2020-04-26 wvs linux help

2020-04-26 wvs linux help

作者: 水泥中的鱼 | 来源:发表于2020-04-26 16:30 被阅读0次

wvs的linux版本v_200217097的help,不要疑惑真的就写的是是 wvsc.exe


Acunetix Console Application (c) Acunetix Ltd.

    wvsc.exe /scan http://testphp.vulnweb.com /profile Default /status /log logfile.txt

    /help, /h
        Show this help screen

    /scan <URL>, /s <URL>
        Initiate a scan starting with the URL specified

    /profile <scanning profile>, /p <scanning profile>
        The scan profile to use for scanning

    /status [http://base_url|filename]
        Base URL of the status API. You can specify either a URL or a filename. If no URL or
        filename is specified, the JSON will be written to standard output as a newline separated
        JSON stream

    /log [filename]
        Enable application logging. By default scanner will work without any output to the console.
        If no filename is specified, the standard output will be used for logging

    /log-level <level>
        Minimum log level to appear in logs. Possible values are:
            - debug
            - info
            - warn
            - error
        Default value is "warn"

    /settings <filename>
        The settings file to use for this scan. Can be a partial settings XML file with the
        required options set

    /load <filename>
        Load scan state and continue scanning

    /authentication <username> [password], /a <username> [password]
        Specify HTTP protocol level authentication

    /autologin <username> [password], /l <username> [password]
        Specify credentials for automatic use of login form found on the target

    /login-sequence <filename>, /ls <filename>
        Specify a login sequence to be used

        If your login sequence has manual step use this option to allow the scanner CLI to
        start the manual login window.

    /sensor-key <AcuSensor key>
        Specify an AcuSensor key to be used while scanning

    /import <filename> [<filename> ...]
        Specify file(s) to be imported during the crawl

    /time-limit <scan-limit>
        Specify limit in minutes after which the scan should be automatically aborted

    /dmpdir <folder>
       Specify a folder in which the bug report will be written in case of a crash

Example usage:
    Scan http://testphp.vulnweb.com for Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities outputting the status
    on the standard output and saving the log into logfile.txt.
        wvsc.exe /scan http://testphp.vulnweb.com /profile xss /status /log logfile.txt

    Scan http://app.example.com/ with default profile sending the status to
        wvsc.exe /scan http://app.example.com/ /status http://status.example.com/scan/1

    Scan http://www.example.com/ with default profile using my.xml as settings and my.lsr as the
    login sequence. When scan is completed save as scan.wvs
        wvsc.exe /scan http://www.example.com/ /ls my.lsr /status /save scan.wvs



      本文标题:2020-04-26 wvs linux help
