如何解决解压报initializing SevenZipJBin

如何解决解压报initializing SevenZipJBin

作者: 爱学习的蹭蹭 | 来源:发表于2024-01-03 14:10 被阅读0次


    异常如下:initializing SevenZipJBinding native library: can't copy native library out of a resource file to the temporary location
    在多个文件解压的时候,文件会占用,导致多次拷贝此lib7-Zip-JBinding.dll文件导致读写的时候操作文件出错 ,本人电脑是window,不同电脑环境会操作如下图的文件




    private static void copyLibraryToFS(File toLibTmpFile, InputStream fromLibInputStream) {
            FileOutputStream libTmpOutputStream = null;
            try {
                libTmpOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(toLibTmpFile);
                byte[] buffer = new byte[65536];
                while (true) {
                    int read = fromLibInputStream.read(buffer);
                    if (read > 0) {
                        libTmpOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, read);
                    } else {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Error initializing SevenZipJBinding native library: "
                        + "can't copy native library out of a resource file to the temporary location: '"
                        + toLibTmpFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'", e);
            } finally {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    // Ignore errors here
                try {
                    if (libTmpOutputStream != null) {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    // Ignore errors here


    官方代码无判断文件存在,导致,initializing SevenZipJBinding native library: can't copy native错误

        private static final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
        private static void copyLibraryToFS(File toLibTmpFile, InputStream fromLibInputStream) {
            if (!toLibTmpFile.exists()) {
                // 使用锁来确保只有一个线程执行
                FileOutputStream libTmpOutputStream = null;
                try {
                    libTmpOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(toLibTmpFile);
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[65536];
                    while (true) {
                        int read = fromLibInputStream.read(buffer);
                        if (read > 0) {
                            libTmpOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, read);
                        } else {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Error initializing SevenZipJBinding native library: "
                            + "can't copy native library out of a resource file to the temporary location: '"
                            + toLibTmpFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'", e);
                } finally {
                    try {
                        if (fromLibInputStream != null) {
                        if (libTmpOutputStream != null) {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        // Ignore errors here
            } else {
                System.out.println("toLibTmpFile exist" + toLibTmpFile.getAbsolutePath());



    package net.sf.sevenzipjbinding;


    package net.sf.sevenzipjbinding;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.FileInputStream;
    import java.io.FileOutputStream;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.InputStream;
    import java.security.AccessController;
    import java.security.MessageDigest;
    import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
    import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import java.util.Random;
    import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
    import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
    import net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.impl.OutArchiveImpl;
    import net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.impl.RandomAccessFileInStream;
    import net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.impl.VolumedArchiveInStream;
     * 7-Zip-JBinding main class.
     * <ul>
     * <li>Finds and initializes 7-Zip-JBinding native library
     * <li>Opens existing archives and returns implementation of {@link IInArchive}
     * <li>Create new archives by providing different implementations of the {@link IOutArchive}
     * </ul>
     * <h3>Initialization of the native library</h3>
     * <p>
     * Typically the library doesn't need an explicit initialization. The first call to an open/create archive method will
     * try to initialize the native library by calling {@link #initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR()} method. This initialization
     * process requires a platform jar to be in a class path. The automatic initialization starts before the first access to
     * an archive, if native library wasn't already initialized manually with one of the <code>initSevenZip...</code>
     * methods. If manual or automatic initialization failed, no further automatic initialization attempts will be made. The
     * initialization status and error messages can be obtained by following methods:
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@link #isInitializedSuccessfully()} - get initialization status</li>
     * <li>{@link #isAutoInitializationWillOccur()} - determine, if an initialization attempt was made</li>
     * <li>{@link #getLastInitializationException()} - get last thrown initialization exception</li>
     * </ul>
     * <br>
     * The platform jar is a additional jar file <code>sevenzipjbinding-<i>Platform</i>.jar</code> with one or more native
     * libraries for respective one or more platforms. Here is some examples of 7-Zip-JBinding platform jar files.
     * <ul>
     * <li><code>sevenzipjbinding-Linux-i386.jar</code> with native library for exact one platform: Linux, 32 bit</li>
     * <li><code>sevenzipjbinding-AllWindows.jar</code> with native libraries for two platforms: Windows 32 and 64 bit</li>
     * <li><code>sevenzipjbinding-AllPlatforms.jar</code> with native libraries for all available platforms</li>
     * </ul>
     * The single and multiple platform jar files can be determined by counting dashes in the filename. Single platform jar
     * files always contain two dashes in their names.<br>
     * <br>
     * Here is a schema of the different initialization processes:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Initialization using platform jar
     * <ul>
     * <li>First, the list of the available native libraries is loaded from the
     * <code>/sevenzipjbinding-platforms.properties</code> file on the class path by calling {@link #getPlatformList()}
     * method. The list is cached in a static variable.</li>
     * <li>The platform is chosen by calling <code>getPlatformBestMatch</code> method. If the list of available platforms
     * contains exact one platform the platform will be always the best match. If more that one platforms are available to
     * choose from, the system properties <code>os.arch</code> and <code>os.name</code> (first part) are used to make the
     * choice.</li>
     * <li>The list of the native libraries is determined by reading
     * <code>/ChosenPlatform/sevenzipjbinding-lib.properties</code> on the class path. The list contains names and hashes of
     * the dynamic libraries located in the <code>/ChosenPlatform/</code> directory in the same jar.</li>
     * <li>The dynamic libraries for the chosen platform are copied to the unique temporary directory using "build-ref"
     * postfix. If not passed as a parameter for one of <code>initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(...)</code> methods, the temporary
     * directory is determined using system property <code>java.io.tmpdir</code>.</li>
     * <li>The dynamic libraries are reused, if the files are already present in the temporary directory and the hash sums
     * are verified
     * <li>The dynamic libraries are loaded into JVM using {@link System#load(String)} method.</li>
     * <li>7-Zip-JBinding native initialization method called to complete initialization process.</li>
     * </ul>
     * <li>Manual initialization
     * <ul>
     * <li>User loads 7-Zip-JBinding native dynamic libraries manually into JVM using {@link System#load(String)} or
     * {@link System#loadLibrary(String)}</li>
     * <li>User calls {@link #initLoadedLibraries()} method to initialize manually loaded native library</li>
     * </ul>
     * </li>
     * </ul>
     * <br>
     * By default the initialization occurred within the
     * {@link AccessController#doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction)} block. This can be overruled by setting
     * <code>sevenzip.no_doprivileged_initialization</code> system property. For example: <blockquote>
     * <code>java -Dsevenzip.no_doprivileged_initialization=1 ...</code> </blockquote>
     * <h3>Temporary artifacts</h3>
     * <p>
     * During automatic initialization of the 7-Zip-JBinding the native libraries from the platform jar must be extracted to
     * the disk in order to be loaded into the JVM. Since the count of the native libraries (depending on the platform) can
     * be greater than one, a temporary sub-directory is created to hold those native libraries. The path to the directory
     * for the temporary artifacts will determined according to following rules (see <code>createOrVerifyTmpDir</code>
     * method):
     * <ul>
     * <li>If path specified directly using <code>tmpDirectory</code> parameter of
     * {@link #initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(File)} or {@link #initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(String, File)} it will be used
     * <li>If no path specified directly, the system property <code>java.io.tmpdir</code> get used
     * <li>If the system property <code>java.io.tmpdir</code> isn't set, an exception get raised
     * </ul>
     * <br>
     * The list of the temporary created artifact can be obtained with {@link #getTemporaryArtifacts()}. By default,
     * 7-Zip-JBinding doesn't delete those artifacts trying to reduce subsequent initialization overhead. If 7-Zip-JBinding
     * finds the native libraries within the temporary directory, it uses those without further verification. In order to
     * allow smoothly updates, the temporary sub-directory with the native libraries named with a unique build reference
     * number. If 7-Zip-JBinding get updated, a new temporary sub-directory get created and the new native libraries will be
     * copied and used.
     * <h3>Opening existing archives</h3>
     * <p>
     * The methods for the opening archive files are
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@link #openInArchive(ArchiveFormat, IInStream)} - simple open archive method.</li>
     * <li>{@link #openInArchive(ArchiveFormat, IInStream, IArchiveOpenCallback)} - generic open archive method. It's
     * possible to open all kinds of archives providing call back object that implements following interfaces
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@link IArchiveOpenCallback} - base interface. Must be implemented by all call back classes</li>
     * <li>{@link ICryptoGetTextPassword} - (optional) Provides password encrypted index</li>
     * <li>{@link IArchiveOpenVolumeCallback} - (optional) Provides information about volumes in multipart archives.
     * Currently used only for multipart <code>RAR</code> archives. For opening multipart <code>7z</code> archives use
     * {@link VolumedArchiveInStream}.</li>
     * </ul>
     * </li>
     * <li>{@link #openInArchive(ArchiveFormat, IInStream, String)} a shortcut method for opening password protected
     * archives with an encrypted index.</li>
     * </ul>
     * <h3>Creating new archives</h3>
     * <p>
     * There are two ways to create a new archive:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Use {@link SevenZip#openOutArchive(ArchiveFormat)} method. It will return an instance of the
     * {@link IOutCreateArchive}{@code <}{@link IOutItemAllFormats}{@code >} interface allowing creation of an archive of
     * any supported archive format. To get all currently supported formats see the 'compression' column of the
     * {@link ArchiveFormat} -JavaDoc.
     * <li>Use one of the <code>SevenZip.openOutArchiveXxx</code> methods, that provide implementations of corresponding
     * archive format specific interfaces. Those interfaces contain all supported configuration methods for selected archive
     * format and are more convenient in cases, where only one archive format should be supported.
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * For more information see {@link IOutCreateArchive}.
     * <h3>Updating existing archives</h3>
     * <p>
     * In order to update an existing archive three simple steps are necessary:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Open the existing archive need to be modified (getting an instance of the {@link IInArchive} interface)
     * <li>Call {@link IInArchive#getConnectedOutArchive()} to get connected instance of the {@link IOutUpdateArchive}
     * interface
     * <li>Call {@link IOutUpdateArchive#updateItems(ISequentialOutStream, int, IOutCreateCallback)} to start the archive
     * update operation
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * During update operation user may copy item properties or item properties and content from the existing archive
     * significantly improving performance comparing to extract and re-compress alternative.<br>
     * <br>
     * For more information see {@link IOutUpdateArchive}.
     * @author Boris Brodski
     * @since 4.65-1
    public class SevenZip {
         * Version information about 7-Zip.
         * @author Boris Brodski
         * @since 9.20-2.00
        public static class Version {
             * Major version of the 7-Zip engine
            public int major;
             * Minor version of the 7-Zip engine
            public int minor;
             * Build id of the 7-Zip engine
            public int build;
             * Formatted version of the 7-Zip engine
            public String version;
             * Version date
            public String date;
             * copyright
            public String copyright;
        // Also change in /CMakeLists.txt
        private static final String SEVENZIPJBINDING_VERSION = "16.02-2.01";
        private static final String SYSTEM_PROPERTY_TMP = "java.io.tmpdir";
        private static final String SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SEVEN_ZIP_NO_DO_PRIVILEGED_INITIALIZATION = "sevenzip.no_doprivileged_initialization";
        private static final String PROPERTY_SEVENZIPJBINDING_LIB_NAME = "lib.%s.name";
        private static final String PROPERTY_SEVENZIPJBINDING_LIB_HASH = "lib.%s.hash";
        private static final String PROPERTY_BUILD_REF = "build.ref";
        private static final String SEVENZIPJBINDING_LIB_PROPERTIES_FILENAME = "sevenzipjbinding-lib.properties";
        private static final String SEVENZIPJBINDING_PLATFORMS_PROPRETIES_FILENAME = "/sevenzipjbinding-platforms.properties";
        private static boolean autoInitializationWillOccur = true;
        private static boolean initializationSuccessful = false;
        private static SevenZipNativeInitializationException lastInitializationException = null;
        private static List<String> availablePlatforms = null;
        private static String usedPlatform = null;
        private static File[] temporaryArtifacts = null;
        private static final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();
         * Hide default constructor
        private SevenZip() {
         * Tests native library initialization status of SevenZipJBinding. Use {@link #getLastInitializationException()}
         * method to get more information in case of initialization failure.
         * @return <code>true</code> 7-Zip-JBinding native library was initialized successfully. Native library wasn't
         * initialized successfully (yet).
         * @see #getLastInitializationException()
         * @see #isAutoInitializationWillOccur()
        public static synchronized boolean isInitializedSuccessfully() {
            return initializationSuccessful;
         * Returns last native library initialization exception, if occurs.
         * @return <code>null</code> - no initialization exception occurred (yet), else initialization exception
         * @see SevenZip#isInitializedSuccessfully()
        public static synchronized Throwable getLastInitializationException() {
            return lastInitializationException;
         * Returns weather automatic initialization will occur or not. Automatic initialization starts before opening an
         * archive, if native library wasn't already initialized manually with one of the <code>initSevenZip...</code>
         * methods. If manual or automatic initialization failed, no further automatic initialization attempts will be made.
         * @return <code>true</code> automatic initialization will occur, <code>false</code> automatic initialization will
         * not occur
         * @see #isInitializedSuccessfully()
         * @see #getLastInitializationException()
        public static synchronized boolean isAutoInitializationWillOccur() {
            return autoInitializationWillOccur;
         * Return the platform used for the initialization. The Platform is one element out of the list of available
         * platforms returned by {@link #getPlatformList()}.
         * @return the platform used for the initialization or <code>null</code> if initialization wasn't performed yet.
         * @see SevenZip#getPlatformList()
        public static synchronized String getUsedPlatform() {
            return usedPlatform;
         * Load list of the available platforms out of <code>sevenzipjbinding-<i>Platform</i>.jar</code> on the class path.
         * @return list of the available platforms
         * @throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException indicated problems finding or parsing platform property file
        public static synchronized List<String> getPlatformList() throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException {
            if (availablePlatforms != null) {
                return availablePlatforms;
            InputStream propertiesInputStream = SevenZip.class
            if (propertiesInputStream == null) {
                throw new SevenZipNativeInitializationException("Can not find 7-Zip-JBinding platform property file "
                        + ". Make sure the 'sevenzipjbinding-<Platform>.jar' file is "
                        + "on the class path or consider initializing SevenZipJBinding manualy using one of "
                        + "the offered initialization methods: 'net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.SevenZip.init*()'");
            Properties properties = new Properties();
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                        "Error loading existing property file " + SEVENZIPJBINDING_PLATFORMS_PROPRETIES_FILENAME);
            List<String> platformList = new ArrayList<String>();
            for (int i = 1; ; i++) {
                String platform = properties.getProperty("platform." + i);
                if (platform == null) {
            return availablePlatforms = platformList;
         * Returns list of the temporary created artifacts (one directory and one or more files within this directory). The
         * directory is always the last element in the array.
         * @return array of {@link File}s.
        public static synchronized File[] getTemporaryArtifacts() {
            return temporaryArtifacts;
         * Initialize native SevenZipJBinding library assuming <code>sevenzipjbinding-<i>Platform</i>.jar</code> on the
         * class path. The platform depended library will be extracted from the jar file and copied to the temporary
         * directory. Then it will be loaded into JVM using {@link System#load(String)} method. Finally the library specific
         * native initialization method will be called. Please see JavaDoc of {@link SevenZip} for detailed information.<br>
         * <br>
         * If libraries for more that one platform exists, the choice will be made by calling
         * {@link #getPlatformBestMatch()} method. Use {@link #initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(String)} to set platform
         * manually.
         * @throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException indicated problems finding a native library, coping it into the temporary directory or loading it.
         * @see SevenZip
         * @see #initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(File)
         * @see #initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(String)
         * @see #initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(String, File)
        public static void initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR() throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException {
            initSevenZipFromPlatformJARIntern(null, null);
         * Initialize native SevenZipJBinding library assuming <code>sevenzipjbinding-<i>Platform</i>.jar</code> on the
         * class path. The platform depended library will be extracted from the jar file and copied to the temporary
         * directory. Then it will be loaded into JVM using {@link System#load(String)} method. Finally the library specific
         * native initialization method will be called. Please see JavaDoc of {@link SevenZip} for detailed information.<br>
         * <br>
         * If libraries for more that one platform exists, the choice will be made by calling
         * {@link #getPlatformBestMatch()} method. Use {@link #initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(String)} to set platform
         * manually.
         * @param tmpDirectory temporary directory to copy native libraries to. This directory must be writable and contain at least
         *                     2 MB free space.
         * @throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException indicated problems finding a native library, coping it into the temporary directory or loading it.
         * @see SevenZip
         * @see #initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR()
         * @see #initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(String)
         * @see #initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(String, File)
        public static void initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(File tmpDirectory) throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException {
            initSevenZipFromPlatformJARIntern(null, tmpDirectory);
         * Initialize native SevenZipJBinding library assuming <code>sevenzipjbinding-<i>Platform</i>.jar</code> on the
         * class path. The platform depended library will be extracted from the jar file and copied to the temporary
         * directory. Then it will be loaded into JVM using {@link System#load(String)} method. Finally the library specific
         * native initialization method will be called. Please see JavaDoc of {@link SevenZip} for detailed information.<br>
         * <br>
         * If libraries for more that one platform exists, the choice will be made by calling
         * {@link #getPlatformBestMatch()} method. Use {@link #initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(String)} to set platform
         * manually.
         * @param tmpDirectory temporary directory to copy native libraries to. This directory must be writable and contain at least
         *                     2 MB free space.
         * @param platform     Platform to load native library for. The platform must be one of the elements of the list of available
         *                     platforms returned by {@link #getPlatformList()}.
         * @throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException indicated problems finding a native library, coping it into the temporary directory or loading it.
         * @see SevenZip
         * @see #initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR()
         * @see #initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(File)
         * @see #initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(String)
         * @see #getPlatformList()
        public static void initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(String platform, File tmpDirectory)
                throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException {
            initSevenZipFromPlatformJARIntern(platform, tmpDirectory);
         * Initialize native SevenZipJBinding library assuming <code>sevenzipjbinding-<i>Platform</i>.jar</code> on the
         * class path. The platform depended library will be extracted from the jar file and copied to the temporary
         * directory. Then it will be loaded into JVM using {@link System#load(String)} method. Finally the library specific
         * native initialization method will be called. Please see JavaDoc of {@link SevenZip} for detailed information.<br>
         * <br>
         * If libraries for more that one platform exists, the choice will be made by calling
         * {@link #getPlatformBestMatch()} method. Use {@link #initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(String)} to set platform
         * manually.
         * @param platform Platform to load native library for. The platform must be one of the elements of the list of available
         *                 platforms returned by {@link #getPlatformList()}.
         * @throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException indicated problems finding a native library, coping it into the temporary directory or loading it.
         * @see SevenZip
         * @see #initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR()
         * @see #initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(File)
         * @see #initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(String, File)
         * @see #getPlatformList()
        public static void initSevenZipFromPlatformJAR(String platform) throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException {
            initSevenZipFromPlatformJARIntern(platform, null);
         * Perform the initialization: read platform property jar and retrieve list of available platforms. Pick best
         * platform or use chosen by parameter platform. Locate <code>sevenzipjbinding-lib.properties</code> property file,
         * read list of native libraries needed to load. Copy native library to the temporary directory passed by parameter
         * or using <code>java.io.tmpdir</code> system property. Load native libraries into JVM. Call 7-Zip-JBinding native
         * library initialization function.
         * @param platform     (optional) platform to use or <code>null</code>.
         * @param tmpDirectory (optional) temporary directory to use or <code>null</code>.
         * @throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException by initialization failure
        private static synchronized void initSevenZipFromPlatformJARIntern(String platform, File tmpDirectory)
                throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException {
            try {
                autoInitializationWillOccur = false;
                if (initializationSuccessful) {
                    // Native library was already initialized successfully. No need for further initialization.
                Properties properties = loadSevenZipJBindingLibProperties();
                File tmpDirFile = createOrVerifyTmpDir(tmpDirectory);
                File sevenZipJBindingTmpDir = getOrCreateSevenZipJBindingTmpDir(tmpDirFile, properties);
                List<File> nativeLibraries = copyOrSkipLibraries(properties, sevenZipJBindingTmpDir);
            } catch (SevenZipNativeInitializationException sevenZipNativeInitializationException) {
                lastInitializationException = sevenZipNativeInitializationException;
                throw sevenZipNativeInitializationException;
        private static void determineAndSetUsedPlatform(String platform) throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException {
            if (platform == null) {
                usedPlatform = getPlatformBestMatch();
            } else {
                usedPlatform = platform;
        private static Properties loadSevenZipJBindingLibProperties() throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException {
            String pathInJAR = "/" + usedPlatform + "/";
            // Load 'sevenzipjbinding-lib.properties'
            InputStream sevenZipJBindingLibProperties = SevenZip.class
                    .getResourceAsStream(pathInJAR + SEVENZIPJBINDING_LIB_PROPERTIES_FILENAME);
            if (sevenZipJBindingLibProperties == null) {
                throwInitException("error loading property file '" + pathInJAR + SEVENZIPJBINDING_LIB_PROPERTIES_FILENAME
                        + "' from a jar-file 'sevenzipjbinding-<Platform>.jar'. Is the platform jar-file not on the class path?");
            Properties properties = new Properties();
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throwInitException("error loading property file '" + SEVENZIPJBINDING_LIB_PROPERTIES_FILENAME
                        + "' from a jar-file 'sevenzipjbinding-<Platform>.jar'");
            return properties;
        private static File createOrVerifyTmpDir(File tmpDirectory) throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException {
            File tmpDirFile;
            if (tmpDirectory != null) {
                tmpDirFile = tmpDirectory;
            } else {
                String systemPropertyTmp = System.getProperty(SYSTEM_PROPERTY_TMP);
                if (systemPropertyTmp == null) {
                    throwInitException("can't determinte tmp directory. Use may use -D" + SYSTEM_PROPERTY_TMP
                            + "=<path to tmp dir> parameter for jvm to fix this.");
                tmpDirFile = new File(systemPropertyTmp);
            if (!tmpDirFile.exists() || !tmpDirFile.isDirectory()) {
                throwInitException("invalid tmp directory '" + tmpDirectory + "'");
            if (!tmpDirFile.canWrite()) {
                throwInitException("can't create files in '" + tmpDirFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
            return tmpDirFile;
        private static File getOrCreateSevenZipJBindingTmpDir(File tmpDirFile, Properties properties)
                throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException {
            String buildRef = getOrGenerateBuildRef(properties);
            File tmpSubdirFile = new File(tmpDirFile.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "SevenZipJBinding-" + buildRef);
            if (!tmpSubdirFile.exists()) {
                if (!tmpSubdirFile.mkdir()) {
                    throwInitException("Directory '" + tmpDirFile.getAbsolutePath() + "' couldn't be created");
            return tmpSubdirFile;
        private static String getOrGenerateBuildRef(Properties properties) {
            String buildRef = properties.getProperty(PROPERTY_BUILD_REF);
            if (buildRef == null) {
                buildRef = Integer.toString(new Random().nextInt(10000000));
            return buildRef;
        private static List<File> copyOrSkipLibraries(Properties properties, File sevenZipJBindingTmpDir)
                throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException {
            List<File> nativeLibraries = new ArrayList<File>(5);
            for (int i = 1; ; i++) {
                String propertyName = String.format(PROPERTY_SEVENZIPJBINDING_LIB_NAME, Integer.valueOf(i));
                String propertyHash = String.format(PROPERTY_SEVENZIPJBINDING_LIB_HASH, Integer.valueOf(i));
                String libName = properties.getProperty(propertyName);
                String libHash = properties.getProperty(propertyHash);
                if (libName == null) {
                    if (nativeLibraries.size() == 0) {
                        throwInitException("property file '" + SEVENZIPJBINDING_LIB_PROPERTIES_FILENAME
                                + "' from 'sevenzipjbinding-<Platform>.jar' missing property '" + propertyName + "'");
                    } else {
                if (libHash == null) {
                    throwInitException("property file '" + SEVENZIPJBINDING_LIB_PROPERTIES_FILENAME
                            + "' from 'sevenzipjbinding-<Platform>.jar' missing property " + propertyHash
                            + " containing the hash for the library '" + libName + "'");
                File libTmpFile = new File(sevenZipJBindingTmpDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar + libName);
                if (!libTmpFile.exists() || !hashMatched(libTmpFile, libHash)) {
                    InputStream libInputStream = SevenZip.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + usedPlatform + "/" + libName);
                    if (libInputStream == null) {
                        throwInitException("error loading native library '" + libName
                                + "' from a jar-file 'sevenzipjbinding-<Platform>.jar'.");
                    copyLibraryToFS(libTmpFile, libInputStream);
            applyTemporaryArtifacts(sevenZipJBindingTmpDir, nativeLibraries);
            return nativeLibraries;
        private static boolean hashMatched(File libTmpFile, String libHash) throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException {
            MessageDigest digest;
            try {
                digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");
            } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
                throwInitException(e, "Error initializing SHA1 algorithm");
                return false;
            FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;
            try {
                fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(libTmpFile);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throwInitException(e, "Error opening library file from the temp directory for reading: '"//
                        + libTmpFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
                return false;
            boolean ok = false;
            try {
                byte[] buffer = new byte[128 * 1024];
                while (true) {
                    int length;
                    try {
                        length = fileInputStream.read(buffer);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throwInitException(e, "Error reading from library file opened from the temp directory: '"
                                + libTmpFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
                        return false;
                    if (length <= 0) {
                    digest.update(buffer, 0, length);
                boolean result = byteArrayToHex(digest.digest()).equals(libHash.trim().toLowerCase());
                ok = true;
                return result;
            } finally {
                if (fileInputStream != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        if (ok) {
                                    "Error closing library file from the temp directory (opened for reading): '"
                                            + libTmpFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
        private static String byteArrayToHex(byte[] byteArray) {
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < byteArray.length; i++) {
                stringBuilder.append(Integer.toHexString(0xFF & byteArray[i]));
            return stringBuilder.toString();
        private static void applyTemporaryArtifacts(File sevenZipJBindingTmpDir, List<File> nativeLibraries) {
            temporaryArtifacts = new File[nativeLibraries.size() + 1];
            temporaryArtifacts[temporaryArtifacts.length - 1] = sevenZipJBindingTmpDir;
        private static void loadNativeLibraries(List<File> libraryList) throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException {
            // Load native libraries in to reverse order
            for (int i = libraryList.size() - 1; i != -1; i--) {
                String libraryFileName = libraryList.get(i).getAbsolutePath();
                try {
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    throw new SevenZipNativeInitializationException(
                            "7-Zip-JBinding initialization failed: Error loading native library: '" + libraryFileName + "'",
         * Initialize 7-Zip-JBinding native library without loading libraries in JVM first. Prevent automatic loading of
         * 7-Zip-JBinding native libraries into JVM. This method will only call 7-Zip-JBinding internal initialization
         * method, considering all needed native libraries as loaded. It method is useful, if the java application wants to
         * load 7-Zip-JBinding native libraries manually.
         * @throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException in case of an initialization error
        public static synchronized void initLoadedLibraries() throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException {
            if (initializationSuccessful) {
            autoInitializationWillOccur = false;
        private static void nativeInitialization() throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException {
            String doPrivileged = System.getProperty(SYSTEM_PROPERTY_SEVEN_ZIP_NO_DO_PRIVILEGED_INITIALIZATION);
            final String errorMessage[] = new String[1];
            final Throwable throwable[] = new Throwable[1];
            if (doPrivileged == null || doPrivileged.trim().equals("0")) {
                AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
                    public Void run() {
                        try {
                            errorMessage[0] = nativeInitSevenZipLibrary();
                        } catch (Throwable e) {
                            throwable[0] = e;
                        return null;
            } else {
                errorMessage[0] = nativeInitSevenZipLibrary();
            if (errorMessage[0] != null || throwable[0] != null) {
                String message = errorMessage[0];
                if (message == null) {
                    message = "No message";
                lastInitializationException = new SevenZipNativeInitializationException(
                        "Error initializing 7-Zip-JBinding: " + message, throwable[0]);
                throw lastInitializationException;
            initializationSuccessful = true;
         * Open archive of type <code>archiveFormat</code> from the input stream <code>inStream</code> using 'archive open
         * call back' listener <code>archiveOpenCallback</code>. To open archive from the file, use
         * {@link RandomAccessFileInStream}.
         * @param archiveFormat       format of archive
         * @param inStream            input stream to open archive from
         * @param archiveOpenCallback archive open call back listener to use. You can optionally implement {@link ICryptoGetTextPassword} to
         *                            specify password to use.
         * @return implementation of {@link IInArchive} which represents opened archive.
         * @throws SevenZipException    7-Zip or 7-Zip-JBinding error occur. Use {@link SevenZipException#printStackTraceExtended()} to get
         *                              stack traces of this SevenZipException and of the all thrown 'cause by' exceptions.
         * @throws NullPointerException is thrown, if inStream is null
         * @see #openInArchive(ArchiveFormat, IInStream, IArchiveOpenCallback)
         * @see #openInArchive(ArchiveFormat, IInStream, String)
        public static IInArchive openInArchive(ArchiveFormat archiveFormat, IInStream inStream,
                                               IArchiveOpenCallback archiveOpenCallback) throws SevenZipException {
            IArchiveOpenCallback openArchiveCallbackToUse = archiveOpenCallback;
            if (openArchiveCallbackToUse == null) {
                // TODO Test this!
                openArchiveCallbackToUse = new DummyOpenArchiveCallback();
            if (archiveFormat != null) {
                return callNativeOpenArchive(archiveFormat, inStream, openArchiveCallbackToUse);
            return callNativeOpenArchive(null, inStream, openArchiveCallbackToUse);
         * Open archive of type <code>archiveFormat</code> from the input stream <code>inStream</code> using 'archive open
         * call-back' listener <code>archiveOpenCallback</code>. To open archive from the file, use
         * {@link RandomAccessFileInStream}.
         * @param archiveFormat   format of archive
         * @param inStream        input stream to open archive from
         * @param passwordForOpen password to use. Warning: this password will not be used to extract item from archive but only to open
         *                        archive. (7-zip format supports encrypted filename)
         * @return implementation of {@link IInArchive} which represents opened archive.
         * @throws SevenZipException    7-Zip or 7-Zip-JBinding error occur. Use {@link SevenZipException#printStackTraceExtended()} to get
         *                              stack traces of this SevenZipException and of the all thrown 'cause by' exceptions.
         * @throws NullPointerException is thrown, if inStream is null
         * @see #openInArchive(ArchiveFormat, IInStream)
         * @see #openInArchive(ArchiveFormat, IInStream, IArchiveOpenCallback)
        public static IInArchive openInArchive(ArchiveFormat archiveFormat, IInStream inStream, String passwordForOpen)
                throws SevenZipException {
            if (passwordForOpen == null) {
                return openInArchive(archiveFormat, inStream);
            return callNativeOpenArchive(archiveFormat, inStream, new ArchiveOpenCryptoCallback(passwordForOpen));
         * Open archive of type <code>archiveFormat</code> from the input stream <code>inStream</code>. To open archive from
         * the file, use {@link RandomAccessFileInStream}.
         * @param archiveFormat (optional) format of archive. If <code>null</code> archive format will be auto-detected.
         * @param inStream      input stream to open archive from
         * @return implementation of {@link IInArchive} which represents opened archive.
         * @throws SevenZipException    7-Zip or 7-Zip-JBinding error occur. Use {@link SevenZipException#printStackTraceExtended()} to get
         *                              stack traces of this SevenZipException and of the all thrown 'cause by' exceptions.
         * @throws NullPointerException is thrown, if inStream is null
         * @see #openInArchive(ArchiveFormat, IInStream)
         * @see #openInArchive(ArchiveFormat, IInStream, String)
        public static IInArchive openInArchive(ArchiveFormat archiveFormat, IInStream inStream) throws SevenZipException {
            return callNativeOpenArchive(archiveFormat, inStream, new DummyOpenArchiveCallback());
        private static void ensureLibraryIsInitialized() {
            if (autoInitializationWillOccur) {
                autoInitializationWillOccur = false;
                try {
                } catch (SevenZipNativeInitializationException exception) {
                    lastInitializationException = exception;
                    throw new RuntimeException(
                            "SevenZipJBinding couldn't be initialized automaticly using initialization "
                                    + "from platform depended JAR and the default temporary directory. Please, "
                                    + "make sure the correct 'sevenzipjbinding-<Platform>.jar' file is "
                                    + "on the class path or consider initializing SevenZipJBinding manualy using one of "
                                    + "the offered initialization methods: 'net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.SevenZip.init*()'",
            if (!initializationSuccessful) {
                throw new RuntimeException("SevenZipJBinding wasn't initialized successfully last time.",
        private static void throwInitException(String message) throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException {
            throwInitException(null, message);
        private static void throwInitException(Exception exception, String message)
                throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException {
            throw new SevenZipNativeInitializationException("Error loading SevenZipJBinding native library into JVM: "
                    + message + " [You may also try different SevenZipJBinding initialization methods "
                    + "'net.sf.sevenzipjbinding.SevenZip.init*()' in order to solve this problem] ", exception);
        private static void copyLibraryToFS(File toLibTmpFile, InputStream fromLibInputStream) {
            if (!toLibTmpFile.exists()) {
                // 使用锁来确保只有一个线程执行
                FileOutputStream libTmpOutputStream = null;
                try {
                    libTmpOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(toLibTmpFile);
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[65536];
                    while (true) {
                        int read = fromLibInputStream.read(buffer);
                        if (read > 0) {
                            libTmpOutputStream.write(buffer, 0, read);
                        } else {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Error initializing SevenZipJBinding native library: "
                            + "can't copy native library out of a resource file to the temporary location: '"
                            + toLibTmpFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'", e);
                } finally {
                    try {
                        if (fromLibInputStream != null) {
                        if (libTmpOutputStream != null) {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        // Ignore errors here
            } else {
                System.out.println("toLibTmpFile exist" + toLibTmpFile.getAbsolutePath());
         * Return best match for the current platform out of available platforms <code>availablePlatform</code>
         * @return platform
         * @throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException is no platform could be chosen
         * @see #getPlatformList()
        public static String getPlatformBestMatch() throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException {
            List<String> availablePlatform = getPlatformList();
            if (availablePlatform.size() == 1) {
                return availablePlatform.get(0);
            String arch = System.getProperty("os.arch");
            String system = System.getProperty("os.name").split(" ")[0];
            if (availablePlatform.contains(system + "-" + arch)) {
                return system + "-" + arch;
            // TODO allow fuzzy matches
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder("Can't find suited platform for os.arch=");
            stringBuilder.append(", os.name=");
            stringBuilder.append("... Available list of platforms: ");
            for (String platform : availablePlatform) {
                stringBuilder.append(", ");
            stringBuilder.setLength(stringBuilder.length() - 2);
            return null; // Will never happen
        private static IInArchive callNativeOpenArchive(ArchiveFormat archiveFormat, IInStream inStream,
                                                        IArchiveOpenCallback archiveOpenCallback) throws SevenZipException {
            if (inStream == null) {
                throw new NullPointerException("SevenZip.callNativeOpenArchive(...): inStream parameter is null");
            return nativeOpenArchive(archiveFormat, inStream, archiveOpenCallback);
        private static native IInArchive nativeOpenArchive(ArchiveFormat archiveFormat, IInStream inStream,
                                                           IArchiveOpenCallback archiveOpenCallback) throws SevenZipException;
        private static native void nativeCreateArchive(OutArchiveImpl<?> outArchiveImpl, ArchiveFormat archiveFormat)
                throws SevenZipException;
        private static native String nativeInitSevenZipLibrary() throws SevenZipNativeInitializationException;
        private static native int nativeGetVersionMajor();
        private static native int nativeGetVersionMinor();
        private static native int nativeGetVersionBuild();
        private static native String nativeGetVersionVersion();
        private static native String nativeGetVersionDate();
        private static native String nativeGetVersionCopyright();
         * Return information about native 7-Zip engine.
         * @return Version
        public static Version getSevenZipVersion() {
            Version version = new Version();
            version.major = nativeGetVersionMajor();
            version.minor = nativeGetVersionMinor();
            version.build = nativeGetVersionBuild();
            version.version = nativeGetVersionVersion();
            version.date = nativeGetVersionDate();
            version.copyright = nativeGetVersionCopyright();
            return version;
         * Return version of the 7-Zip-JBinding.
         * @return version of the 7-Zip-JBinding
        public static String getSevenZipJBindingVersion() {
         * Create a new Zip archive.
         * @return an out-archive object initialized to create the new Zip archive
         * @throws SevenZipException 7-Zip or 7-Zip-JBinding error occur. Use {@link SevenZipException#printStackTraceExtended()} to get
         *                           stack traces of this SevenZipException and of the all thrown 'cause by' exceptions.
         * @see IOutCreateArchiveZip
        public static IOutCreateArchiveZip openOutArchiveZip() throws SevenZipException {
            return (IOutCreateArchiveZip) openOutArchiveIntern(ArchiveFormat.ZIP);
         * Create a new 7z archive.
         * @return an out-archive object initialized to create the new 7z archive
         * @throws SevenZipException 7-Zip or 7-Zip-JBinding error occur. Use {@link SevenZipException#printStackTraceExtended()} to get
         *                           stack traces of this SevenZipException and of the all thrown 'cause by' exceptions.
         * @see IOutCreateArchive7z
        public static IOutCreateArchive7z openOutArchive7z() throws SevenZipException {
            return (IOutCreateArchive7z) openOutArchiveIntern(ArchiveFormat.SEVEN_ZIP);
         * Create a new 7z archive.
         * @return an out-archive object initialized to create the new 7z archive
         * @throws SevenZipException 7-Zip or 7-Zip-JBinding error occur. Use {@link SevenZipException#printStackTraceExtended()} to get
         *                           stack traces of this SevenZipException and of the all thrown 'cause by' exceptions.
         * @see IOutCreateArchiveTar
        public static IOutCreateArchiveTar openOutArchiveTar() throws SevenZipException {
            return (IOutCreateArchiveTar) openOutArchiveIntern(ArchiveFormat.TAR);
         * Create a new BZip2 archive.
         * @return an out-archive object initialized to create the new BZip2 archive
         * @throws SevenZipException 7-Zip or 7-Zip-JBinding error occur. Use {@link SevenZipException#printStackTraceExtended()} to get
         *                           stack traces of this SevenZipException and of the all thrown 'cause by' exceptions.
         * @see IOutCreateArchiveBZip2
        public static IOutCreateArchiveBZip2 openOutArchiveBZip2() throws SevenZipException {
            return (IOutCreateArchiveBZip2) openOutArchiveIntern(ArchiveFormat.BZIP2);
         * Create a new GZip archive.
         * @return an out-archive object initialized to create the new GZip archive
         * @throws SevenZipException 7-Zip or 7-Zip-JBinding error occur. Use {@link SevenZipException#printStackTraceExtended()} to get
         *                           stack traces of this SevenZipException and of the all thrown 'cause by' exceptions.
         * @see IOutCreateArchiveGZip
        public static IOutCreateArchiveGZip openOutArchiveGZip() throws SevenZipException {
            return (IOutCreateArchiveGZip) openOutArchiveIntern(ArchiveFormat.GZIP);
         * Create a new archive of type <code>archiveFormat</code>.
         * @param archiveFormat archive format of the new archive
         * @return an out-archive object initialized to create the new archive
         * @throws SevenZipException 7-Zip or 7-Zip-JBinding error occur. Use {@link SevenZipException#printStackTraceExtended()} to get
         *                           stack traces of this SevenZipException and of the all thrown 'cause by' exceptions.
         * @see IOutCreateArchiveZip
        public static IOutCreateArchive<IOutItemAllFormats> openOutArchive(ArchiveFormat archiveFormat)
                throws SevenZipException {
            return (IOutCreateArchive<IOutItemAllFormats>) openOutArchiveIntern(archiveFormat);
        private static OutArchiveImpl<?> openOutArchiveIntern(ArchiveFormat archiveFormat) throws SevenZipException {
            if (!archiveFormat.isOutArchiveSupported()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Archive format '" + archiveFormat + "' doesn't support archive creation.");
            OutArchiveImpl<?> outArchiveImpl;
            try {
                outArchiveImpl = archiveFormat.getOutArchiveImplementation().newInstance();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Internal error: Can't create new instance of the class "
                        + archiveFormat.getOutArchiveImplementation() + " using default constructor.");
            nativeCreateArchive(outArchiveImpl, archiveFormat);
            return outArchiveImpl;
        private static class DummyOpenArchiveCallback implements IArchiveOpenCallback, ICryptoGetTextPassword {
             * {@inheritDoc}
            public void setCompleted(Long files, Long bytes) {
             * {@inheritDoc}
            public void setTotal(Long files, Long bytes) {
             * {@inheritDoc}
            public String cryptoGetTextPassword() throws SevenZipException {
                throw new SevenZipException("No password was provided for opening protected archive.");
        private static final class ArchiveOpenCryptoCallback implements IArchiveOpenCallback, ICryptoGetTextPassword {
            private final String passwordForOpen;
            public ArchiveOpenCryptoCallback(String passwordForOpen) {
                this.passwordForOpen = passwordForOpen;
            public void setCompleted(Long files, Long bytes) {
            public void setTotal(Long files, Long bytes) {
            public String cryptoGetTextPassword() throws SevenZipException {
                return passwordForOpen;





          本文标题:如何解决解压报initializing SevenZipJBin
