

作者: 修心筑本 | 来源:发表于2024-03-17 06:56 被阅读0次

The Google Model

Google conducted interviews with more than 200 employees and analyzed over 250 attributes of more than 180 Google teams.

Their findings?

A team’s effectiveness is less about who is on the team and more about how the team members interact, structure their work, and view their contributions.

They identified five key dynamics for a successful team:

Psychological safety – Feeling able to take risks without feeling insecure or embarrassed.

Dependability – Being able to count on each other to deliver high-quality work on time.

Structure & clarity – Having clear goals, roles, and plans for each member and the group as a whole.

Meaning of work – Working on something personally important to each team member.

Impact of work – The belief that the work being done matters.

Although Google found psychological safety the most important of the five dynamics (it underpins the other four), all are important to creating a high-performing team. 

The Google model is suited to managers who want to figure out where a team needs to improve and helps teammates talk about how to improve in a structured way.


与团队的成员构成相比, 成员如何沟通交流、怎样安排工作、审视各自的贡献 ,会对团队效能产生更大的影响。


心理安全感 ——团队成员敢于表达意见,不会觉得危险或尴尬。

可靠性 ——成员之间能互相依赖,按时交付高质量的工作。

结构清晰 ——无论是成员个人还是整个团队,都有明确的发展目标、清晰的角色定位和计划安排。

工作意义 ——工作能让每位员工体会到个人的价值与重要性。

工作影响力 ——确信工作是有意义的。

谷歌的调查结果显示:在这五大动力因素中, 心理安全感最为重要(它是其他四种的基础)。 但在打造高绩效团队时,这五大因素都相当重要!



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