@友邻外刊20220930School is for wasting time and money
The expert held deep doubts about the intellectual and social value of schooling. For the arguments, everyone leaves school eventually and began to forget knowledge that doesn't matter after graduation.
For the present education situation, credential proliferation pays countries so poorly. Students without learning durably in school don't learn anything about their future career, which means their first job certified or signaled by the diploma is the opening-up of their true career learning. A key university signals a high employability.
For another function of school is that it provides day care, which allows parents to work full-time without distraction,finish their household chores and relax.
If we reflect on this, schools take lavish funding while imparting little long-term knowledge, enjoy massive emergency funding while refusing to provide at least day care.
School choice is no panacea, but sticking with our status quo is for suckers.