Maty Ezraty 精彩分享

Maty Ezraty 精彩分享

作者: 乐乙游 | 来源:发表于2019-06-25 15:16 被阅读0次


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Maty Ezraty

传说中的阿斯汤伽六大弟子之一(不过六大弟子这个说法并不严谨)。1985 年,Maty 在洛杉矶跟随Pattabhi Jois (帕塔比.乔斯)练习两周阿斯汤加瑜伽后,爱上了这个流派,自此长年跟随Guruji练习。Maty Ezraty在美国教过很多有名的瑜伽教练,被尊称为“名师的老师”,也被瑜伽杂志尊称为“瑜伽的革新者”,还被评为“美国十大最有影响力的瑜伽教练之一”。

Maty Ezraty 精彩分享

No one system has all the answers.


Let’s also keep in mind that not everyone should or can do all the poses in first series. As teachers, no matter what yoga style we teach, we should know how and when to modify for our students’ needs. What better place than the Mysore room, where everyone can go at their own pace? It is a wonderful way to learn to listen to your body and to your needs. The practice can always be modified so that Ashtanga can support you.

我们应谨记,并非每个人都必须,或能够,做完第一序列的所有体式。作为老师,不管我们教哪个流派,都须懂得,在何时、如何地,根据学生的需求调整体式。Mysore教室是最适合每个 人按照自己的方式来练习的地方。这是一个学习聆听身体和个人所需的美妙方式。随时按需调整练习,如此阿斯汤加瑜伽才会成为你的坚强后盾。

In practicing yoga, it’s important that we stay away from becoming fundamentalists. No one system has all the answers. Just do the series and you’re going to get enlightened? No, if you’re 54 years old, you’re not going to put your leg in Half Lotus and fold forward in the first 20 minutes of class. Please, that’s not a good idea. Ashtanga is a very, very demanding sequence, and very often I think people take the sequence to be more important than the fundamental yoga principles like ahimsa. The heart of ashtanga is heat, concentration, personal practice. Take these bigger guidelines of the sequence and apply them to the individual so that their practice serves them.


​The truth is that YOGA is so vast.


You have to see Ashtanga yoga as a much bigger thing.


It is not necessary about where my gaze is. Whether I look at my nose, I look between the eyebrows. That is not a magical formula to reach enlightenment!

我的凝视点在哪里不重要。我是看着鼻子还是眉心,都不重要。 那不是开悟的魔法方程式!

There is really no one way. And there is no one way for one person in their whole life time to do things.


So to me flow is the state of mind, is about concentration, it is about going inside. Turning in.

[流] 对我而言是心念的状态,是专注,是往内走。专注内在。


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