1 hour BGT watching
2 hours reading
2 hours teaching plan
1 hour BGT watching 2 hours reading 2 hours teaching plan
1. Early riser again at 7:10a.m. 2. 30-minute walker agai...
This article used to walk you through some commonly ssh a...
This article used to walk you through some commonly yum a...
This article used to walk you through some commonly awk u...
01 早起 今天早上4点多睡,9点半起。虽然我打卡了,但是这…并不是打卡的本意呀〒_〒 02 阅读 今天在电梯里完...
This article used to walk you through some commonly tar u...
Daily Summary 活动目标 为了让自己每天都能够进步,每天都能够有新的收获,于今日(2020-10-06...
daily summary: 晚上饭后工作一会,工作时长就跟上了,继续保持。不要老想着开新课题了,专注做完手上的工...
Author: 杜七Date: 2016.10.25 1 | 数据分析师之道 如何避免愚蠢的见识? 「常识」,很...
本文标题:Daily summary