
作者: 勇者不畏强敌 | 来源:发表于2020-01-31 14:24 被阅读0次

    Sons of Scotland... I am Willian Wallace.苏格兰的同胞们,我是威廉华勒

    Willian Wallace is 7 feet tall.华勒有7英尺高

    Yes.I've heard.我听说了

    He kills men by the hundreds,and if he were here,he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse.他杀人数以百计,如果他在这,他将眼冒金星烧死英格兰军队,还能从他的屁股放雷电。

    I am Willian Wallace and I see a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance of ryranny.我就是威廉华勒,我看到我的同胞组成军队反抗暴政。

    You've come to fight as free men.你们以自由之身参战!

    And free men you are.你们是自由的人。

    What will you do with that freedom?若没有自由能怎么做?

    Will you fight?你们愿意战斗吗?

    Againsr that?No!对抗那?不!

    We will run,and we will live.我们会逃跑然后活下来。

    Fight,fight and you may die.战斗可能会战死。

    Run,and you'll live...逃跑,能活下去。

    at least awhile.至少一阵子。

    And dying in your beds many years from now,多年以后老死在床上。

    Would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that.你们是否愿意,用那一切来换取今天

    for one chance just one chance为了一个机会仅仅一个机会

    to come bace here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives,回到这里,告诉我们的敌人,他们也许能夺走我们的生命,

    but they'll never take our freedom!但他们夺不走我们的自由!

    Albagu bra!自由万岁!

    ... ...

    You have bled with Wallace!你们和华勒浴血奋战过

    Now bleed with me.现在同我淌血吧!






