0)
        std = np.std(x_train, axis=0)
        return mu, std
    def data_transform(self, mu, std, x_train, x_test):
        x_train_scale = (x_train - mu) / std
        x_test_scale = (x_test - mu) / std
        return x_train_scale, x_test_scale
    def l1(self, x1, x2):
        return np.sum(np.abs(x1 - x2))
    def l2(self, x1, x2):
        return np.sqrt(np.sum((x1 - x2)**2))
    def cosine(self, x1, x2):
        return 1 - x1.dot(x2) / (np.sqrt(np.sum(x1**2)) * np.sqrt(np.sum(x2**2)))
    def fit(self, x_train_scale, y_train):
        # 训练样本量
        N = len(x_train_scale)
        # 适配距离函数
        if self.metric == "l1":
            m = self.l1
        elif self.metric == "l2":
            m = self.l2
        elif self.metric == "cosine":
            m = self.cosine
            raise ValueError("metric must be 'l1', 'l2' or 'cosine'")
        # 计算样本两两距离,形成距离方阵
        #dist_train = dist.cdist(x_train_scale, x_train_scale, metric="euclidean")
        dist_train = dist.cdist(x_train_scale, x_train_scale, metric=m)
        dist_train = pd.DataFrame(dist_train)
        # 迭代,选择最优的k值
        loss_list = []
        for k in K:
            loss_res = 0
            for idx in dist_train.index:
                # 为每个样本计算k近邻索引
                k_nearest_idx = dist_train.iloc[idx, :].sort_values(ascending=True)[1:k+1].index
                # 得到k近邻的类别标记
                c = y_train[k_nearest_idx]
                # 计算误分类率
                loss = sum(y_train[idx] != c) / k
                loss_res += loss
            # 总体误分类率
            loss_res /= N
        # 取误分类率最小的k为最优值
        k_best = K[np.argmin(loss_list)]
        print(f"误分类率列表:\n{loss_list} \n最优的k:{k_best}")
        return k_best
    def predict(self, x_train_scale, x_test_scale, y_train, k_best):
        '''模型预测,每个样本的预测类别 = 该样本所属的以 k 为范围的邻域内所有训练样本类别的投票值'''
        # 适配距离函数
        if self.metric == "l1":
            m = self.l1
        elif self.metric == "l2":
            m = self.l2
        elif self.metric == "cosine":
            m = self.cosine
            raise ValueError("metric must be 'l1', 'l2' or 'cosine'")
        # 计算测试集样本与训练集样本的两两距离
        dist_test = dist.cdist(x_test_scale, x_train_scale, metric=m)
        dist_test = pd.DataFrame(dist_test)
        # 执行预测,找到以 k 为范围的邻域内所有训练样本类别的投票值
        y_pred = []
        for i in range(len(dist_test)):
            k_nearest_idx = dist_test.iloc[i, :].sort_values(ascending=True)[0:k_best].index
            c = y_train[k_nearest_idx]
            label, label_count = np.unique(c, return_counts=True)
            y_hat = label[np.argmax(label_count)]
        return y_pred
    def get_score(self, y_true, y_pred):
        score = sum(y_true == y_pred) / len(y_true)
        return score

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # 构造多分类数据集
    n1 = 20
    x1 = np.random.uniform(low=1, high=5, size=[n1, 4]) + np.random.randn(n1, 4)*0.01
    y1 = np.tile(0, n1)
    n2 = 10
    x2 = np.random.uniform(low=6, high=10, size=[n2, 4]) + np.random.randn(n2, 4)*0.01
    y2 = np.tile(1, n2)
    n3 = 30
    x3 = np.random.uniform(low=8, high=20, size=[n3, 4]) + np.random.randn(n3, 4)*0.01
    y3 = np.tile(2, n3)
    x = np.concatenate([x1, x2, x3], axis=0)
    y = np.concatenate([y1, y2, y3])
    x, y = shuffle(x, y, random_state=0)
    x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=0.2)
    K = np.array([3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 20]).astype(np.int32)
    # 手写 k-NN
    model = KnnModel(K=K, metric="l2")
    model.check_k(K, x_train)
    mu, std = model.z_scale(x_train)
    x_train_scale, x_test_scale = model.data_transform(mu, std, x_train, x_test)
    k_best = model.fit(x_train_scale, y_train)
    y_pred = model.predict(x_train_scale, x_test_scale, y_train, k_best)
    score = model.get_score(y_test, y_pred)
    print(f"KnnModel 预测准确率:{score}")
    # sklearn
    scale = StandardScaler(with_mean=True, with_std=True)
    x_train_scale = scale.transform(x_train)
    x_test_scale = scale.transform(x_test)
    clf = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=5, algorithm="kd_tree", metric="euclidean")
    clf.fit(x_train_scale, y_train)
    y_pred = clf.predict(x_test_scale)
    score = sum(y_test == y_pred) / len(y_test)
    print(f"KnnSklearn 预测准确率:{score}")

[0.020833333333333332, 0.024999999999999998, 0.029761904761904757, 0.05324074074074075, 0.0890151515151515, 0.14444444444444446, 0.25]
KnnModel 预测准确率:1.0

KnnSklearn 预测准确率:1.0




      本文标题:机器学习-4 k-NN【附代码】
