【Vicky's Flowers】 What's

【Vicky's Flowers】 What's

作者: 冰冰的小城堡 | 来源:发表于2018-09-03 19:44 被阅读13次


When I traveled to Taiwan in July, I found the low shrubs growing on both sides of the sidewalk, and the flowers were glowing red. It looks quite similar to hydrangea from the shape of the flower. However, the shape of the petals is different. Otherwise, hydrangea is pink mostly, and I have not seem such bright colored hydrangea so far. Well, what kind of flower is this?

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Ixora Chinensis:

Madder Ixora Chinensis is a small evergreen shrub, and it's also known as the Morningstar Lily, Hydrangea ball, etc. Its provenance is southern China and Malaysia, and it is the national flower of Myanmar.

Their leaves grow in pairs and ovate, almost sessile. The flowers are so dense that makes it looks lime an umbrella. It is rich in colors: red, orange, yellow, white, bicolor, etc. The entire inflorescence look like a large hydrangea. The flower period is long, so you can see it blooming all the year round, especially in summer and autumn.

In fact, at the moment I saw the Ixora Chinensis, I had another kind of flower named Rangoon Creeper comes to my mind, which I wrote a post in the early May. I can't tell the difference between them at the very first place. However, when I put these two flowers together, I found they're definitely two different kinds of flowers.

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Rangoon Creeper

Rangoon Creeper (Scientific Name: Quisqualis Indica) has many nicknames, and belongs to Rangoon Creeper Genera Plants. This is a famous deworming drug, which has been used in the treatment of children for at least 1,600 years.

Rangoon Creeper is distributed in Taiwan, China, India, Myanmar and Philippines. China's domestic distribution is Chongqing, Sichuan, Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian provinces. It is also distributed in southern Zhejiang and Hangzhou, besides, Zhuji also introduced cultivation.

Rangoon Creeper was planted by the town's residents as early as the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, which was more than 200 years ago. In 2014, it won the title of national geographic logo. Rangoon Creeper grows mostly in the sunny shrubs of hillsides, roadsides, and flatlands between 1000 and 2500 meters above sea level.


If you see the red-white starry flowers in the south region and it smells good, maybe it is Rangoon Creeper. It blooms in summer, and the ornamental and climbing effects are very good. As a result, it is very popular with people.

Speaking of this, can you tell What's the Name of These Flowers in the picture below?


Chinese Version











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