语堂先生眼中的北方人 | 「英文观止」

语堂先生眼中的北方人 | 「英文观止」

作者: 08d0e42a1582 | 来源:发表于2020-11-12 15:04 被阅读0次




For on the one hand, we have the northern Chinese, acclimatized to simple thinking and hard-living, tall and stalwart, hale, hearty and humorous, onion-eating and fun-loving, children of nature, who are in every way more Mongolic and more conservative than the conglomeration of peoples near Shanghai and who suggest nothing of their loss of racial vigor. They are the Honan boxers, the Shantung bandits, and the imperial brigands who have furnished China with all the native imperial dynasties, the raw material from which the characters of Chinese novels of wars and adventure are drawn.


For on the one hand, we have the northern Chinese, acclimatized to simple thinking and hard-living, tall and stalwart, hale, hearty and humorous, onion-eating and fun-loving, children of nature, who are in every way more Mongolic and more conservative than the conglomeration of peoples near Shanghai and who suggest nothing of their loss of racial vigor.

be acclimatized to,指“习惯于”,E.g. The development of vehicle technology must be acclimatized to the two requirements. 汽车驱动技术的趋势正在于适应这两个需求。

stalwart,指“强壮的”,E.g. He has a stalwart figure and walks with an air. 他身材魁梧,走起路来很有气派。

conservative,指“保守的”,E.g. The girl is well dressed, as usual, though in a more conservative style. 这个女孩穿得一如往日那样讲究,只是风格比平日更为传统。

conglomeration,指“聚集”,E.g. To her, it is a wonderful conglomeration of everything great and mighty. 在她看来,那里奇妙地聚集着所有伟大和非凡的事业。

句子分析:此句是对北方人民的性格外貌特征、及其民族习俗文化的描写。其中“acclimatized to simple thinking and hard-living, tall and stalwart, hale, hearty and humorous, onion-eating and fun-loving, children of nature,”作定语,虽看似冗长,实则简而精准地将北方人们豁达豪爽,不拘泥于俗世规则的形象映入读者眼帘。其后是由who引导的两个定语从句,more conservative似贬实褒地道出了北方人民因为思想上的敦实,成就他们为行动的先驱,毕竟纸上谈兵比不及躬行实践。



They are the Honan boxers, the Shantung bandits, and the imperial brigands who have furnished China with all the native imperial dynasties, the raw material from which the characters of Chinese novels of wars and adventure are drawn.

brigand,指“盗贼”,这里化意为“篡夺者”,E.g. The brigands have never been really extirpated from the neighborhood of Rome. 罗马附近的盗贼实际上从来没有真正被消灭干净过。

furnish...with..., 指“给……提供……”,E.g. Please furnish us with the necessary information. 请给我们提供必要的情报。

句子分析:此句主句是“They are the Honan boxers, the Shantung bandits and the imperial brigands”,其后的who和which 都是指代they,即北方人民,which指代material。该句通过两个定语从句,总结了北方人民在历朝历代更替中所扮演的重要角色——朝代更替的推波助澜者,同时也点明了他们是中国许多旧小说中“侠”与“义”的化身。



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      本文标题:语堂先生眼中的北方人 | 「英文观止」
