

作者: 何旋遐_zcx | 来源:发表于2018-11-13 14:14 被阅读0次


    Little Bear was playing on the roadside. A beautiful girl came up to her. The girl started to click and click, and her voice was very clear and crisp. Alas, the little girl is wearing a pair of brand-new red shoes, and her shoes are shining. He couldn't help following the little girl, but she didn't find it at all. She just clucked forward.

    There is a clear river in front of which a little fish swims its tail. The little girl could not help but take off her shoes, roll up her trouser legs, and go to the river to catch the fish.

    Little bear sneaked in and gently touched the red shoes with his paws. Oh, it was too smooth. The little bear put the red leather shoes on his own feet. It's so nice to see them. Bear put on his epithelial shoes and couldn't bear to take them off. He deceived himself and said, "The little girl certainly doesn't like these shoes. Otherwise, why would she throw them on the grass? Since she doesn't want it, I'll take these shoes away. "

    Little bear left in his red leather shoes.

    On Saturday night, bear and friends went to the show. There was a little girl on the stage singing and singing really well. The bear suddenly stopped. The little girl singing was the real owner of the red shoes. But at the moment, she had a pair of tattered black leather shoes on her feet.

    The Bear looked down at the red leather shoes on the feet and red on the face. He took off his shoes, ran up to the stage, and stuffed the shoes into the little girl's hands. After the little girl performed the dance program again, the red leather shoes flashed in the lamplight, particularly beautiful.

    When the bear came home, bare feet on the ground, trampled heavily, and looked as if he was wearing red shoes.

    个人读后感/阅读笔记心得:小熊以为红皮鞋是小姑娘不要的。所以,凡事不能是“你以为”,而应该要以客观的调查为主。 知错能改仍。


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