Day76 日记

Day76 日记

作者: 绿逸 | 来源:发表于2019-01-05 22:38 被阅读42次

l locked my black dog into a small room by some tricks. And l gave it enough food, Then l watched Friends and played games while ads coming. l just wann say, it really hurted my eye.

At night, l joined English class but performed not well, then l found the notes of other classmates in the albums. They were so hardworking, but l was not, l really felt guilty and ashamed. Recently, l put so much time in playing wechat games, l didn't want to quit, what should l do. l needed to think out a perfect way to balance them, but it was difficult. There's nothing that could persuade me to stop playing games l believed. But l must learn more, and my eyes need have a rest. Wish me good luck! Maybe l could give up playing games one day.

Day76 日记


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