【Vicky's Life】三日铲屎官 Being A

【Vicky's Life】三日铲屎官 Being A

作者: 冰冰的小城堡 | 来源:发表于2019-07-05 08:46 被阅读155次


Perhaps, my mother and I becomes famous among the neighbors for being cat lovers, the neighbor on the 4th floor asked us to look after her cat on Friday morning. The kitty's name is "Guo Bao Rou", which means a very well-known dish called Double Cooked Pork Slices in northeast district in China.


When the neighbor accompanied us upstairs on Friday afternoon, we found out that cat had just given birth to four lovely babies a few days ago. My mother and I felt worried that whether she would became sensitive and aggressive. However, my neighbor promised to us that "Guo Bao Rou" is a very clingy cat with good temper. Generally speaking, she wouldn't attack people around her.


We learned that "Guo Bao Rou" hurt her right eye accidentally while playing with her brothers and sisters when she was a little kitten. The consequence was awful that she could no longer see anything through her right eye. Her previous owner didn't wanna to keep her for her disability and her pregnancy made the situation even worse. As a result, they threw the her to my neighbors to keep.


We went to the neighbor's house on Saturday morning with some uncertainty, and we're surprised that "Guo Bao Rou" is really a super good-tempered cat. She would stay by our side while we're cleaning her toilet, adding some water and food into her bowls. What's more, she would also sit primly with us as we checked on her babies.


The neighbors are coming back in the evening, and we are going to finish being a pop-picker. We sincerely hope the babies will grow up healthy and the cats will not change owners again :D





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    本文标题:【Vicky's Life】三日铲屎官 Being A
