

作者: claresun | 来源:发表于2020-02-28 23:32 被阅读0次



Q:Nice to meet you, Mrs Duan, thank you for accepting our interview. Since you got "Yidan Prize" , the biggest educational prize in the world for your creative educational project, and thousand of children in China are benifted because of it, could you introduce the project to our readers?


A:Thank you for your compliment.  The project is about the combination of  Western teaching method and Chinese traditional teaching method which isbased on various assessment and historical data, in this way, students can get the accurate instruction and the clearer goal of future.


Q:How did you come out the idea?

A :这还要回溯到十年前了。十年前的2月份,我们国家因为疫情接受了前所未有的挑战,我也因此有时间沉下心来思考自己未来的方向。当时,所有人都因为疫情没法上学,线上教育的需求凸显,更坚定了我要运用技术手段将线上线下教育融合的想法,刚好我跟当时的老板也在进行新一步的探索,也让我看到了更多的可能性。

A :Well, it' s back to 10 years ago. In Feburary, it brought huge challenge to our country because of the epidemics, and I had time to considerate my future. During that period, all the students couldn't go to school, which strengthen the online education needs, and made up my mind about emerging the online and offline education with technology. Luckily, my boss was determined to explore the direction, and we worked together to get more possibilities.


Q:As we know, you graduated as a law student, why did you join the educational industry then?


A:To be honest, it acn be partly explained by my family. When I was a child, my family was not wealthy, but my parents were very kind and willing to do the favor to others, meanwhile, the ecocomical condition can help me to finish the education in China. I was appreciated that and learned from them to help people, nevertherless, I hope to get chance to go abroad and opened eyes and brought more opportunities to our children.Less obvious but just as vital is the friends in Teach For China, who are passinate and engaged in education, they reminded me to remenber my origins and kept forward.


Q:Thank you again,can you give the last word to our students face to graduation soon?


A:Don't be afraid of making mistakes, follow your heart !




