S01-32Presents for dad.—by宣妈Vive

S01-32Presents for dad.—by宣妈Vive

作者: Viver_421c | 来源:发表于2019-08-14 08:19 被阅读0次

    On the cover page, you can see something wrong happened to dad.Dad is now laying on a bed. Where is Dad?Yes, daddy must be in the hospital. Let's look at daddy,daddy is wearing something like pajamas.We can say the clothes for  patients to wear in the hospital.and also you can see a big cast here.Something wrong had happened to his leg or his foot.Here, you can also see the string,and in the end of the string, you can see a hook.Daddy's leg is hanging on this.Why?I think it helps daddy to be here and not move up or down,right or left.So I think Daddy must hurt his foot.Look at daddy,and I think Daddy is not very happy and I think he is boring.And here is the desk on the desk, here is the vase. Can you see a flower in it?There is only one dry flower.that means nobody come to see him.Let's read the title, the title's called presents for dad.Can you see any presents here?No, I can't see any presents here.

    ❤1,On page 1 is you can see Daddy is in the hospital.The hospital is so big ,you can see the nurses here.The nurse name is Mary.What is Daddy doing? Daddy is waving his hands to the family here.Is he still boring now now ,we can see he is smiling.So we can see mommy is waving hands to daddy too, and let's look at the kids.What is Kipper holding, Kipper is holding a big branch of fire grapes.And he's talking to the nurse Mary.What is he saying about.This is for dad.

    ❤2-3Now, let's see Daddy is laying on the bed. And the cast is hanging on the hook.He is smiling. I think he is not boring now.Because the family is here.What is Chip doing?Chip is sending a bunch of flowers to Dad, very nice boy.very sweet, so the bunch of flowers is for daddy.And look at that, do you think he likes this present?Yes, he likes this present.It's beautiful and it smells good.Where do you think are they going to put the flowers?Yes, of course in the vase,Where is Kipper,Kipper is here holding a grape.Is he going to feed daddy?

    ❤4-5You can see Daddy is holding the bunch of flower.And Biff is holding a box.Choco collection.It must be good.Do you think daddy likes the chocolate?Yes, of course daddy likes the chocolate because he is smiling where is skipper, oh, Kipper is here what is Kipper doing?Look at the bunch of grapes. We can see many grapes just now, we can only see half of the groups.Where are the other half?I think he is going to eat it.

    ❤6-7You can see Bifff is helping daddy, put the flowers  in the vase.Oh,Chip is shocked. Why?So let's look at Kipper,Kipper is holding the bunch of grapes for dad.Look at the bunch. How many grapes can you see?I can only see two grapes.Kipper ate most of the grapes.It's not very polite.It's not very nice to do this.I think mummy is happy about it?Do you think Daddy  is happy about it.

    ❤8,What is Mommy doing.Mommy is kissing Daddy, I think that is Mommy's present.Mommy sended daddy a kiss.This is for the best dad of all.Look at the kids. What are the kids doing they are eating the chocolate?but these chocolates are for dad.Let's look at the vast I think the vase will fall down.we can see mommy is kissing daddy.Shake, shake, shake, so it's shaking and going to fall down.So what a funny story and what naughty kids.



          本文标题:S01-32Presents for dad.—by宣妈Vive
