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写 于2023年11月4日
Dear Haven Community,
We are writing this, with a full and broken heart, to the many people who knew and loved David.On November 13th, David suffered from an aortic dissection and was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. The ER doctors said he needed to have surgery and had to be flown to Victoria. As doctors worked on him, he began to stroke and was no longer stable enough to undergo surgery. We moved him to palliative care, where he could rest quietly.He was surrounded by his family and engulfed in love as he passed away early on November 14th.We are absolutely devastated and trying to wrap our heads around what has happened. We are appreciating the many messages of love and support coming in. We ask that you continue to keep David in your thoughts and loving as he continues on his journey beyond the body.At this time there are no plans for a formal funeral, rather we will have a Celebration of Life in the near future. If you wish to express your feelings around losing David, you're welcome to email us. We’re sure you’ll understand that we may not respond.In lieu of flowers and if you feel drawn to do so, you could make a donation to Kids International Development Society (KIDS) as you honour David. We leave you with a beautiful piece of writing from David. He wrote the below piece on November 4th and sent it to Sandey the day before he passed. We didn’t see his email until after his passing and we somehow wonder if there was a reason for that. We have taken much comfort in his words and knowing that life continues in movement and he continues.Sandey, Annika, Tess and family
There was nowhere else to go, or at least it seemed that way. There was only sitting and waiting, and eventually waiting lost its appeal and there was only sitting, maybe like the Buddha.
There was nothing else to feel, or maybe that was only wishful thinking. Joy, grief, despair, fear and rage had already found their depth and shown their range in his life, so that feeling seemed to hold little texture or strength.
It was not that the world had given up on him nor that he had given up on the world. Indeed, he loved life more than life itself, as they say. Rather, he seemed so imbedded, so permeated through, so undeniably and completely a part of it all, that there was nowhere else to be, and all feeling seemed so inseparable from any moment that there was nothing else to feel.
It was not even that everything and everyone did not continue as they always had, for in that way nothing had changed. At least, not in the way we always tend to think of change, as one thing quickly and obviously becoming another.
In the fall we notice the leaves dropping from a tree until its branches have bared themselves to winter, and we think of that as change, but we do not see the tree’s hidden life that has always been flowing with the world, setting the stage for that more obvious change. Dare I say that the tree has only been loving life as it was meant to do, and that it’s falling leaves are only an obvious by-product?
No, he had not given up on life, nor life on him. He had only learned to love and in doing so had discovered there was nowhere else to be.
So he sat, and felt the raw tenderness of his love, and the wonder of it all, knowing that any movement was possible yet none was necessary, and that when movement was necessary it would also be possible, so that nothing need be done about it. When movement was upon him he would move, like the tree.
Written by David Raithby, November 4, 2023