英语名著阅读——汤姆·索亚历险记:第一章 1

英语名著阅读——汤姆·索亚历险记:第一章 1

作者: 轻读英语 | 来源:发表于2020-02-23 17:11 被阅读0次

《汤姆·索亚历险记》(The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)是美国小说家马克·吐温1876年发表的长篇小说。

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

CHAPTER 1 Part 1


perplexed [pəˈplekst] adj. 困惑的;不知所措的
spectacles ['spektək(ə)lz] n. [轻] 眼镜(spectacle的复数);大场面


No answer.


No answer.

"What's gone with that boy, I wonder? You TOM!"

No answer.

The old lady pulled her \color{green}{spectacles} [轻] 眼镜 down and looked over them about the room; then she put them up and looked out under them. She seldom or never looked THROUGH them for so small a thing as a boy; they were her state pair, the pride of her heart, and were built for "style," not service—she could have seen through a pair of stove–lids just as well. She looked \color{green}{perplexed} 困惑的 for a moment, and then said, not fiercely, but still loud enough for the furniture to hear:

vines [vaɪn] n. 葡萄藤(vine的复数形式);一件衣服;n. (Vines)人名;...
resurrected  使复活;使(断层等)复露;复苏(resurrect的过去式和过去分词)

"Well, I lay if I get hold of you I'll—"

She did not finish, for by this time she was bending down and punching under the bed with the broom, and so she needed breath to punctuate the punches with. She \color{#e4a32b}{resurrected} 使复活 nothing but the cat.

"I never did see the beat of that boy!"

She went to the open door and stood in it and looked out among the tomato \color{green}{vines} 葡萄藤 and "jimpson" weeds that constituted the garden. No Tom. So she lifted up her voice at an angle calculated for distance and shouted:

slack [slæk] adj. 松弛的;萧条的;懈怠的;缓慢的;下流的;

"Y–o–u–u TOM!"

There was a slight noise behind her and she turned just in time to seize a small boy by the \color{green}{slack} 松弛的;萧条的 of his roundabout and arrest his flight.

"There! I might 'a' thought of that closet. What you been doing in there?"


"Nothing! Look at your hands. And look at your mouth. What IS that truck?"

"I don't know, aunt."

"Well, I know. It's jam—that's what it is. Forty times I've said if you didn't let that jam alone I'd skin you. Hand me that switch."

lash [læʃ] vt. 鞭打;冲击;摆动;扎捆;煽动;讽刺;vi. 鞭打;猛击;急速甩动...
mighty [ˈmaɪti] adj. 有力的;强有力的;有势力的;adv. 很;极;非常;n. 有势...
peril [ˈperəl] n. 危险;冒险;vt. 危及;置…于险境
scrambled ['skræmbl] adj. 仓促的;v. 爬行,攀登;笨拙移动,仓促行动;(匆忙或笨拙地)...
Scripture [ˈskrɪptʃə(r)] n. (大写)圣经;手稿;(大写)圣经的一句;n. (Scripture...
snatched  v. 一把抓起(某物);(非正式)偷东西,绑架;试图抓住;抓住机会;抓紧...
torment ['tɔːment] n. 痛苦,苦恼;痛苦的根源;折磨;使人痛苦的(人或物);v. 折磨,使...
Southwestern [,saʊθ'westən] adj. 西南部的;向西南的;来自西南的
dander ['dændə] n. 头皮屑,羽毛屑;(非正式)发火;闲逛;v. 漫步,闲逛;n. (D...
Polly [ˈpɒlɪ] n. (非正式)政客;鹦鹉(同 poll parrot);n. (Pol...
ruination [ˌruːɪˈneɪʃn] n. 毁灭;祸根
spile [spaɪl] n. 插管;木栓;vt. 打小孔;插上插管;用塞子塞住

The switch hovered in the air—the \color{green}{peril} 危险;冒险 was desperate—

"My! Look behind you, aunt!"

The old lady whirled round, and \color{green}{snatched} 一把抓起 her skirts out of danger. The lad fled on the instant, \color{green}{scrambled} 仓促的 up the high board–fence, and disappeared over it.

His aunt \color{#dc3545}{Polly} 政客 stood surprised a moment, and then broke into a gentle laugh.

"Hang the boy, can't I never learn anything? Ain't he played me tricks enough like that for me to be looking out for him by this time? But old fools is the biggest fools there is. Can't learn an old dog new tricks, as the saying is. But my goodness, he never plays them alike, two days, and how is a body to know what's coming? He 'pears to know just how long he can \color{green}{torment} 痛苦,苦恼 me before I get my \color{#dc3545}{dander} 头皮屑,羽毛屑 up, and he knows if he can make out to put me off for a minute or make me laugh, it's all down again and I can't hit him a lick. I ain't doing my duty by that boy, and that's the Lord's truth, goodness knows. Spare the rod and \color{#dc3545}{spile} 插管;木栓 the child, as the Good Book says. I'm a laying up sin and suffering for us both, I know. He's full of the Old Scratch, but laws–a–me! he's my own dead sister's boy, poor thing, and I ain't got the heart to \color{green}{lash} 鞭打;冲击 him, somehow. Every time I let him off, my conscience does hurt me so, and every time I hit him my old heart most breaks. Well–a–well, man that is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble, as the \color{green}{Scripture} 圣经 says, and I reckon it's so. He'll play hookey this evening, * and [* \color{#e4a32b}{Southwestern} 西南部的 for "afternoon"] I'll just be obleeged to make him work, to–morrow, to punish him. It's \color{green}{mighty} 有力的;强有力的;有势力的 hard to make him work Saturdays, when all the boys is having holiday, but he hates work more than he hates anything else, and I've GOT to do some of my duty by him, or I'll be the \color{#dc3545}{ruination} 毁灭 of the child."



    本文标题:英语名著阅读——汤姆·索亚历险记:第一章 1
