How do you move forward? How do you get beyond the bitterness and the sadness and the lethargy? What do we do next?
We're going to do what we've always done. We're going to move forward, because going backwards isn't an option and standing still is not enough.
We should analyze who we are and what we want to be. So there are three questions we should ask ourselves about everything we do.
1. What do we want?
It's easy to figure out that once you didn't get what you wanted, then maybe you should have set your sights a little lower.
(1). You should be aggressive about your ambition. Do not allow setbacks to set you back.
(2). Let yourself understand your mistakes, but also understand the mistakes of others. We've been told not to investigate too much what the other side could have done. We're too often told that our mistakes are our alone, but victory is a shared benefit.
2. Why do we want it?
You should be honest with yourself and honest with those who support you. Once you know what you want, understand why you want it. Even though it feels good, revenge is not a good reason.
Make sure you want because there's something not that you should do, but something you must do. It has to be something that doesn't allow you to sleep at night unless you're dreaming about it; something that wakes you up in the morning and gets you excited about it; or something that makes you so angry, you know you have to do something about it.
Know why you're doing it, and know why it must be done.
3. How do we get it?
There are three things that always hold us hostage.
(1). Finance.
Finances are something that holds us back so often, our dreams are bounded by how much we have in resources. You will be damned if you do not try.
(2). Fear.
Fear is real. It is paralyzing. But it can also be energizing, because once you know what you're afraid of, you can figure out how to get around it.
(3). Fatigue.
Sometimes you just get tired of trying. Sometimes fatigue means that we accept position instead of power. We let someone give us a title as a consolation prize, even if we're tired.
Fitigue is an opportunity to evaluate how much we want it, because if you are beaten down, if you have worked as hard as you can, if you have done everything you said you should, and it still doesn't work out, fatigue can sap you of your energy. That's why you go back to the "why" of it.