Low self-esteem frequently manifests as chronic reassurance-seeking.
When we feel bad, we want to feel better. When we’re worried, we want to know that things will turn out alright. When we’re sad we want to feel happier and more energized. Unfortunately, many people get stuck in the habit of relying on other people’s reassurances in order to feel better. This is a problem because….
Reliance on others for emotional support leads to emotional fragility in the long-run.
Of course, we all benefit from the support of people around us. But when you rely on it, you give up the opportunity to practice those essential skills for yourself. And the result: low confidence in your own ability to handle stressors and challenges. And eventually, low self-esteem along with it.
There’s nothing wrong with asking for support when you really need it. But it’s unwise to rely on it.