你有喝咖啡的习惯吗?喝咖啡到底是好还是不好呢?喝咖啡与考研的人数有正相关关系吗(positively correlated)?
老夏考研“每日一题”今天内容选材于“Time”文章。文章标题为“Drinking Coffee May Help You Live Longer, Study Says”(研究表明,喝咖啡有助于长寿)。
[A] suggests
[C] defends
[D] concludes
①A new study provides more good news for coffee lovers.②Drinking coffee is associated with a lower risk of early death — virtually regardless of how much you drink and whether or not it’s caffeinated, _______ a paper published Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine. ③That finding, combined with the apparent longevity-boosting effect of decaf coffee, suggests that caffeine isn’t the life-lengthening mechanism at work in java, Loftfield said. ④But because the current study was observational, meaning it looked only at patterns in an existing dataset, it’s impossible to say what is — or even if coffee is truly responsible for keeping death at bay, or just associated with a longer life.
①A new study p rovides more good news for coffee lovers. 一项新的研究为咖啡爱好者带来了更多的好消息。
②Drinking coffee is associated with a lower risk of early death — virtually regardless of how much you drink and whether or not it’s caffeinated, concludes a paper published Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine. 周一发表在《美国医学会杂志·内科学》上的一篇论文结论说,喝咖啡可以降低早逝的风险——事实上,不管你喝多少,也不管是否含有咖啡因。
③That finding, combined with the apparent longevity-boosting effect of decaf coffee, suggests that caffeine isn’t the life-lengthening mechanism at work in java, Loftfield said. Loftfield说,这一发现和去咖啡因咖啡的延长寿命的明显作用表明,咖啡因并不是在爪哇发挥作用的延长寿命的机制。
④But because the current study was observational, meaning it looked only at patterns in an existing dataset, it’s impossible to say what is — or even if coffee is truly responsible for keeping death at bay, or just associated with a longer life. 但由于目前的研究是观察性的(这意味着研究只审视了现有数据集的模式),所以我们不可能说究竟什么是延长寿命的机制 —— 或者即使咖啡真的起到阻止死亡的作用,或者仅仅与长寿有关。