考勤于公司有利吗?Is attendance checking

考勤于公司有利吗?Is attendance checking

作者: Willingheart | 来源:发表于2018-01-09 15:38 被阅读6次


    In the past, there was no attendance checking in the company. As a result, staffs formed a slack habit in discipline. Some staffs even didn't go to the company for over half a month while still got the full wages; and others often came to the company after lunch and left early in the afternoon. However, all the staffs were satisfied with the situation except a few ones who seldom came late and left early. For them, the lack of attendance or discipline caused unfairness in the company.

    现在,公司突然宣布实行微信考勤打卡制。很多老员工说:“公司要完蛋喽!公司一开始抓这些没用的东西,就是日渐走下坡路啦!” 大家都不适应了,一些人开始研究制度的漏洞和各种作弊手段。

    Today, the company suddenly decides to use wechat attendance checking. Many senior staffs say: "our company is going to be ruined! Because once a compay begins to pay attention to the useless administration like attendance, it will certainly go to a downward road." Staffs can't adapt to the new disipline and some begin to study the loophole in the attendance as well as various cheating methods.


    This phenomenon also purplexed the author. Is strict attendance checking beneficial for the company or not? Will those staffs who receive annual-salary be appraised by daily attendance or by year-end performance? As for female staffs who have children at home, indeed strict attendance will bring inconvenience. However, nothing can be achieved without norms or standards. And staffs had better overcome their sluggishness and evade any excuses.


    For this topic, what's your opinion?



        本文标题:考勤于公司有利吗?Is attendance checking
