L4-U3-P2 Election & voting选举

L4-U3-P2 Election & voting选举

作者: Darren321 | 来源:发表于2019-04-03 16:55 被阅读0次

    Hey, have you decided how you're going to vote?嘿,你决定怎么投票了吗?

    No, I haven't.不,我没有

    I don't like any of the candidates.我不喜欢任何一个候选人

    So you aren't going to vote?所以你不打算投票了?

    Hemmmm, I don't know, probably not.嗯,我不知道,可能不会。

    It seems like a waste of time.这似乎是在浪费时间

    What are the chances that he is going to vote? 他去投票的机会有多大?不太可能


    Why do you think it's a waste of time?你为什么认为这是浪费时间?

    Have you listened to any of their speeches?你听过他们的演讲吗?

    Yes, I have, and I agree that the speeches aren't very good.是的,我看过,我也同意那些演讲不怎么好


    I can't believe anything they say.我不能相信他们说的话

    They are just saying what they think we want to hear.他们只是在说他们认为我们想听的话

    Sure they wanna get elected.他们当然想当选

    I admit that the system isn't perfect, but it's all we have.我承认这个系统并不完美,但它是我们所拥有的一切

    Whether I vote or not won't make a difference.我投票与否都没有关系

    It's all a show.这都是作秀

    What system did she admit isn't perfect? How candidates are chosen and run for election.她承认什么制度不完美?候选人是如何选出和竞选的

    Well, I think you should vote.我认为你应该投票

    Do a little research about the candidates?对候选人做一些调查?

    Have you?有你吗?

    Yes, I have.是的,我有。

    I've looked into the backgrounds, and education.我研究了背景和教育

    How can that help?这有什么帮助呢?

    For example, if they know something about science, it could help the government make better decisions about issues such as climate change.例如,如果他们对科学有所了解,就能帮助政府在气候变化等问题上做出更好的决策

    Yes, that's a good point.是的这个观点很好

    We need well educated people making decisions.我们需要受过良好教育的人来做决定

    And I look to see what kind of people are supporting them.我想知道什么样的人支持他们

    She wants to elect people who are smart and well-educated.她想选那些聪明又受过良好教育的人

    What issues do you think are most important?你认为什么问题最重要

    I guess for me, pollution, housing and taxes are important.我想对我来说,污染、住房和税收很重要

    I want to know how the government plans to deal with these issues.我想知道政府计划如何处理这些问题

    Yes, I agree with you.是的,我同意你的看法

    Maybe I will vote, especially if we can get together and talk more about it.也许我会投票,尤其是如果我们能聚在一起多谈谈的话。

    What about dinner tomorrow night?明晚一起吃晚饭怎么样?

    Sorry, I'm busy tomorrow night.对不起,明天晚上我很忙。

    Oh, that's too bad.哦,那太糟糕了。

    Do you have any time in the next few days?这几天你有空吗?

    I'll take you to a nice restaurant.我带你去一家好餐馆。

    Actually, I'm quite busy.事实上,我很忙。

    But I may have some time Sunday afternoon.但是星期天下午我可能有空。

    We could have lunch somewhere near the office.我们可以在办公室附近吃午饭

    Sure, that works for me.当然,这对我很有用。

    I'll give you a call on Saturday, and we can decide the details, OK?我星期六会打电话给你,具体细节我们再决定,好吗?

    OK, I'll be looking forward to seeing which candidate you support.好的,我很期待看到你支持哪位候选人。



        本文标题:L4-U3-P2 Election & voting选举
