

作者: 慕容筱冉 | 来源:发表于2019-12-13 06:27 被阅读0次


How's the weather today?

It's a sunny day. (It's rainy/windy/snowy today.)

What a sunny day!  (what a rainy/windy/snowy day.)

It's hot/warm/cool/cold/freezing today.

Do you know how many seasons in a year?

What season is it now?

What do the plants look like?

What day is it today?

How many days are there in week?


Look at the trees/flowers/birds/pond.

The leaves are turning yellow.

The flowers are blossoming.

The birds are singing/chirping/tweeting.

The fish and the turles are swimming in the pond.

What can you see in the pond?

What color are....xxx

Can you hear the birds chirping or tweeting?

Can you smell the flowers?

The puppy/kitten is so cute.

What does the traffic light say?

Green light./The light is green./It's green light now. Let's go.

Red light./The light is red./It's red light now. Let's wait here.

It's safe to cross the street when it is green. it is not safe to cross the street when it is yellow and red.

Look out/watch out for the cars!

What should we do before we cross the street?

First look left, then look right and look left again.

There's a traffice jam today. /There's so much traffic today.

What kind of vehicles do you see on the road?

I see cars, busses, trucks, bicycles, scooters and motorcycles.


How are you today?/How do you feel today?

Do you like going to kindergarten?

Did you sleep well at school? Did you take a nap?

Do you like having lunch at the kindergarten?

What did you have for lunch at school/kindergarten?

Are you excited about going to school?Why?

Why do you seem tired/unhappy/upset/sad?

What do you do at the kindergarten?

What did you learn today? 

Whom did you play with? 

Who's your best friend at school?

What did you play with***?

Do you want to share some secrets with me?



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