【Hybrid开发高级系列】ReactNative(五) ——

【Hybrid开发高级系列】ReactNative(五) ——

作者: Kevin_Junbaozi | 来源:发表于2018-05-22 23:33 被阅读13次

    1 高级开发技巧

    1.1 嵌入到现有原生应用

    1.1.1 核心概念

            如果你正准备从头开始制作一个新的应用,那么React Native会是个非常好的选择。但如果你只想给现有的原生应用中添加一两个视图或是业务流程,React Native也同样不在话下。只需简单几步,你就可以给原有应用加上新的基于React Native的特性、画面和视图等。

            把React Native组件植入到iOS应用中有如下几个要点:

        1、首先当然要了解你要植入的React Native组件。

        2、Create a Podfile with subspecs for all the React Native components you will need for your integration.

        3、Create your actual React Native components in JavaScript.

        4、Add a new event handler that creates a RCTRootView that points to your React Native

    component and its AppRegistry name that you defined in index.ios.js.

        5、Start the ReactNative server and run your native application.

        6、Optionally add more React Native components.


        8、Prepare for deployment(e.g., via the react-native-xcode.shscript).

        9、Deploy andProfit!

    1.1.2 开发环境准备(老版本构建方式) 基础环境

            First, follow the 开发环境搭建教程 for your development environment and the iOS target platform to install the prerequisites for React Native. CocoaPods

            CocoaPods是针对iOS和Mac开发的包管理工具。我们用它来把React Native框架的代码下载下来并添加到你当前的项目中。

    $ sudo gem install cocoapods

            从技术上来讲,我们完全可以跳过CocoaPods,但是这样一来我们就需要手工来完成很多配置项。CocoaPods可以帮我们完成这些繁琐的工作。 安装依赖包ReactJS、RN

            React Native integration requires both the React and React Native node modules. The ReactNative Framework will provide the code to allow your application integration to happen.



    file. Create this file in the root of your project if it does not exist.

            Normally with React Native projects, you will put files like package.json, index.ios.js, etc. in the root directory of your project and then have your iOS specific native code in a subdirectory like ios/ where your Xcode project is located (e.g., .xcodeproj).

            Below is an example of what your package.json file should minimally contain. Version numbers will vary according to your needs. Normally the latest versions for both React and React Native will be sufficient.


      "name" : "NumberTileGame",

      "version" : "0.0.1",

      "private" : true,

      "scripts" : {

        "start" : "node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start"


      "dependencies": {

        "react" : "15.0.2",

        "react-native" : "0.26.1"




            使用npm(node包管理器,Node package manager)来安装React和React Native模块。modules via the Node package manager. The Node modules will be installed into anode_modules/directory in the root of your project.

    # From the directory containing package.json project, install the modules

    # The modules will be installed in node_modules/

    $ npm install CocoaPods安装

            React Native框架自身也是作为node模块安装到项目中的。Framework was installed as Node module in your project above. We will now install a CocoaPods Podfile with the components you want to use from the framework itself.


            在你开始把React Native植入到你的应用中之前,首先要决定具体整合的是React Native框架中的哪些部分。而这就是subspec要做的工作。在创建Podfile文件的时候,就需要指定具体安装哪些React Native的依赖库。所指定的每一个库就都称为一个subspect。 

            into your application, you will want to decide what parts of the React Native Framework you would like to integrate. That is where subspecs come in. When you create your Podfile, you are going to specify React Native library dependencies that you will want installed so that your application can use those libraries. Each library will become a subspec in the Podfile.

            The list of supported subspecs are in node_modules/react-native/React.podspec. They are generally named by functionality. For example, you will generally always want theCore subspec. That will get you the AppRegistry, StyleSheet, View and other core React Native libraries. If you want to add the React Native Text library (e.g., for <Text> elements), then you will need the RCTText subspec. If you want the Image library (e.g., for <Image> elements),,then you will need the RCTImage subspec.


            After you have used Node to install the React and React Native frameworks into the node_modules directory, and you have decided on what React Native elements you want to integrate, you are ready to create your Podfile so you can install those components for use in your application.

            The easiest way to create a Podfile is by using the CocoaPods init command in the native iOS code directory of your project:

    ## In the directory where your native iOS code is located

    (e.g., where your `.xcodeproj` file is located)

    $ pod init

            Podfile will be created and saved in the iOS directory (e.g., ios/) of your current project and will contain a boilerplate setup that you will tweak for your integration purposes. In the end, Podfile should look something similar to this:

    # The target name is most likely the name of your project.

    target 'NumberTileGame' do

      # Your 'node_modules' directory is probably in the root of your project,

      # but if not, adjust the `:path` accordingly

      pod 'React', :path => '../node_modules/react-native', :subspecs=> [



        'RCTWebSocket', # needed for debugging

        # Add any other subspecs you want to use in your project


    end Pod安装

            创建好了Podfile后,就可以开始安装React Native pod了。

    $ pod install

            然后你应该可以看到类似下面的输出(译注:同样由于众所周知的网络原因,pod install的过程在国内非常不顺利,请自行配备稳定的翻墙工具,或是尝试一些镜像源):

    Analyzing dependencies

    Fetching podspec for`React` from `../node_modules/react-native`

    Downloading dependencies

    Installing React (0.26.0)

    Generating Pods project

    Integrating client project

    Sending stats

    Pod installation complete! There are 3 dependencies from the Podfile and 1 total pod installed.

    1.1.3 代码集成

            Now that we have a package foundation, we will actually modify the native application to integrate React Native into the application. For our 2048 app, we will add a"High Score" screen in React Native. React Native组件

            The first bit of code we will write is the actual React Native code for the new "HighScore" screen that will be integrated into our application 创建一个index.ios.js文件


    index.ios.js is the starting point for React Native applications on iOS. And it is always required. It can be a small file that requires other file that are part of your React Native component or application, or it can contain all the code that is needed for it. In our case, we will just put everything in index.ios.js

    # In root of your project

    $ touch index.ios.js 添加你自己的ReactNative代码

            在index.ios.js中添加你自己的组件。, create your component. In our sample here, we will add simple component within a styled


    'use strict';

    import React from 'react';






    } from 'react-native';

    class RNHighScores extends React.Component{

      render() {

        var contents = this.props["scores"].map(

          score =>{score.name}:{score.value}{"\n"}


        return (

            <View style={styles.container} >

                <Text style={styles.highScoresTitle} >

                    2048 HighScores!


                <Text style={styles.scores}>







    const styles = StyleSheet.create({

      container: {

        flex: 1,

        justifyContent: 'center',

        alignItems: 'center',

       backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',



        fontSize: 20,

        textAlign: 'center',

        margin: 10,


      scores: {

        textAlign: 'center',

        color: '#333333',

        marginBottom: 5,



    // Module name

    AppRegistry.registerComponent('RNHighScores', () =>RNHighScores);

            RNHighScores is the name of your module that will be used when you add a view to React Native from within your iOS application. The Magic: RCTRootView

            Now that your React Native component is created via index.ios.js, you need to add that component to a new or existing ViewController. The easiest path to take is to optionally create an event path to your component and then add that component to an existing ViewController.

            We will tie our React Native component with a new native view in the ViewController that will actually host it called RCTRootView. Create an Event Path

            You can add a new link on the main game menu to go to the "High Score" React Native page. 事件处理

            We will now add an event handler from the menu link. A method will be added to the main ViewController of your application. This is where RCTRootView comes into play.

            When you build a React Native application, you use the React Native packager to create an index.ios.bundle that will be served by the React Native server. Inside index.ios.bundle will be our RNHighScore module. So, we need to point our RCTRootView to the location of the index.ios.bundle resource (via NSURL) and tie it to the module.

            We will, for debugging purposes, log that the event handler was invoked. Then, we will create a string with the location of our React Native code that exists inside the index.ios.bundle. Finally, we will create the main RCTRootView. Notice how we provide RNHighScores as the moduleName that we created above when writing the code for our React Native component.

            First import the RCTRootViewlibrary.

    #import "RCTRootView.h"

    The initialProperties are here for illustration purposes so we have some data for our high score screen. In our React Native component, we will use this.props to get access to that data.

    - (IBAction)highScoreButtonPressed:(id)sender {

        NSLog(@"High Score Button Pressed");

        NSURL *jsCodeLocation = [NSURL URLWithString: @"http://localhost:8081/index.ios.bundle?platform=ios"];

        RCTRootView*rootView = [[RCTRootView alloc] initWithBundleURL: jsCodeLocation moduleName: @"RNHighScores" initialProperties:


                                   @"scores": @[


                                       @"name" : @"Alex",

                                       @"value": @"42"



                                       @"name" : @"Joel",

                                       @"value": @"10"




                               launchOptions: nil];

        UIViewController *vc = [[UIViewController alloc] init];

        vc.view =rootView;

        [self presentViewController: vc animated: YES completion: nil];


            Note that RCTRootView initWithURL starts up a newJSC VM. To save resources and simplify the communication between RN views indifferent parts of your native app, you can have multiple views powered byReact Native that are associated with a single JS runtime. To do that, instead of using [RCTRootView alloc] initWithURL, use RCTBridge initWithBundleURL to create a bridge and then use RCTRootView initWithBridge.

            When moving your app to production, the NSURL can point to a pre-bundled file on disk via something like [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"main" withExtension:@"jsbundle"];. You can use the react-native-xcode.sh script in node_modules/react-native/packager/to generate that pre-bundled file. Wire Up

            Wire up the new link in the main menu to the newly added event handler method.

            One of the easier ways to do this is to open the view in the storyboard and right click on the new link. Select something such as the Touch Up Inside event, drag that to the storyboard and then select the created method from the list provided.

    1.1.4 TestYour Integration

            You have now done all the basic steps to integrate React Native with your current application. Now we will start the React Native packager to build the index.ios.bundle packager and the server running on localhost to serve it.

    1.1.5 AppTransport Security

            Apple has blocked implicit cleartext HTTP resource loading. So we need to add the following our project's Info.plist(or equivalent)file.

    1.1.6 运行Packager

    # From the root of your project, where the `node_modules` directory is located.

    $ npm start

    1.1.7 运行应用#

            If you are usingXcode or your favorite editor, build and run your native iOS application as normal. Alternatively, you can run the app from the command line using:

    # From the root of your project

    $ react-native run-ios

            In our sample application, you should see the link to the "High Scores" and then when you click on that you will see the rendering of your React Native component.

            Here is the native application home screen:

            Here is the React Native high score screen:

            If you are getting module resolution issues when running your application please see this GitHub issue for information and possible resolution.This comment seemed to be the latest possible resolution.

    1.1.8 Seethe Code#

            You can examine the code that added the React Native screen onGitHub.

    1.2 图片加载

    1.2.1 静态图片资源

            从0.14版本开始,React Native提供了一个统一的方式来管理iOS和Android应用中的图片。要往App中添加一个静态图片,只需把图片文件放在代码文件夹中某处,然后像下面这样去引用它:

    <Image source={require('./my-icon.png')} />




    ├── button.js

    └── img

       ├── check@2x.png

       └── check@3x.png


    <Image source={require('./img/check.png')} />

            Packager会打包所有的图片并且依据屏幕精度提供对应的资源。譬如说,iPhone 5s会使用check@2x.png,而Nexus 5上则会使用check@3x.png。如果没有图片恰好满足屏幕分辨率,则会自动选中最接近的一个图片。











    // 正确

    <Image source={require('./my-icon.png')} />

    // 错误

    var icon = this.props.active ? 'my-icon-active' : 'my-icon-inactive';

    <Image source={require('./' + icon + '.png')} />

    // 正确

    var icon = this.props.active ?require('./my-icon-active.png') : require('./my-icon-inactive.png');

    <Image source={icon} />

            本特性从0.14开始生效。请注意:新的资源系统依靠修改打包脚本来实现,react-native init创建的新工程已经包含了这些修改:XcodeGradle。如果你的工程是在0.13或者更早版本创建的,你可能需要自行添加对应的代码来支持新的图片资源系统。请参考文档升级版本文档中的升级操作说明。

    1.2.2 使用混合App的图片资源

            如果你在编写一个混合App(一部分UI使用React Native,而另一部分使用平台原生代码),也可以使用已经打包到App中的图片资源(通过Xcode的asset类目或者Android的drawable文件夹打包):

    <Image source={{uri: 'app_icon'}}style={{width: 40, height: 40}} />


    1.2.3 网络图片


    // 正确

    <Image source={{uri: 'https://facebook.github.io/react/img/logo_og.png'}} style={{width: 400, height: 400}} />

    // 错误

    <Image source={{uri: 'https://facebook.github.io/react/img/logo_og.png'}} />

    1.2.4 本地文件系统中的图片


    1.2.5 最合适的相册图片


    1.2.6 为什么不在所有情况下都自动指定尺寸呢?


            在React Native中我们有意避免了这一行为。如此一来开发者就需要做更多工作来提前知晓远程图片的尺寸(或宽高比),但我们相信这样可以带来更好的用户体验。然而,从已经打包好的应用资源文件中读取图片(使用require('image!x')语法)则无需指定尺寸,因为它们的尺寸在加载时就可以立刻知道。



    1.2.7 资源属性是一个对象(object)#

            在React Native中,另一个值得一提的变动是我们把src属性改为了source属性,而且并不接受字符串,正确的值是一个带有uri属性的对象。

    <Image source={{uri: 'something.jpg'}} />

            深层次的考虑是,这样可以使我们在对象中添加一些元数据(metadata)。假设你在使用require('./my-icon.png'),那么我们就会在其中添加真实文件路径以及尺寸等信息(这只是举个例子,未来的版本中require的具体行为可能会变化)。此外这也是考虑了未来的扩展性,比如我们可能会加入精灵图(sprites)的支持:在输出{uri: ...}的基础上,我们可以进一步输出裁切信息{uri: ..., crop: {left: 10, top: 50, width: 20, height: 40}},这样理论上就可以在现有的代码中无缝支持精灵图的切分。


    1.2.8 通过嵌套来实现背景图片#


        <Image source={...}>




    1.2.9 在主线程外解码图片#

            图片解码有可能会需要超过一帧的时间。在web上这是页面掉帧的一大因素,因为解码是在主线程中完成的。然而在React Native中,图片解码则是在另一线程中完成的。在实际开发中,一般对图片还没下载完成时的场景都做了处理(添加loading等),而图片解码时显示的占位符只占用几帧时间,并不需要你改动代码去额外处理。

    1.3 RN调用Native模块(iOS)


    // CalendarManager.h

    #import "RCTBridgeModule.h"

    #import "RCTLog.h"

    @interface CalendarManager : NSObject<RCTBridgeModule>


    // CalendarManager.m

    @implementation CalendarManager

    - (void)addEventWithName:(NSString *)name location:(NSString*)location



          RCTLogInfo(@"Pretending to create an event %@ at %@", name, location);




    var CalendarManager =require('NativeModules').CalendarManager;

    CalendarManager.addEventWithName('Birthday Party', '4 PrivetDrive, Surrey');

            注意,导出的方法名称是从Objective-C选择器的第一部分中生成的。有时它会产生一个非惯用的JavaScript名称(就像在我们的例子中的那个)。你可以通过为 RCT_EXPORT 提供一个可选参数更改名字,如RCT_EXPORT(addEvent)。 方法返回的类型应该是void。React Native 桥是异步的,所以向JavaScript传递结果的唯一方法是使用回调 或emitting事件(见下文)。

    1.3.1 支持传递的参数类型

            React Native支持多种参数类型,可以从JavaScript代码传递到native模块:

        · 字符串型(NSString )

        · 数字型(NSInteger,float,double,CGFloat,NSNumber )

        · 布尔型(BOOL,NSNumber)

        · 这个列表中任何类型的数组(NSArray)

        · 这个列表中任何类型的字符串键和值的映射(NSDictionary)

        · 函数(RCTResponseSenderBlock)


            React Native没有为这些结构中值的类型提供任何担保。你的native模块可能期望一个字符串数组,但如果JavaScript调用你的包含数字和字符串数组的方法,你会得到带有NSNumber和NSString的NSArray。检查数组/映射值类型是开发人员的责任(助手方法见RCTConvert)。

    1.3.2 回调


    - (void)findEvents:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback



        NSArray *events =...

        callback(@[[NSNull null], events]);


    CalendarManager.findEvents((error, events) =>


      if (error) {


      } else {

        this.setState({events: events});





    1.3.3 实现native模块

            React Native在一个单独的串行GCD队列中调用native模块方法,但这是一个实现细节,可能会改变。如果native模块需要调用main-thread-only iOS API,它应该在主队列安排操作:

    - (void) addEventWithName: (NSString *)name callback: (RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback



        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{

            // Call iOS API on main thread


            // You can invoke callback from any thread/queue




    1.3.4 同步导出常量到JS端


    - (NSDictionary *)constantsToExport


        return @{@"firstDayOfTheWeek": @"Monday" };




            注意,只有在初始化时常量才能被导出,所以如果你在运行时改变了 constantsToExport的值,它不会影响JavaScript环境。

    1.3.5 发送事件到JavaScript


    #import "RCTBridge.h"

    #import "RCTEventDispatcher.h"

    @implementation CalendarManager

    @synthesize bridge = _bridge;

    - (void)calendarEventReminderReceived: (NSNotification*)notification


         NSString* eventName = notification.userInfo[@"name"];

         [self.bridge.eventDispatcher sendAppEventWithName: @"EventReminder"];


    body:@{@"name": eventName}];


    var subscription = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener(


      (reminder) =>console.log(reminder.name)



    // Don't forget to unsubscribe



    1.4 RN调用Native模块(Android)


    package com.facebook.react.modules.toast;

    import android.widget.Toast;

    import com.facebook.react.bridge.NativeModule;

    import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactApplicationContext;

    import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactContext;

    import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactContextBaseJavaModule;

    import com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactMethod;

    import java.util.Map;

    public class ToastModule extends ReactContextBaseJavaModule


      private static final StringDURATION_SHORT_KEY = "SHORT";

      private static final StringDURATION_LONG_KEY = "LONG";

      public ToastModule(ReactApplicationContext reactContext)





      public String getName() {

        return "ToastAndroid";



     public Map getConstants() {

        finalMap constants = new HashMap<>();

        constants.put(DURATION_SHORT_KEY, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);

        constants.put(DURATION_LONG_KEY, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);

        return constants;



      public void show(String message, int duration) {

        Toast.makeText(getReactApplicationContext(), message, duration).show();






    1.4.1 参数类型


    Boolean -> Bool

    Integer -> Number

    Double -> Number

    Float -> Number

    String -> String

    Callback -> function

    ReadableMap -> Object

    ReadableArray -> Array

    1.4.2 注册模块


    class AnExampleReactPackage implements ReactPackage {



     public List createNativeModules (ReactApplicationContext reactContext)


        List modules = new ArrayList<>();

        modules.add(new ToastModule(reactContext));

        return modules;



            当包被创建的时候,它需要提供给ReactInstanceManager。可以看 UIExplorerActivity.java这个例子。当你初始化一个新工程的时候默认的包是 MainReactPackage.java。

    mReactInstanceManager = ReactInstanceManager.builder()




       .addPackage(new AnExampleReactPackage())






      * @providesModule ToastAndroid


     'use strict';


      * This exposes the native ToastAndroid moduleas a JS module. This has a function 'showText'

      * which takes the following parameters:


      * 1. String message: A string with the textto toast

      * 2. int duration: The duration of the toast.May be ToastAndroid.SHORT or ToastAndroid.LONG


     var { NativeModules } = require('react-native');

     module.exports = NativeModules.ToastAndroid;


    var ToastAndroid = require('ToastAndroid')


    // Note: Werequire ToastAndroid without any relative filepath because

    // of the@providesModule directive. Using @providesModule is optional.

    1.4.3 回调


    public class UIManagerModule extends ReactContextBaseJavaModule{



      public void measureLayout(

          int tag,

          int ancestorTag,

          Callback errorCallback,

          Callback successCallback) {


          measureLayout(tag, ancestorTag, mMeasureBuffer);

          float relativeX = PixelUtil.toDIPFromPixel(mMeasureBuffer[0]);

          float relativeY = PixelUtil.toDIPFromPixel(mMeasureBuffer[1]);

          float width = PixelUtil.toDIPFromPixel(mMeasureBuffer[2]);

          float height = PixelUtil.toDIPFromPixel(mMeasureBuffer[3]);

          successCallback.invoke(relativeX, relativeY, width, height);

        }catch (IllegalViewOperationException e) {


    } }






       (msg) => {



       (x, y, width, height) => {

           console.log(x + ':' + y + ':' + width +':' + height);




    1.4.4 线程


    1.4.5 给JavaScript传递事件



     private void sendEvent(ReactContext reactContext, String eventName, @Nullable WritableMap params) {


           .emit(eventName, params);



     WritableMap params= Arguments.createMap();


     sendEvent(reactContext, "keyboardWillShow", params);


    var RCTDeviceEventEmitter = require('RCTDeviceEventEmitter');


     var ScrollResponderMixin = {

       mixins: [Subscribable.Mixin],

       componentWillMount: function() {







       scrollResponderKeyboardWillShow: function(e:Event) {

           this.keyboardWillOpenTo = e;

           this.props.onKeyboardWillShow && this.props.onKeyboardWillShow(e);


    1.5 调用Native UI组件(iOS)



        • 创建基本的子类。

        • 添加标记宏RCT_EXPORT_MODULE()。

        • 实现-(UIView *)view方法。


     #import <MapKit/MapKit.h>

     #import "RCTViewManager.h"

    @interface RCTMapManager : RCTViewManager


    @implementation RCTMapManager


    -(UIView *)view


        return [[MKMapView alloc] init];




    // MapView.js

     var { requireNativeComponent } = require('react-native');

     module.exports = requireNativeComponent('RCTMap', null);

            现在这是JavaScript中一个功能完整的native map视图组件了,包括pinch-zoom和其他native手势支持。但是我们还不能用JavaScript来真正的控制它。

    1.5.1 属性


    // RCTMapManager.m


            注意我们显式的指定类型为BOOL——当谈到连接桥时,React Native使用hood下的RCTConvert来转换所有不同的数据类型,且错误的值会显示明显的 “RedBox”错误使你知道这里有ASAP问题。当一切进展顺利时,这个宏就会为你处理整个实现。


    <MapView pitchEnabled={false} />

            但是这不是很好记录——为了知道哪些属性可用以及它们接收了什么值,你的新组件的客户端需要挖掘objective-C代码。为了更好的实现这一点,让我们做一个包装器组件并用React PropTypes记录接口:

    // MapView.js

    var React = require('react-native');

    var { requireNativeComponent } = React;

    class MapView extends React.Component {

        render() {

            return <RCTMap {...this.props}  />;



    var RCTMap = requireNativeComponent('RCTMap',MapView);

    MapView.propTypes = {


     * When this propertyis set to `true` and a valid camera is associated

     * with the map, thecamera’s pitch angle is used to tilt the plane

     * of the map. Whenthis property is set to `false`, the camera’s pitch

     * angle is ignoredand the map is always displayed as if the user

     * is looking straightdown onto it.


       pitchEnabled: React.PropTypes.bool,


     module.exports = MapView;

            现在我们有一个很不错的已记录的包装器组件,它使用非常容易。注意我们为新的 MapView包装器组件将第二个参数从null改为MapView。这使得基础框架验证了propTypes匹配native工具来减少ObjC和JS代码之间的不匹配的可能。


    // RCTMapManager.m

     RCT_CUSTOM_VIEW_PROPERTY(region, MKCoordinateRegion, RCTMap)


           [view setRegion: json ? [RCTConvert MKCoordinateRegion: json] : defaultView.regionanimated: YES];



            当然你可以为你的视图编写任何你想要的转换函数——下面是通过 RCTConvert的两类来实现MKCoordinateRegion的例子:

    @implementation RCTConvert(CoreLocation)

     RCT_CONVERTER(CLLocationDegrees, CLLocationDegrees, doubleValue);

     RCT_CONVERTER(CLLocationDistance, CLLocationDistance, doubleValue);

     +(CLLocationCoordinate2D)CLLocationCoordinate2D: (id)json


       json = [self NSDictionary: json];

       return (CLLocationCoordinate2D){

           [self CLLocationDegrees: json[@"latitude"]],

           [self CLLocationDegrees: json[@"longitude"]]




     @implementation RCTConvert(MapKit)

     +(MKCoordinateSpan)MKCoordinateSpan: (id)json


         json = [self NSDictionary: json];

         return (MKCoordinateSpan){

             [self CLLocationDegrees: json[@"latitudeDelta"]],

             [self CLLocationDegrees: json[@"longitudeDelta"]]



     +(MKCoordinateRegion)MKCoordinateRegion: (id)json


       return (MKCoordinateRegion){

         [self CLLocationCoordinate2D: json],

         [self MKCoordinateSpan: json]





    // MapView.js

     MapView.propTypes = {

       pitchEnabled: React.PropTypes.bool,

        region: React.PropTypes.shape({

          latitude: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired,

          longitude: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired,

          latitudeDelta: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired,

          longitudeDelta: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired,



     // MyApp.js

       render() {

         var region = {

           latitude: 37.48,

           longitude: -122.16,

           latitudeDelta: 0.1,

           longitudeDelta: 0.1,


       return <MapView region={region} />;



    1.5.2 事件


    // RCTMapManager.m

     #import "RCTMapManager.h"

     #import <MapKit/MapKit.h>

     #import "RCTBridge.h"

     #import "RCTEventDispatcher.h"

     #import "UIView+React.h"

    @interface RCTMapManager()


    @implementation RCTMapManager


    - (UIView *)view


      MKMapView *map = [[MKMapView alloc] init];

      map.delegate = self;

      return map;


      #pragma mark MKMapViewDelegate

     -(void)mapView: (RCTMap *)mapView regionDidChangeAnimated: (BOOL) animated


       MKCoordinateRegion region = mapView.region;

       NSDictionary *event = @{

         @"target": mapView.reactTag,

         @"region": @{

           @"latitude": @(region.center.latitude),

           @"longitude": @(region.center.longitude),

           @"latitudeDelta": @(region.span.latitudeDelta),

           @"longitudeDelta": @(region.span.longitudeDelta),



       [self.bridge.eventDispatcher sendInputEventWithName: @"topChange" body: event];


    // MapView.js

    class MapView extends React.Component {

       constructor() {

         this._onChange = this._onChange.bind(this);


       _onChange(event: Event) {

         if(!this.props.onRegionChange) {





       render() {

         return ;



    MapView.propTypes = {

       onRegionChange: React.PropTypes.func,



    1.5.3 样式


    // DatePickerIOS.ios.js

    var RCTDatePickerIOSConsts = require   ('NativeModules').UIManager.RCTDatePicker.Constants;


      render: function() {

        return (

            <View style={this.props.style}>

                <RCTDatePickerIOS ref={DATEPICKER} style={styles.rkDatePickerIOS} 







    var styles = StyleSheet.create({

        rkDatePickerIOS: {

            height: RCTDatePickerIOSConsts.ComponentHeight,

            width: RCTDatePickerIOSConsts.ComponentWidth,




    // RCTDatePickerManager.m

    - (NSDictionary *)constantsToExport


        UIDatePicker *dp =[[UIDatePicker alloc] init];

        [dp layoutIfNeeded];

        return @{

           @"ComponentHeight": @(CGRectGetHeight(dp.frame)),

           @"ComponentWidth": @(CGRectGetWidth(dp.frame)),

           @"DatePickerModes": @{


               @"date": @(UIDatePickerModeDate),

               @"datetime": @(UIDatePickerModeDateAndTime),




            本指南涵盖了衔接自定义native组件的许多方面,但有你可能有更多需要考虑的地方,如自定义hooks来插入 和布局子视图。如果你想了解更多,请在源代码中查看实际的RCTMapManager和其他组件。

    1.6 调用Native UI组件(Android)


            这些子类在本质上是单例— —每个子类之中只有一个实例是通过这个桥接器创建的。他们将本地视图传递到了NativeViewHierarchyManager之中,这代表回到了通过使用它们原始的方法来设置并更新这些必要的视图 的属性。ViewManagers通常也是这些视图的代表,它通过桥接器将事件发送回JavaScript。


        1. 创建ViewManager子类;

        2. 使用@UIProp注释视图属性;

        3. 执行createViewInstance;

        4. 执行updateView方法;

        5. 在应用程序软件包中的createViewManagers中注册管理器;

        6. 执行JavaScript模块

    1.6.1 封装一个原生视图 1.创建ViewManager子类



    public class ReactImageManager extends SimpleViewManager


        public static final StringREACT_CLASS = "RCTImageView";


        public String getName() {

            return REACT_CLASS;

        } 2.注释视图属性

            在Java中使用@UIProp来注释需要被反映出来的属性。目前支持的类型有 BOOLEAN, NUMBER, STRING, MAP和ARRAY。每个属性都被声明为公共静态最终字符串常量,并且给它们分配的值在JavaScript中都会成为属性的名称。

    @UIProp (UIProp.Type.STRING)

    public static final String PROP_SRC = "src";


    public static final String PROP_BORDER_RADIUS = "borderRadius";


    public static final String PROP_RESIZE_MODE = ViewProps.RESIZE_MODE; 3.执行createViewInstance方法



    public ReactImageView createViewInstance(ThemedReactContext context) {

        return newReactImageView(context, Fresco.newDraweeControllerBuilder(), mCallerContext);

    } 4.执行updateView方法



    public void updateView(final ReactImageView view, final CatalystStylesDiffMap props) {

        super.updateView(view, props);

        if (props.hasKey(PROP_RESIZE_MODE)) {



        if(props.hasKey(PROP_SRC)) {



        if (props.hasKey(PROP_BORDER_RADIUS)) {

             view.setBorderRadius(props.getFloat(PROP_BORDER_RADIUS, 0.0f));




    } 5.注册ViewManager

            在Java中的最后一步是通过应用程序包的成员函数createViewManagers在应用程序中注册ViewManager,这恰巧和Native Modules有些相似。


    public List createViewManagers(ReactApplicationContext reactContext) {

        return Arrays.asList(



    } 6.执行JavaScript模块



    var {requireNativeComponent } = require('react-native');

    var iface ={

        name: 'ImageView',

        propTypes: {

            src: PropTypes.string,

            borderRadius: PropTypes.number,

            resizeMode: PropTypes.oneOf(['cover','contain', 'stretch']),



    module.exports= requireNativeComponent('RCTImageView',iface);

            requireNativeComponent 通常具有两个参数,第一个是本地原生视图的名称,第二个是描述组件接口的对象。组件接口应该声明一个友好的名称在调试消息中使用,并且必须声明本地视图所反映的propTypes。PropTypes用于检查用户使用本地视图的有效性。

    1.6.2 事件


    class MyCustomViewextends View {


       public void onReceiveNativeEvent() {

          WritableMap event = Arguments.createMap();

          event.putString("message", "MyMessage");

          ReactContext reactContext= (ReactContext)getContext();







    // MyCustomView.js

    class MyCustomView extends React.Component {

      constructor() {

          this._onChange = this._onChange.bind(this);


      _onChange(event: Event) {

          if (!this.props.onChange) {





      render() {

          return ;



    MyCustomView.propTypes= {


       * Callback that is called continuously whenthe user is dragging the map.


      onChange: React.PropTypes.func,



    1.7 链接库 (IOS)


    步骤 2

            点击你的主项目文件(代表.xcodeproj的文件)选择Build Phases,从你正在导入Link Binary With Libraries的库中的Products文件夹中,拖动静态库。


        步骤 3




            对于我们用除了PushNotificationIOS和LinkingIOS的React Native推出的库来说,这个步骤是不必要的。


            为此,我们需要知道库的头。为了实现这个,你必须在你的项目文件中选择Build Settings,搜索HeaderSearch Paths。你应该包括通往库的路径(如果有相关文件的子目录,记得使它recursive,如例子中的React)。


    1.8 调试ReactNative应用


        1.在iOS中摇动设备或在虚拟机里按组合键control + ? + z.

        2.在Android中摇动设备或按硬件菜单按钮(旧的设备中以及大多数虚拟机中都有效,例如, 在 genymotio n 中,你可以按组合键? + m来模拟点击硬件菜单按钮)

    1.8.1 重加载

            选择Reload (或者在iOS虚拟机中按组合键? + r )将会重新加载作用于你的应用程序中的JavaScript。 如果你增加了新的资源(例如,将一幅图添加到iOS中的Images.xcassets,或Android中的文件夹)或者对任何本地代码进行修改(iOS中的Objective-C/Swift代码或Android中的Java/C++代 码),你将需要重新生成该应用程序以使更改生效。

    1.8.2 Chrome开发工具

            在Chrome中调试JavaScript代码,在开发者菜单选择Debug in Chrome。将打开一个新的标签http://localhost:8081/debugger-ui。在Chrome中,按下组合键? + option + i或选择View→Developer→ Developer Tools切换开发工 具控制台。 启用捕获异常时暂停以获得更佳的调试体验。在实际设备上进行调试:


        2、在Android中,如果你正在运行通过USB连接的Android5.0+设备,您可以使用adb命令行工具来从设备到您的计算机设置端口转发。运行:adbreverse 8081 8081 (参阅此链接以获得adb命令详情)。或者,你可以打开设备上开发菜单并选择开发设置,然后为设备设置更新调试服务器主机到您的计算机的IP地址。

    1.8.3 React开发工具(可选)

            安装React Developer Tools作为谷歌浏览器的扩展。这将允许您通过React在开发工具中导航组件层次结构


    1.8.4 Live Reload


        1、在iOS中,通过开发者菜单选择Enable Live Reload,当JavaScript有任何改动时,应用程序会自动重新加载。

        2、在Android中,启动开发菜单(页0),进入Dev Settings并选择Autoreload on JS change选项。

    1.8.5 FPS (每秒帧数)显示器


    1.9 测试

    1.9.1 运行测试和贡献

            React Native回购有几个你可以运行的测试,来验证你没有用PR引起拟合。这些测试是用Travis持续集成系统运行的,并自动的向你的PR发布结果。你也可以在IntegrationTest和在Xcode中的UIExplorer应用中,使用cmd+U本地运行。您可以通过在命令行的 运行jest测试。但是我们目前还没有很大的测试覆盖率,所以大多数的变化仍将需要大量手工验证,但如果你想帮助我们提高我们的测试覆盖率,我们是非常欢迎的!

    1.9.2 Jest测试

            Jest测试是JS-only测试,运行在节点命令行上。测试位于它们测试的文件 目录中,还有一个对不是位于故障隔离和最大速度测试下的积极模拟功能的强调。你可以用来自react-native根的运行现有的React Native jest测试,并且我们鼓励你为你想做出贡献的任何组件添加你自己的测试。基本示例请看getImageSource-test.js。

    1.10 在设备上运行

    1.10.1 从设备访问开发服务器





    1.10.2 使用离线包


        1.打开iOS / AppDelegate.m


            • 取消 jsCodeLocation = [[NSBundle mainBundle]...

            • 在你应用程序的根目录的终端运行给定curl命令Packager支持几个选项:

            •dev (默认的true)——设置了__DEV__变量的值。当是true时,它会打开一堆有用的警告。对于产 品,它建议使用dev = false。

            •minify (默认的false)——只要不通过UglifyJS传输JS代码。

    1.10.3 故障排除

            如果curl命令失败,确保packager在运行。也尝试在它的结尾添加 ——ipv4标志。


    1.11 在设备上运行(Android)

    1.11.1 USB调试

            在设备上开发最简单的方式就是使用USB调试。首先请确保你有USB debugging enabled on your device。一旦在设备上调试是被允许的,在连接的设备上你可以以同样的方式在模拟器里面使用来安装并且运行你的React Native应用。

    1.11.2 从设备上获取开发服务器




    1.11.3 使用adb反转

            请注意这个选项只支持运行在安卓5.0+ (API 21)上面的设备。


        1. 运行adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081;

        2. 你可以使用Reload JS和其他开发者参数,而不需要额外的配置;


        1. 打开震动菜单(摇动设备);

        2. 前往 Dev Settings;

        3. 前往 Debug server host for device;

        4. 输入该设备的IP和 Reload JS;

    1.12 JavaScript环境

    1.12.1 JavaScript运行时间

            当使用React Native时,你将会在两个环境中运行JavaScript代码:

        · 在模拟器和电话中:JavaScriptCore 是JavaScript的引擎,能够驱动Safari和web视图。由于在iOS应用程序中没有可写的可执行的内存,它不用JIT运行。

        · 使用Chrome调试时,它在Chrome本身中运行所有JavaScript代码,并且通过WebSocket与Objectiv e-C交互。所以你正在使用 V8。


    1.12.2 JavaScript转换



        • 关键字: promise.catch(function(){ });


        • 箭头函数: this.setState({pressed: true})}

        • 调用传播: Math.max(...array);

        • 类: class Cextends React.Component { render() { return ; } }

        • 解构: var{isActive, style} = this.props;

        • 迭代: for (var element of array) { }

        • 计算属性: var key ='abc'; var obj = {[key]: 10};

        • 对象Consise方法:var obj = { method() { return 10; } };

        • 对象short表示法:var name = 'vjeux'; var obj = { name };

        • 其他参数: function(type, ...args) { }

    1.13 已知Issues

    1.13.1 使用透明度为0来覆视图不能被点击

            在iOS和Android之间使用透明度为0来处理视图有一个明显的差异。虽然在iOS上面允许这些视图被点击 并且在这些视图下面的视图也将会接收到触摸输入,但是在Android上面这个触摸输入则会被阻塞。这一点可以 用下面的一个只能在iOS上面点击的例子来演示。

    <View style={{flex: 1}}>

        <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => alert('hi!')}>



        <View style={{


          top: 0,

          left: 0,

          bottom: 0,

          right: 0,

          opacity: 0}}



    1.13.2 在Android上面的单独布局节点

            在React Native的安卓版本一个优化的特征就是对于只能贡献布局的视图不能有原生视图,只有它们的布局属 性能够传递到它们的子视图。这个优化是为了给更深层次的ReactNative视图层提供支持,因此默认是开启 的。如果你需要一个视图被呈现,或者间歇性的测试检测一个视图是不是只是布局,关闭这个行为就很有必要 了。为了做到这一点,你只需要设置collapsable为false即可:

    <View collapsable={false}>



    1.14 异步存储


            在本地iOS实现上JS代码是一个简单的外观模式,用来提供一个清晰的JS API,真正的错误对象,和简单的 非多元化功能。每个方法返回一个Promise对象。

    1.14.1 方法

    static **getItem**(key: string, callback: (error: ?Error, result: ?string) => void)


    static **setItem**(key: string, value: string, callback:?(error: ?Error) => void)


    static **removeItem**(key: string, callback: ?(error: ?Error)=> void)


    static **mergeItem**(key: string, value: string, callback:?(error: ?Error) => void)

            将现有值与输入值进行合并,假设它们是stringifiedjson,返回一个Promise对象。 所有本地实现不支持。

    static **clear**(callback: ?(error: ?Error) => void)


    static **getAllKeys**(callback: (error: ?Error) => void)


    static **multiGet**(keys: Array, callback:(errors: ?Array, result: ?Array>) =>void)


            multiGet(['k1', 'k2'], cb) -> cb([['k1', 'val1'], ['k2','val2']])

    static **multiSet**(keyValuePairs:Array>, callback: ?(errors: ?Array)=> void)

            multiSet和multiMerge利用键值对的数组匹配multiGet的输出。返回一个Promise对象。例如, multiSet([['k1','val1'], ['k2', 'val2']], cb);

    static **multiRemove**(keys: Array, callback:?(errors: ?Array) => void)


    static **multiMerge**(keyValuePairs: Array>,callback: ?(errors: ?Array)=> void)

            将现有值与输入值进行合并,假设它们是stringified json,返回一个Promise对象。 所有本地实现不支持。

    1.15 iOS链接


    1.15.1 基本用法



    componentDidMount() {

        var url = LinkingIOS.popInitialURL();



    - (BOOL) application:(UIApplication *)applicationopenURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication

        return [RCTLinkingManager application: application openURL: url sourceApplication: sourceApplication annotation: annotation



    componentDidMount() {

        LinkingIOS.addEventListener('url', this._handleOpenURL);


    componentWillUnmount() {

        LinkingIOS.removeEventListener('url', this._handleOpenURL);


    _handleOpenURL(event) {







         LinkingIOS.canOpenURL(url,(supported) => {

           if (!supported){

                AlertIOS.alert('Can\'t handle url: ' + url);

           } else {




    1.15.2 方法

    static addEventListener(type: string, handler: Function)

            通过监听事件类型和提供处理程序,将一个处理程序添加到LinkingIOS changes

    static removeEventListener(type: string, handler: Function)


    static openURL(url: string)


    static canOpenURL(url: string, callback: Function)

            决定一个已经安装的应用程序是否可以处理一个给定的url,该方法中回调函数将被调用,并且仅通过一个bool supported的参数。

    static popInitialURL()


    1.16 全景响应器


            它为响应处理程序提供了一个可预测包,这个相应处理程序是由动作应答系统提供的。对每一个处理程序,在正常事件旁提供了一个新的gestureState对象。 一个gestureState对象有以下属性:

        1、sateID -gestureState的ID-在屏幕上保持至少一个触发动作的时间









    1.16.1 基本用法

     componentWillMount: function() {

        this._panGesture =PanResponder.create({

             // Ask to be the responder:

             onStartShouldSetPanResponder: (evt, gestureState) => true,

             onStartShouldSetPanResponderCapture: (evt, gestureState) => true,

             onMoveShouldSetPanResponder: (evt, gestureState) => true,

             onMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture: (evt, gestureState) => true,

             onPanResponderGrant: (evt, gestureState) => {

             // The guesture has started. Show visual feedback so the user knows

            // what ishappening!

            // gestureState.{x,y}0 will be set tozero now


         onPanResponderMove: (evt, gestureState) => {

             // The most recent move distance is gestureState.move{X,Y}

             // The accumulated gesture distance since becoming responder is

             // gestureState.d{x, y}


         onResponderTerminationRequest: (evt, gestureState) => true,

              onPanResponderRelease: (evt, gestureState) => {

                  // The user has released all touches while this view is the

                  // responder.This typically means a gesture has succeeded


              onPanResponderTerminate: (evt, gestureState) => {

                 //Another component has become the responder, so this gesture

                 // should be cancelled




     render: function() {

             return (

                <View {...this._panResponder.panHandlers} />



    1.16.2 方法

    static create(config: object)

        · onMoveShouldSetPanResponder: (e, gestureState)=> {...}

        · onMoveShouldSetPanResponderCapture: (e, gestureState) => {...}

        · onStartShouldSetPanResponder: (e, gestureState)=> {...}

        · onStartShouldSetPanResponderCapture: (e, gestureState) => {...}

        · onPanResponderReject: (e, gestureState) =>{...}

        · onPanResponderGrant: (e, gestureState) =>{...}

        · onPanResponderStart: (e, gestureState) =>{...}

        · onPanResponderEnd: (e, gestureState) => {...}

        · onPanResponderRelease: (e, gestureState) =>{...}

        · onPanResponderMove: (e, gestureState) =>{...}

        · onPanResponderTerminate: (e, gestureState) =>{...}

        · onPanResponderTerminationRequest: (e, gestureState) => {...}

            一般来说,对于那些捕获的等价事件,我们在捕获阶段更新一次gestureState,并且也可以在冒泡阶段使用。在onStartShould*回调时需要注意一点。在对节点的捕获/冒泡阶段的开始/结束事件中,它们只对更新后的g estureState做出反应。一旦节点成为应答器,你可以依靠每一个被动作和gestureState处理后相应更新的开始/结束事件。(numberActiveTouches)可能不完全准确,除非你是应答器。

    2 参考链接

    React Native之调用安卓原生控件






    使用React-Native Code push热更新 增量更新 动态修复bug移动开发


    React Native官方文档中文版




    React Native中文网


    React Native中调用原生android模块Toast例子及说明


    React Native教程第一部分:Hello, React




        本文标题:【Hybrid开发高级系列】ReactNative(五) ——
