

作者: 凌易水 | 来源:发表于2017-02-23 05:01 被阅读25次



正如我们这周special report里提及到的那样,这些科技产生了很矛盾现象。尽管这些技术使消费者有更多的选择空间,但是运用这些技术的公司,却把大部分资源集中在了那些点击量最多的流行点,和最大的平台上。也许因为娱乐本身是种社会行为,也许是因为消费者被繁杂的选择所迷惑,他们更多的时候是去根据榜单排名和平台上推送内容来做选择。比如Netflix,YouTube和Spotify就会引导消费者去浏览他们希望消费者看到的内容。



而在制造端,获益者是可以那些可以支撑这些巨大投入的公司。比如,迪士尼的票房之所以有如此统治力,是因为其收购了Marvel, Lucasfilm 和Pixar。另外一类的受益者是已经盘踞大量用户的平台,比如Facebook和YouTube。还有一种受益者是掌控娱乐内容和分发权力的公司,比如亚马逊和Netflix。这种逻辑就像美国的AT&T用109亿美元来收购时代华纳,其目的是要将美国最大的付费电视分销商和电视电影制片商强强联手。




The paradox of choice
The modern entertainment industry is a nirvana for consumers
Feb 11th 2017

FOR couch potatoes and bookworms, filmgoers and music-lovers, this is a golden age. The internet provides an almost endlessly long menu of options to meet the almost infinitely quirky tastes of humanity. Smartphones have put all kinds of entertainment—from classic rock to prestige television to silly YouTube clips—at the fingertips of billions across the planet.

Yet, as our special report this week describes, these same technologies have a paradoxical effect. Although they expand choice, they concentrate attention on the most popular hits and the biggest platforms. Perhaps because entertainment is a social activity, perhaps because consumers are baffled by the range of choices, they depend on the rankings and recommendation algorithms of platforms like Netflix, YouTube and Spotify to guide them to their next dose of content. And they are drawn to familiar titles that stand out from the clutter.

So big brands continue to thrive. Of the thousands of films released worldwide last year, the top five box-office earners were all made by Disney. At the other end of the spectrum, the “long tail” of niche offerings is proving to be extremely skinny. Listeners spent money on digital copies of a total of 8.7m different songs in America last year, almost 5m more than in 2007, according to Nielsen, a research firm. But the number of songs that sold more than 100 copies remained at 350,000. And the number of songs that sold just one copy increased from under 1m to 3.5m. It is as hard as ever for talent to break through.

Who wins and loses from this? Consumers are the biggest beneficiaries. The long tail is always there for people with eclectic tastes. Lots of content, from YouTube videos to some music-streaming services, is free. And fevered competition for consumers’ attention, the scarcest resource in the entertainment industry, has raised the quality of paid-for services. Nowhere is this more visible than in television. In 2016 more than 450 scripted original shows were available on American TV, more than twice as many as aired in 2010. Amazon and Netflix are investing billions of dollars. In response, cable networks that once grew fat on subscription fees are having to invest.

On the production side, the winners are companies that can sustain this spending on premium fare—Disney’s box-office dominance, for instance, rests on its purchases of Marvel, Lucasfilm and Pixar—or that have built platforms with large numbers of users, like Facebook and YouTube, or that can master both distribution and content, as Amazon and Netflix aim to. This is the logic behind AT&T’s proposed $109bn deal to buy Time Warner, marrying America’s biggest distributor of pay TV to one of the biggest producers of television and film.

The remote principle
One big loser stands out. Cable TV in America has been perhaps the most lucrative business model in entertainment history. But its formula of adding channels and charging more no longer appeals. Seduced by cheaper, more flexible internet offerings, Americans have begun dropping pay TV at the rate of more than 1m households a year (live sports is one of the last pillars supporting the system). The decline of pay TV exemplifies the paradox of choice.

There may be more things to watch and listen to than ever before, but there is only so much content that people can take. And the choices they make will concentrate power in the hands of giants like Disney, Netflix and Facebook. Far from democratising entertainment, the internet will entrench an oligarchy.


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