2020-04-05 出自小孩和婴儿的口(马太福音21:14-1

2020-04-05 出自小孩和婴儿的口(马太福音21:14-1

作者: 羊皮卷的味道 | 来源:发表于2020-04-04 23:30 被阅读0次
Jason Meyer 杰森·迈尔
The Elders of Bethlehem have decided that the best way to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic is to move our services exclusively to live streaming for an indeterminate number of weeks. Please visit here for online service 由于新冠疫情,明州宣布进入紧急状态,为配合防疫工作,保护会众安全,伯利恒教会决定采用网上敬拜。收看网络直播,可以在教会官网
or Facebook page 脸书专页
Or Youtube channel 油管频道
Or AppleTV 苹果电视
Or Roku Roku频道
You can also download Bethlehem App to participate the service through your smart phone. 也可以用手机下载Bethlehem App 参加在线敬拜。
The first live streaming will be at 9 am (10 pm Sunday in Beijing Time). 首次直播(及中文同声口译)于美国中部时间上午9点(北京时间周日晚上10点)开始。
Matthew 21:14-17 马太福音21:14-17
14 And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he healed them. 15 But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying out in the temple, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” they were indignant, 16 and they said to him, “Do you hear what these are saying?” And Jesus said to them, “Yes; have you never read,“‘Out of the mouth of infants and nursing babies you have prepared praise’?” 17 And leaving them, he went out of the city to Bethany and lodged there. 14 殿里的瞎子和瘸腿的都走过来,耶稣就医好他们。 15 祭司长和经学家看见耶稣所行的奇事,又看见小孩子在殿中喊叫“‘和散那’归于大卫的子孙” ,就很忿怒, 16 对耶稣说:“你听见他们说甚么吗?” 耶稣说:“我听见了。‘你从小孩和婴儿的口中, 得着了讚美。’ 这话你们没有念过吗?” 17 于是离开他们,出了城,来到伯大尼,在那里过了一夜。
Introduction 引言
1. What will we do about the Lord’s Supper in this new season? 1.疫情之下我们如何领圣餐?
In the regular rhythm of life at Bethlehem, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the First Sunday of the month. Today will be the first time in my tenure as a pastor that we will depart from that practice. And I am going to miss it more than I can put into words. Why are we not going to celebrate the Lord’s Supper again until we can physically gather as a church? I gave a brief answer to that question in a blog post this week and I am trusting that many of you saw it, but I know some of you did not. I do not have the time to say more, so let me try to restate our answer. 在平常的日子里,伯利恒教会在每个月的第一个主日领圣餐。今天将是我在牧师生涯中第一次破例。我会很想念它,超乎我言语所能形容的。为什么我们在这期间不领圣餐直到我们能在教会里面对面聚会时再重新继续?这周我在我的博客中对这个问题进行了简短的回答。我相信你们中很多人都看到了,但我想你们中还有些人没看到。我没有时间说更多,只是让我重申一下我的回答。
The answer in a nutshell is that the very meaning of the Lord’s Supper requires a gathered assembly, not a scattered one. 1 Corinthians 11 uses the Greek word translated “when you come together” three times in verses 17-20 and two times in verses 33-34. The physical gathering is an indispensable part of the grace of the Lord’s Supper. In particular, the grace we receive in the Lord’s Supper is the grace at work in the physical gathering as a display or active embodiment of the truth that we are truly in fact one body. In other words, the grace of communion as a shared supper is our shared identification in the gospel as members of one body. One of the key texts is 1 Corinthians 10:17 “Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all share the one loaf.” Paul applies this principle in 1 Corinthians 11:21 by rebuking the Corinthians for eating it separately and not together. We should confess and come to grips with the fact that In our scattered capacity right now, we simply cannot do what the text calls us to do. 简单一句话就是圣餐的意义要求真正的聚集,而不是分散的领受。哥林多前书11章中有一个希腊词,翻成“聚会”(συνέρχομαι),在17-20节中出现了三次,在33-34节中出现两次。面对面的聚会是圣餐恩典中不可或缺的要素。尤其是,我们在圣餐中领受的恩典是在真实的聚会中发挥作用的恩典,以展现或体现我们是一体这一真理。换句话说,分享圣餐的恩典是我们作为一个身体的不同肢体共享福音里的身份。一处关键的经文是哥林多前书10:17:“因为事实上只有一个饼,我们人数虽多,还是一个身体,因为我们都是分享同一个饼。”保罗把这个原则用在哥林多前书11:21,责备哥林多教会各吃各的,不是在一起吃。我们应该承认并理解这个事实,就是在现今隔离状态下,我们只是不能照着经文呼召我们的去行。
So what do we do? Right now, we are in a season of forced fasting from the Lord’s Supper. May it drive us to prayer and stoke the fires of our longing even more for the time we can gather together. We lament that we cannot physically gather. Technology is a great blessing and the scattered church gathering in a virtual way can be a real blessing from the Lord, but it is not meant to be a replacement or substitute for the gathering of God’s people. We heartily affirm the truth that Immanuel is with his scattered church. We know he will give us the grace we need until we can gather together again. 那么我们怎么办?现在我们所处的特殊时期迫使我们禁食圣餐。也许它会促使我们祷告,盼望重新聚会的心燃烧得更旺。我们悲哀于我们无法聚会。网络技术是个极大的祝福,分散的教会以虚拟的方式聚会可以是来自主的真正祝福,但它决不能取代神子民的聚会。我们热切地宣告以马内利(神与我们同在)与祂分散的教会同在。我们知道祂会赐我们所需的恩典,直到我们能再重新聚会。
2. What about the Helping Hand Fund – i.e., the “Retiring Offering” 2.关于援手基金
Usually on communion Sundays the church takes a second offering for our Helping Hand ministry. That money goes to help those in financial need. The Helping Hand is currently working hard to meet known needs. If you have a need or aware of someone else with a need please contact the church office and leave a message or use the COVID-19 Care & Help links on our website. The Helping Hand currently has a healthy balance. Please give first to the church budget and then over and above to Helping Hand. 通常在圣餐主日教会把会友敬拜结束后离场时在门口的奉献纳入援手事工。这些钱用于帮助经济困难的人。援手事工正在努力工作以满足已知的需求。如果你有需求或知道某人有需求,请联系教会办公室,或使用我们官网上的疫情关怀与帮助链接留言。援手基金目前经费充足。请优先奉献支持教会预算,如有余力再奉献支持援手基金。
3. What will preaching look like in this new season? 3.疫情之下讲道如何进行?
We have been in a series on 20/20 Vision. The month of February focused on the job description of leaders and the month of March focused on the job description of the congregation. Let me give you a snapshot of the next few weeks so you can join us in concerted prayer. Let’s start with three weeks from now and then work our way back to today. Two week from now, the Sunday after Easter (April 19), we will start a preaching series on 1 Peter. Dave Zuleger, Steven Lee, and I will rotate each week as we work our way through 1 Peter. We need strong Scriptural medicine for this unique season of trial and 1 Peter will give us the grace that we need. 我们讲完了一个20/20异象系列。二月份我们关注教会领袖们的职责,三月份我们关注会众的职责。我来预告一下接下来几周讲道的内容,方便你加入我们的祷告。让我们从三周后开始,然后倒回到今天。复活节后的第一个主日(四月19日),我们将开始围绕彼得前书作一个讲道系列。戴夫、司提反和我每周轮流讲彼得前书。在这个独特的试炼形势下我们需要强力的圣经药剂,而彼得前书会给我们所需要的恩典。
Next week, we are going to celebrate the resurrection by looking at Revelation 7:15-17. We have a Maundy Thursday/Good Friday service that will be live-streamed at 7:45pm on Thursday, April 9. This service will also be recorded and available for later viewing. Today we turn our attention to the Triumphal Entry (Matt. 21:14-17). 下周,我们要庆祝基督的复活,讲启示录7:15-17。四月9日周四晚上7点45分我们有濯足节敬拜直播。这个也会录像,放在网上。今天我们来看荣入圣城(马太福音21:14-17)
Outline 纲要
1. Jesus Heals (v. 14) 1.耶稣的医治(14节)
a. What He Does a.祂做了什么
b. Where He Heals b.在哪里医治
c. Who He Heals c.祂医治了谁
d. Why it Matters d.为什么重要
2. People Respond (vv. 15-16) 2.人们的反应(15-16节)
a. The Children Praise (v. 15) a.孩子们的赞美(15节)
b. The Leaders Rage (v. 16) b.领袖们的忿怒(16节)
3. Jesus’ Rebukes (v. 17) 3.耶稣的责备(17节)
a. Have you never read? a.你们从来没念过吗?
b. The Fulfillment of Psalm 8 b.诗篇8的应验
1. Jesus Heals (v. 14) 1.耶稣医治(14节)
14 And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple, and he healed them. 14 殿里的瞎子和瘸腿的都走过来,耶稣就医好他们。
The first thing we need to do is to ask three crucial questions: (1) what Jesus does, (2) where he does it, (3) to whom he does it. 首先我们需要问三个关键问题:(1)耶稣做了什么,(2)祂在哪里做,(3)祂对谁做。
A. What He Does: Heals A.祂做了什么:医治
B. Where He Heals: In the Temple B.祂在哪里医治:在圣殿里
C. Who He Heals: the Blind and the Lame C.祂医治了谁:瞎子和瘸腿的
Now we come to the crucial question: what is the point? How does this detail play a part in the story? It could be that it is necessary in terms of spelling out the “wonderful things” Jesus is doing that the religious leaders witness. In other words, rather than starting the story by saying, “the religious leaders witnessed Jesus doing wonderful things,” namely, “healing people in the temple.” That is true, but it is only a small part of the much greater answer. Answer: healing the blind and the lame in the temple is proof that he is Great David’s Greater Son, the Messiah. Let’s go back to the clues Matthew left us. 现在我们来想一想这个关键问题:这有什么用意?这个细节在这故事中起什么作用?它们可能是有必要用于解释耶稣所行的什么“奇事”被宗教领袖们看见了。换句话说,不是开门见山就说“宗教领袖们看见耶稣在行奇事”,也就是“在圣殿里行医治”。那固然没错,但那是更好答案的一小部分。答案是:在圣殿里医治瞎子和瘸子证明祂是比大君王大卫更伟大的子孙,弥赛亚。我们回头看看马太给我们留下什么线索。
He normally summarizes a snap-shot of Jesus’ healing by saying he healed “all who were ill” or “all the sick.” But this is not a general healing account. It matters to Matthew that it was the “blind and lame,” and it matters that they were healed in the temple. Why? 马太通常概括地用“所有患病的人”来说耶稣的医治对象。但这里不是一般性的医治记录。对于马太来说,“瞎子和瘸腿的”很重要,同时在圣殿里医治他们也很重要。为什么?
What if I told you that this is the only reference we get in all of Matthew, Mark, or Luke to Jesus healing in Jerusalem. He heals many people elsewhere, but in Jerusalem he is presented as teaching and debating with the religious leaders. Only here does he heal. Why record this? 我要告诉你,在马太福音、马可福音或路加福音中,这里是唯一一处记载耶稣在耶路撒冷行医治。祂在别处医治了很多人,但在耶路撒冷,祂都在教导人、并和宗教领袖们辩论。只有这一处祂行医治。为什么要记录这个?
The best commentary on the New Testament is something you all have in your Bibles and it is called the Old Testament. Before Jerusalem became known as the city of David, it belonged to the people of the land called the Jebusites. When did it become the city of David? Turn to 2 Samuel 5:6-8. 新约最好的注释就在你的圣经里,就是旧约。在耶路撒冷以大卫之城扬名之前,它属于耶布斯人。它什么时候变成大卫之城?请翻到撒母耳记下5:6-8:
6 And the king and his men went to Jerusalem against the Jebusites, the inhabitants of the land, who said to David, “You will not come in here, but the blind and the lame will ward you off”—thinking, “David cannot come in here.” 王和随从他的人到了耶路撒冷,要攻打住在那地的耶布斯人。耶布斯人对大卫说:“你不能进这里来,这些瞎眼的、跛脚的就能把你抵挡住。” 他们心里想:“大卫决不能进那里去。”
So it originated as a taunt or chant against David by the Jebusites. Even the weakest people in the world (i.e., the blind and the lame) could keep you out. But they were wrong. Their strongest fortifications could not keep David out. The next verse says, 7 Nevertheless, David took the stronghold of Zion, that is, the city of David.” 所以它来自耶布斯人用来抵挡大卫的奚落或骂阵。甚至是世上最弱鸡的人(即瞎子和瘸子)也能把你抵挡住。但他们错了。他们最坚固的堡垒也挡不住大卫。下一节说:大卫却攻取了锡安的保障,就是大卫的城。
But the story does not end. David has a taunt of his own in the next verse. 但故事还没完。在下一节里大卫自己也有了嘲讽的话。
8 And David said on that day, “Whoever would strike the Jebusites, let him get up the water shaft to attack ‘the lame and the blind,’ who are hated by David’s soul.” 8 那一天大卫说:“攻打耶布斯人的,要把大卫心中恨恶的‘瞎子’和‘瘸子’丢进水沟里。”
It is not that David hated the lame and the blind; it is that he hated the Jebusites and he turns their taunt against them by labeling them as the “the blind and the lame” who couldn’t keep David out. The verse ends with a very tragic saying that circulated: 并不是说大卫恨恶瞎子和瘸子,而是恨恶耶布斯人,而把他们的奚落转向他们,称他们为“瞎子和瘸子”因为他们抵挡不住大卫。这一节最后是一句流传甚广的话:
Therefore it is said, “The blind and the lame shall not come into the house.” 因此有句俗语说:“瞎眼的或瘸腿的,都不能进殿里。”
Do you see the point? Jesus is Great David’s Greater Son. Far from keeping the blind and the lame out of the house of God, Jesus not only welcomes them but heals them. This is truly amazing and truly wonderful. He is the Messiah. This is the one we have been waiting for! Do the people see it? How do they respond? 你看到什么了吗?耶稣是比大卫更伟大的大卫的子孙。耶稣没有让瞎子和瘸子离神的殿远远的,祂不仅欢迎他们到圣殿里,而且医治他们。这是真正的奇妙与神奇。祂是弥赛亚。这是我们所期待的那一位!人们看到这一点了吗?他们如何反应?
2. People Respond (vv. 15-16) 2.人们的反应(15-16节)
15 But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things that he did, and the children crying out in the temple, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” they were indignant, 16 and they said to him, “Do you hear what these are saying?” 15 祭司长和经学家看见耶稣所行的奇事,又看见小孩子在殿中喊叫“‘和散那’归于大卫的子孙” ,就很忿怒, 16 对耶稣说:“你听见他们说甚么吗?”
a. The Children Praise (v. 15) a.儿童的赞美(15节)
b. The Leaders Rage (v. 16) b.领袖们的忿怒(16节)
a. The Children Praise (v. 15) a.儿童的赞美(15节)
Verse 15 shows that one group of people see this as a sign that He is the Messiah, the Son of David. The children see it and recognize him for who he is and so they cry out in verse 15: “Hosanna to the Son of David.” 第15节告诉我们一群人看见了祂就是弥赛亚、大卫子孙的记号。儿童看见了它,认出祂是谁,所以他们就喊“‘和散那’归于大卫的子孙。”
The word “Hosanna” means “Save us!” It is a confession that Jesus is the Messiah who has come to save them. So they respond: Yes – save us now! “和散那”的意思是“拯救我们!”这是承认耶稣是来拯救他们的弥赛亚。所以他们这样回应:是的,请来救我们!
b. The Leaders Rage (v. 16) b.领袖们的忿怒(16节)
The religious leaders (chief priests and scribes) see both the healing (wonderful things) and the praising of the children and they absolutely blow their tops. With indignant rage they ask a question that is hurled at Jesus as a rebuke: “Do you hear what these are saying?” 宗教领袖们(祭司长和文士)看见医治(奇事)又看见儿童的赞美,他们气炸了。他们在怒气中冲着耶稣大骂:“你听见他们说什么吗?”
The force of the question is this: “do you hear these poor deluded impressionable children? You are clearly misleading people who do not have enough sense to know any better. Make them stop. Tell them the truth. Set the record straight! 这问题的着力点在于:“你听见这些可怜的,受人迷惑的,易受影响的孩子了吗?你显然在误导没有分辨能力的人们。让他们停下来。告诉他们真相,澄清是非!
Jesus is about to set the record straight and it is exactly the opposite of what they are expecting. 耶稣正要澄清是非,而那正好与他们所期待的是非相反。
3. Jesus Rebukes (v. 17) 3.耶稣责备(17节)
And Jesus said to them, “Yes; have you never read, 耶稣说:“我听见了。
“ ‘Out of the mouth of infants and nursing babies you have prepared praise’?” ‘你从小孩和婴儿的口中, 得着了讚美。’ 这话你们没有念过吗?”
17 And leaving them, he went out of the city to Bethany and lodged there. 17 于是离开他们,出了城,来到伯大尼,在那里过了一夜。
I hope you can just see the scathing note of sarcasm here: have you never read? He is saying to the biblical, educated, professionally trained experts – hey, there is a passage in the Bible, it may be new to you, maybe you have never read it, because you are sure acting like it is not familiar to you at all! 我希望你们能看到尖锐的讽刺:你们没念过吗?祂在跟这些饱读经书训练有素的专家说话——嘿,圣经里有一段经文,你们可能还没读过,因为你们的行为显出你们完全不熟悉这段经文。
This is like saying to a math professor: hey there is this thing called a square root – have you ever heard of it? Or saying to a heart surgeon, hey I read about this thing called a heart attack – have you ever heard of it? 这就像是对一个数学教授说:嘿,有个叫平方根的玩意儿,你听说过吗?或者对一个心外科医生说:嘿,我读到关于心肌梗死的东西,你听说过吗?
Jesus says, hey experts in the Bible, did you happen to recognize that the Bible is being fulfilled right now, and wait until you feel the punch line. Jesus quotes from Psalm 8:2. 耶稣说:嘿,圣经专家们,你们有没有碰巧意识到此刻圣经的预言正在应验,等着直到你感到一记重拳袭来。耶稣引用了诗篇8:
1 O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. 2 Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger. 1 耶和华我们的主啊! 你的名在全地是多么威严, 你把你的荣美彰显在天上。 2 因你仇敌的缘故,你从小孩和婴儿的口中, 得着了赞美, 使仇敌和报仇的无话可说。
This is a knock out punch. Then we are told he leaves: 17 And leaving them, he went out of the city to Bethany and lodged there. This is the ancient equivalent of the mic drop. There is nothing else to say. Case closed! 这是一记把人击倒的重拳。然后我们被告知,祂走开了。17 于是离开他们,出了城,来到伯大尼,在那里过了一夜。这相当于古代版的“扔麦”(译注:mic drop指某人在表演或演说完毕后故意把麦克风扔到地上,以示对自己的表现非常满意,演出到此为止,麦克风的存在已无必要。),演出到此结束,演员满意地退场。
Why is this quotation like a mic drop? To feel the force of it, we have to go back to Psalm 8. 为什么引用诗篇8就像扔麦?要感受其中的力量,我们就要回到诗篇8.
The Psalmist begins (v. 1) and ends (v. 9) the Psalm in the same way: the conclusion of all creation is that God has the greatest name. 诗篇开头和结尾说的是用样的话:整个受造界得出结论,神拥有最伟大的名。
1 O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. 1 耶和华我们的主啊! 你的名在全地是多么威严, 你把你的荣美彰显在天上。
9 O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! 9 耶和华我们的主啊! 你的名在全地是多么威严。
Someone’s name signifies the essence of who they are or what they are known for. God’s name is another way of saying his character or his essence or his fame. That is why we have a special esteem for God’s great name. Yahweh has the greatest name because He is the greatest, most majestic, and most glorious Being. 某人的名表明他们的本质是什么,或他们以什么为人所知。神的名在宣告祂的性情、本质或祂的名声。这就是为什么我们要特别尊崇神的圣名。耶和华是最伟大的名,因为祂是最伟大的,最荣耀的存在。
Sometimes in a trial, the defense will call some people to testify as a character witness. If God’s greatness were on trial, He could summon everything from above the heavens all the way down to everything on the earth. 有时在庭审中,辩方会请些人来为自己的品格作证。如果神的伟大被放在庭审中,祂会召唤万有,从天上到地底下,都出来作见证。
That raises the question: who will the Psalmist call to the witness stand out of all the possibilities? The groups selected are an ironic twist. God’s greatness is seen when God uses little children to defeat his enemies (v. 2) and when he uses little people to rule his world (vv. 3-8). God’s greatness seen against the backdrop of human weakness. 这就引出了一个问题:诗人最有可能叫谁站出来作见证?所选择的群体具有讽刺意味。当上帝用小孩子打败仇敌(第2节)并用小小的人类来治理祂的世界(3-8节),上帝的伟大就被看见了。上帝的伟大以人类的弱小来反衬。
2 Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger. 因你仇敌的缘故,你从小孩和婴儿的口中, 得着了赞美, 使仇敌和报仇的无话可说。
The religious leaders are identified as the “enemy” or “avenger.” The children praising Jesus in the temple are identified as the “out of the mouth of babies and infants,” and their praise or confession of faith is God’s establishing “strength.” 宗教领袖被指为“仇敌”和“报仇的”。在圣殿里赞美耶稣的小孩被指为“从小孩和婴儿的口中”,他们的赞美或认信是神所建立的“能力”。
Let’s unpack all the punch behind this powerful application. 让我们逐一解释在有力的应用背后所有的重拳。
First, in terms of “babies and infants,” we don’t need to restrict the terminology too narrowly. Jeremiah uses the same word translated “babies” for children playing in the streets (Jer. 6:11; 9:21). The word for “infants” literally refers to nursing children, but women in the ancient world nursed their children until they were two or three years old. We could be talking about grade school children or toddlers just learning to speak. 第一,我们不必把“小孩和婴儿”限定在很窄的范畴中。耶利米用同样的翻成“孩童”的词,指在街上玩耍的孩子(耶利米书6:11;9:21)。“婴儿”字面上是指在吃奶的孩子,但古代妇女给她们的孩子喂奶直到两三岁。我们可以说一年级或正在学说话的幼儿。
Second, what is the strength that God brings from the mouths of these children? The Greek translation of the Old Testament interpreted the “strength” coming out of their mouths as “praise.” Their praise really packs a punch. They can draw the right conclusion and put the big shots to shame. 第二,神从这些小孩口中建立的能力是什么?希伯来文中的“能力”在希腊文译本翻成“赞美”。他们的赞美确实是一记重拳。他们能得出正确的结论,让大人物蒙羞。
Now we come back to our passage. Jesus is connecting what is happening at the Triumphal entry. Jesus says that the best example of Psalm 8 is actually happening right before the faces of the Pharisees. 现在我们回到我们的讲道经文。耶稣在联系荣入圣城的那个时刻。耶稣说诗篇8的最佳实例正在法利赛人面前发生。
Jesus did not need to rebuke them; they had already been rebuked by children who shamed the big shots. He didn’t need to add a rebuke to silence them; they just needed to hear that they had already been silenced and shamed. 耶稣不需要责备他们,他们已经被小孩子们责备了,他们让大人物蒙羞。祂不需要加一句责备来让他们噤声,他们只需要听到他们已经无话可说,脸面丢尽。
This is astounding irony. The people that tried to portray themselves as those who see everything most clearly are actually the most blind. They supposedly have the loudest and most respected voices that carry the most weight when they speak. And yet, they are silenced and shown to be frauds by… small children. It is like David and Goliath all over again. The Pharisees are supposedly the leaders of God’s people, but they are actually the enemies of God. They are like Goliath and God in the flesh is here and they are taunting him to his face. Meanwhile little children come up and see it clearly and say it like it is: with worship and adoration. They get it right and the big shots get it wrong. 这是令人震惊的反讽。试图将自己描绘成把一切都看得最清楚的人实际上是最盲目的。据称,他们说话时声音最大,最受人尊敬,最有分量。然而,他们被噤声了,被…小孩证明是假冒的。 就像大卫和歌利亚的故事重演。法利赛人据说是上帝子民的领袖,但实际上他们是上帝的敌人。他们就像歌利亚,道成肉身的上帝就在这里,他们却当面嘲弄祂。这时,小孩子们站起来,看得清清楚楚,并说出它的样子:带着敬拜和崇拜。他们是对的,大人物们错了。
Psalm 8 is a perfect text for Jesus to quote because Jesus says that the children are praising him. And Psalm 8 is all about the worship of God. Jesus accepted their praise in a Psalm 8 way. That means Jesus accepted the praise of God for himself! He is God. He is worthy of worship! He has the great name! The children see it and thus they sing it. 耶稣引用诗篇8用得恰到好处,因为耶稣说小孩子在赞美祂,而诗篇8说的全是敬拜神。耶稣以诗篇8的方式接受他们的赞美。这说明耶稣以上帝的身分接受赞美!祂就是上帝。祂是配得敬拜的!祂拥有伟大的名!小孩子们看到了这一点,因此他们歌唱。
Main Point: Jesus is the God of Psalm 8 who has the greatest name and deserves the highest praise 要点:耶稣是诗篇8中的上帝,拥有最伟大的名,配得最崇高的敬拜。
Application: What Do We Need to Do During a Pandemic? 应用:我们需要在这场全球瘟疫中做什么?
Please do not miss the most obvious action, which is also the most powerful: praise Jesus. Here is a key question for all of us: what does God want from you in this season? It is a real question. Answer it in your mind for a moment. Did your answer skip right over worship and jump to community action or sewing masks or some other activity? 请不要忽略了最明显的行动,也是最有力的行动:赞美耶稣。对我们所有人来说这里有一个关键的问题:神要在这个时期中向你要什么?这是一个真正的问题。请花片刻在你心里回答这个问题。你的回答是不是跳过敬拜,而直接跳入社区行动,或缝口罩,或其它活动中?
Do not underestimate the power of praise in this season. We see many people giving vent to complaints and fears and questions and doubts. People who respond in praise are going to stand out like a wonderfully sore thumb. 不要低估在这样的时期中赞美的力量。我们看到很多人在发泄抱怨、恐惧、困惑和疑惑。以赞美来回应的人就显得一枝独秀。
When hope is scarce and people see it and want to know where we found it, we must be ready to give a reason for why we have it and how we got it (1 Peter 3:15). Dear reader, are you ready? Are you equipped for the task? Do you have what you need to unpack the glorious reasons we really have for hoping in Jesus? 当希望渺茫时,人们看到我们有盼望,就会想知道我们从哪里找到盼望,我们必须准备好告诉他们我们为什么拥有盼望,以及如何得着盼望(彼得前书3:15)。亲爱的朋友,你准备好了吗?你为使命作好装备了吗?你预备好所需要的一切来向人们解释你真正在耶稣里有盼望的荣耀理由吗?
How can children do this? When I say “praise” or “worship,” please do not think only of singing or what may happen in a church service. All of life is meant to be worship. I am thinking of a moment in the midst of darkness and mess, when a young child pipes up and says, “I am thankful that God never changes.” Suddenly all the adults who were ratcheting up in terms of anxiety, have their hearts melted into peace. Yes, that is exactly right – that is our hope. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The circumstances have definitely changed, but Jesus has not changed, so our hope has not shifted! 小孩子怎么能做到这些?当我说“赞美”或“敬拜”时,请不要以为只是唱歌,或在教会礼拜时所发生的一切。整个生命都是用来敬拜的。我想到在黑暗和混乱中的某一时刻,一个小小孩的尖声响起:“我感谢神从不改变。”突然间,所有大人心中渐渐堆起的焦虑,一下子融化,变成了平安。是的,那完全正确——那就是我们的盼望。耶稣昨日今日明日永不改变。环境当然会改变,但耶稣从不改变,所以我们的盼望也不会动摇!
Sometimes the praise of children arising from a childlike faith pierces the darkness and reorients everyone’s hearts back to the truth of God, the goodness of his character, the greatness of his name, the unflinching hope we can have in him. 有时孩子们赤子般的信心所发出的赞美能刺破黑暗,让每一个人的心回转到神的真理、祂性情的良善、祂名的伟大,以及我们在祂里面所拥有的不可动摇的盼望。
When everyone else points to counterfeit hopes that are like thin ice, someone needs to speak into the chaos and confusion and say, “God is in us and God is for us and God is not done with us.” Grace has brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home. Perhaps today the best way to hold on is to cry out, “Hold me Jesus, Help me Jesus, and then praise Him for never letting you go!” 当其他所有人都指向像薄冰一样的假盼望,有人需要对着混乱和迷惑说:“神在我们中间,神是为我们的,神不会厌弃我们。”恩典已经带给我安全至今,恩典也必领我回家。也许今天能坚持到底的最好办法是大声喊:“抓住我,耶稣!帮助我,耶稣!”然后赞美祂,求祂绝不要让你放任自流。
Conclusion 结语
Psalm 8 looks at the magnitude of the night sky as an example of God’s greatness. 诗篇8看着浩瀚的夜空,遐想神的伟大。
3 When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 4 what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? 3 我观看你手所造的天,和你所安放的月亮和星星。 4 啊! 人算甚么,你竟记念他? 世人算甚么,你竟眷顾他?
The first thing the psalmist does in this stanza is take time to consider how small man is compared to the cosmic backdrop he looks up and sees. He is looking up into the sparkling night sky – like a 100,000 diamonds sparkling against a black velvet backdrop. 诗人在这段诗节中所作的就是仰望星空时想到在茫茫宇宙中人类是何等渺小。他看着璀璨的夜空——就像十万颗钻石在黑色天鹅绒背景上熠熠生辉。
The psalmist was amazed when he looked up at the night sky. We should be much more amazed because we know much more. The psalmist does not expound upon solar systems and galaxies. Our solar system is the sun (a star) and everything bound to it by gravity (including our 8 planets and their moons, asteroids, comets, interplanetary dust, etc. Our galaxy is the milky way galaxy. A galaxy is a large system of stars held together by mutual gravitation and isolated from similar systems by vast distances. Our solar system may seem large, but it is not all that impressive when compared to our galaxy. In fact, if the Milky Way Galaxy were the size of the continent of North America, then our solar system would fit in a coffee cup. Our Milky Way galaxy is the light of 200-400 billion stars turning like a giant pinwheel (100 light years across). 诗人仰望夜空时感叹神奇。我们应该更加倍感神奇,因为我们知道得更多。诗人并没有详细解释太阳系和银河系。我们的太阳系有一个太阳(恒星)以及被它的引力所吸引的8个行星及其卫星、小行星、彗星、行星际尘云,等等。我们所在的星系是银河系。一个星系由许多恒星通过相互引力组成,与别的星系相距甚远。我们的太阳系貌似很大,但和我们的星系比起来就微不足道。事实上,如果银河系是北美洲那么大,那么我们的太阳系就可以放进一个咖啡杯里。我们的银河系有2-4千亿颗恒星像风车一样旋转(直径100光年)。
But the Milky Way galaxy is not all that impressive compared to how many galaxies exist. Edwin Hubble showed us that our galaxy is one of many galaxies in the universe (back in the 1920’s). The best estimate is that there are roughly 170 billion galaxies gathered in clusters. We can’t even get our head around how many zeros are in 170 billion or how many stars there are if there are 200-400 billion stars in a galaxy. 但比起宇宙有多少个星系来,银河系又显得微不足道了。埃德温·哈勃(1920年代)告诉我们,我们的星系只是宇宙中无数星系中的一个。最准确的估计是总共有1千7百亿个星系组成星系团。我们甚至数不清1千7百亿该有几个零,如果每个星系有2-4千亿颗恒星,那总共该有多少颗恒星。
That sounds big and impressive, but God did it with ease. We sometimes talk about someone lifting a finger to do something. David calls all of this the finger work of God. Think about this for just a moment. The moon and stars are the works of his fingers. Effortless – he did not even have to use his wrist so to speak. 那听起来很大,让人印象深刻,但神很轻易就做到了。我们有时会说某人伸个手指头就把事情搞定了。大卫称所有这些为神手指头所做的。请花片刻默想一下。日月星辰都是祂手指头的工作。毫不费力——祂甚至不需要动用祂的手腕。
But this is what captivates his praise the most. The greatest mystery that perplexes the Psalmist is not that we are so small or that the universe is so big, but that God’s love is so big. We are so small - microscopic specks in the universe - and look at how much he cares for us! 但最让他情不自禁赞美的还在下面。让诗人心生困惑的最大谜团不是我们如此渺小或宇宙如此浩瀚,而是神的爱是如此浩大。我们如此渺小——宇宙中的微尘——而祂何等眷顾我们!
This week with Good Friday and Easter coming we are celebrating not just the greatest actual display of love in history, but the greatest possible love. God Almighty created the seemingly infinite stretches of the universe with just his fingers. What would require all of him? Answer: your salvation. The only way you can be saved for all eternity is for Jesus to pay the infinite price that cost the infinite God everything: crown of thorn for his head, spear in his side, flogging on his back, nail spikes through his hands and feet. All of him to pay all the price. How can you keep from worshipping him, saints? Look at all he has done. And if he paid the greatest price, he will do the easy thing and give you everything you need to bring you through this pandemic (Rom. 8:32). If have not received Jesus, you are living in real rebellion. You are looking at the greatest possible act of love to save you for all eternity and saying, “no, thanks.” I don’t need that and I don’t want that. On the day of judgment, there will be no excuse. O, repent. Turn from your rebellion. You’re your rest in him. Lord, I come, I confess, bowing here I find my rest. Without you, I fall apart. You’re the one who guides my heart. Lord, I need you. O, I need you. Every hour I need you. My one defense, my righteousness. O God how I need you. Teach my song to rise to you, when temptation comes my way. When I cannot stand, I’ll fall on you, Jesus you’re my hope and stay! 这周随着受难日和复活节的到来,我们在庆祝的不仅是神的爱在历史上的最大实际体现,也是最大可能的爱。全能的神只用祂的手指头就创造了看起来无边无垠的宇宙。祂还要求什么呢?答案:你的救恩。你能被拯救到永远的唯一途径就是耶稣付上无限的代价,无限的神付出一切:祂头上的荆棘冠冕,祂肋边刺入的长矛,祂背上所受的鞭打,祂手上和脚上穿过的钉子。祂整个人付上了全部的代价。众圣徒,你们敬拜的时候还要保留什么呢?请看看祂所作的一切。而既然祂已经付上了最大的代价,祂当然也会做容易的事情,供你一切所需,带你走过这全球瘟疫(罗马书8:32)。如果你还没接受耶稣,你还生活在真正的叛逆之中。你看着最大可能的爱的行动来拯救你到永生,你却说:“不用了,谢谢。我不需要,也不想要。”到了审判的那一天,你就无可推诿。哦,悔改吧!从你的叛逆中改邪归正。你在祂里面有安息。“主我来,就承认。我安息在祢面前。若没有祢,我必堕落。因此我为耶稣而活。主我每时刻需要祢,每時刻需要祢。我惟一的保障,惟一的公义。主啊, 我需要祢。当试探苦难临到,教导我如何祷告。何时我跌倒使我起立。耶稣我要依靠祢。何时我跌倒使我起立,耶稣我要依靠祢。”
Conclusion: Lord, I Need You 回应诗歌:《主,我需要你》
Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
Sermon Text: Matthew 21:15-17 讲道经文:马太福音21:15-17
Sermon Title: Out of the Mouth of Children 讲道标题:出自小孩和婴儿的口
Main Point: Jesus is the God of Psalm 8 who has the greatest name and deserves the highest praise 要点:耶稣是诗篇8所指的上帝,拥有最伟大的名,配得最崇高的敬拜
Outline 纲要
1. Jesus Heals (v. 14) 1.耶稣的医治(14节)
a. What He Does a.祂做了什么
b. Where He Heals b.祂在哪里做
c. Who He Heals c.祂医治了谁
d. Why it Matters d.这为何重要
2. People Respond (vv. 15-16) 2.人们的反应(15-16节)
a. The Children Praise (v. 15) a.小孩们赞美(15节)
b. The Leaders Rage (v. 16) b.领袖们忿怒(16节)
3. Jesus Rebukes (v. 17) 3.耶稣的责备(17节)
a. Have you never read? a.你们没念过吗?
b. The Fulfillment of Psalm 8 b.诗篇8的应验
Discussion Questions 讨论问题
1. What is the significance of verse 14? What claim does it make for the identity of Jesus? 1.14节有什么重要之处?这宣告了耶稣什么身分?
2. How do the children respond to this sign? 2.小孩们对这个记号作何反应?
3. How do the religious leaders respond to the healing and the children’s response? Why do they respond that way? 3.宗教领袖们对耶稣的医治和小孩的反应有何反应?为什么他们有这种反应?
4. How Scripture does Jesus use in his response to the leaders? Why does it so definitively silence them? 4.耶稣如何引用经文来应对宗教领袖?这为什么让他们彻底哑口无言?
Application Questions 应用问题
1. Have you experienced the power of praise in contexts of chaos, confusion, and darkness? 1.你是否曾经经历过在混乱、困惑和黑暗中赞美的力量?
2. How can you prepare yourself to be a person of praise in the midst of this pandemic? 2.你能如何预备你自己成为一个在这全球瘟疫中赞美的人。
3. What part of this message do you need to share with someone this week? Is there someone you need to exhort? 3.这篇讲道中的哪个部分你需要在这周与人分享?有没有人需要你去鼓励?
Prayer Focus 祷告聚焦
Pray for the grace to come to Jesus in your weakness and be a person of praise in the midst of this pandemic. 祈求恩典在你的软弱中来到耶稣面前,在这场全球瘟疫中作一个赞美的人。



      本文标题:2020-04-05 出自小孩和婴儿的口(马太福音21:14-1
