本SQL问题是 #184. Department Highest Salary
解决本地主要是利用了mysql 实现rank
select l.*,
@rank := (case when @pre = l.Salary and @cur = l.DepartmentId then @rank when @cur != l.DepartmentId then 1 else @rank+1 end) as rank,
@cur := l.DepartmentId as cur,
@pre:= l.Salary as pre
from (
select * from Employee as e order by e.DepartmentId ,e.Salary desc
)l,(select @pre :=0 ,@cur := 0,@rank := 0)t
select d.Name as Department,
k.Name as Employee,
k.Salary as Salary
from Department as d
select ee.Name,ee.Salary,ee.DepartmentId from (
select l.*,
@rank := (case when @pre = l.Salary and @cur = l.DepartmentId then @rank when @cur != l.DepartmentId then 1 else @rank+1 end) as rank,
@cur := l.DepartmentId as cur,
@pre:= l.Salary as pre
from (
select * from Employee as e order by e.DepartmentId ,e.Salary desc
)l,(select @pre :=0 ,@cur := 0,@rank := 0)t)ee
where ee.rank < 4)k ON d.Id = k.DepartmentId