如何购买steem/steem power---How to b

如何购买steem/steem power---How to b

作者: 冰冰的小城堡 | 来源:发表于2018-01-15 10:42 被阅读99次

    我敢保证这不是第一篇写如何购买steem/steem power的帖子,也不会是最后一篇。这不算是个教学帖,而是我作为一个来到steemit才10天的萌新的一个笔记。

    I'm sure this isn't the first post on how to buy steem/steem power, and it won't be the last. This is not a teaching post, but a note for myself. 


    All right, let's get started.


    The very first question for a dummy freshman who only reach "the BTC rises sharply in these days" about the block chain and virtual currency is where can I buy it and how?


    Materials: magic wallet, alipay/bank card.


    To download the APP from the website https://m.magicw.net, and we need to use the us district account. If you don't have one, you can pay ¥10 for one. It's more convenient than your own registration (fill in the bills nearly pull me into death). The seller will provide you with the security problem, and after login, you can change the password and the confidentiality problem. Follow the steps to register your wallet.

    2、算一下自己需要多少steem/steem power。初次购入,我选择5 steem power,对应需45.42808个BTS(这个数字随时都在变动),也就是说差不多200来块钱。

    Calculate how much steem/steem power you need. For the first time, I chose 5 steem power, which corresponding to 45.42,808 BTS (the number is always changing), nearly 200 CNY.


    Go to the web page and find the wallet -- my assets. It has CNY recharge option. Click inside, there are a lot of service providers. Choose one for your own needs (pay attention to the following aspects: rate, amount, number of transactions), and then recharge the amount you need.

    4、回到客户端。根据blocktrades,有多种方式承兑steem/steem power,我选择的是BTS。在行情中找到BTS,下单即可。

    Back to the app. According to blocktrades, there are several ways to accept steem/steem power, while I choose BTS. Find BTS in the market, and make the order.

    5、登陆steemit--钱包---购买steem或steem power,进入blocktrades。输入你需要购入的steem或steem power,把对应需要的BTS数字记下来。点击“Get a new deposit address”

    Go to steemit-- wallet -- buy steem or steem power and then enter blocktrades. Enter steem or steem power that you need to buy, and remember the corresponding BTS Numbers. Click "Get a new deposit address"

    6、回到鼓鼓钱包客户端---我的资产---转账,填写Account及Name Memo及数额

    Return to magic wallet app - my asset - transfer, fill in Account and Name Memo and amount.

    7、没意外的话到这一步,就大功告成了   Then, it's done


    PS: Is there a sense of pleasure to be a RMB player? Whether you have it or not, I'm quite curious about that now. Have fun together.



        本文标题:如何购买steem/steem power---How to b
