[Fabric/源码分析] Proposal 消息处理流程(v1

[Fabric/源码分析] Proposal 消息处理流程(v1

作者: bitking | 来源:发表于2017-08-24 16:58 被阅读325次

Fabric1.0的架构中引入了client -> endorser -> order ->commiter的概念。客户端首先将交易发送到背书节点进行模拟执行,然后收集一定数量的背书结果构造交易发送到排序节点进行排序,最后排序节点对收到的交易进行排序并打包发送给commiter节点进行验证和计入账本。本文将针对交易执行的第一个阶段client -> endorser的相关流程结合源码进行分析。


1.客户端向endorser 发送proposal, proposal 定义如下:

message SignedProposal {
    // Proposal 消息序列化bytes
    bytes proposal_bytes = 1;
    bytes signature = 2;
message Proposal {

    // The header of the proposal. It is the bytes of the Header
    bytes header = 1;

    // 具体的Proposal消息体的序列化内容,消息体类型由header类型确定
    bytes payload = 2;

    // 扩展字段对于 CHAINCODE类型, 其可能使
    bytes extension = 3;
  1. endorserproposal 执行结果返回给客户端,propose response的定义如下:
message ProposalResponse {

    // Version indicates message protocol version
    int32 version = 1;
    google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 2;
    Response response = 4;

    // 返回结果ProposalResponsePayload的序列化bytes
    bytes payload = 5;

    // The endorsement of the proposal, basically
    // the endorser's signature over the payload
    Endorsement endorsement = 6;

message Response {

    // A status code that should follow the HTTP status codes.
    int32 status = 1;

    // A message associated with the response code.
    string message = 2;

    // A payload that can be used to include metadata with this response.
    bytes payload = 3;

message ProposalResponsePayload {
    bytes proposal_hash = 1; 
    bytes extension = 2;

message Endorsement {
    bytes endorser = 1; // endorser id
    bytes signature = 2;// endorser  的签名
  1. 客户端收集背书组装成一个交易transaction

一个完整的transaction包含一个或者多个proposal以及其对应的返回response。交易将会被发送到共识节点orders, 经过排序之后batch形式的交易会被广播到peer节点进行验证以及写入账本。



  1. 检查message是否有效,消息体个个字段的完整性以及chaincode id以及调用类型的检查,例如proposal的消息不能调用system chaincode;
  2. 检查proposal是否满足channel的policy, tx的重复性判断;
  3. 模拟执行proposal中的chaincode调用,其实也就是实际执行,这里需要两个关键组件:
var txsim ledger.TxSimulator
var historyQueryExecutor ledger.HistoryQueryExecutor
    //1 -- simulate
cd, res, simulationResult, ccevent, err := e.simulateProposal(ctx, chainID, txid, signedProp, prop, hdrExt.ChaincodeId, txsim)


pResp, err = e.endorseProposal(ctx, chainID, txid, signedProp, prop, res, simulationResult, ccevent, hdrExt.PayloadVisibility, hdrExt.ChaincodeId, txsim, cd)

2.1 simulate proposal 详细流程


  1. 解析chaincode调用参数:cis, err := putils.GetChaincodeInvocationSpec(prop)

  2. 为chancode检查ESCC和VSCC, 该函数暂时未实现

    if err = e.checkEsccAndVscc(prop); err != nil {
        return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
  1. 获取chaincode的相关数据ChancodeData
cdLedger, err = e.getCDSFromLSCC(ctx, chainID, txid, signedProp, prop, cid.Name, txsim)
  1. 执行chaincode并获取结果
var simResult *ledger.TxSimulationResults
    var pubSimResBytes []byte
    var res *pb.Response
    var ccevent *pb.ChaincodeEvent
    res, ccevent, err = e.callChaincode(ctx, chainID, version, txid, signedProp, prop, cis, cid, txsim)
    if err != nil {
        endorserLogger.Errorf("failed to invoke chaincode %s on transaction %s, error: %s", cid, txid, err)
        return nil, nil, nil, nil, err

    if txsim != nil {
        if simResult, err = txsim.GetTxSimulationResults(); err != nil {
            return nil, nil, nil, nil, err

        if pubSimResBytes, err = simResult.GetPubSimulationBytes(); err != nil {
            return nil, nil, nil, nil, err
    return cdLedger, res, pubSimResBytes, ccevent, nil



    本文标题:[Fabric/源码分析] Proposal 消息处理流程(v1
