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JAKE欧美娱乐快讯 | 2020.11.05
Getty Images距离侃爷宣布竞选美国总统已经历时四个月了,侃爷似乎终于接受了他不可能会赢得大选。据官方统计,这位美国饶舌歌手大约从他有投票箱的12个州共获得了六万张选票,相较于今年共发行的1.5亿张选票而言,这实在是杯水车薪。
Arkansas/阿肯色州: 4,040
Colorado/科罗拉多州: 6,254
Idaho爱达荷州: 3,631
Iowa/爱荷华州: 3,202
Kentucky肯塔基州/: 6,259
Louisiana/路易斯安那州: 4,894
Minnesota/明尼苏达州: 7,789
Mississippi/密西西比州: 3,277
Oklahoma/俄克拉荷马州: 5,590
Tennessee/田纳西州: 10,216
Utah/犹大州: 4,344
Vermont/佛蒙特州: 1,265
信息来源: Yahoo Entertainment
Four months after he declared he was running for president, Kanye West seems to have accepted he’s got no shot in hell at winning. According to Deadline, the rapper received around 60,000 votes in the 12 states where he was on the ballot, a minuscule fraction of the estimated 150 million votes that were cast this year.
“WELP Kanye 2024,” West said in in a tweet fired off early Wednesday morning, one many have interpreted as his concession. (He later deleted it and went with the more concise, “KANYE 2024.”