A hug

作者: 鲜宇夫 | 来源:发表于2020-03-11 07:43 被阅读0次

Because the epidemic has not been with Hanbao for more than 40 days

Yesterday, the child walked by and asked me to hold him for a while

I put on my mask and gave my child a loving hug

Hanbao lies in my arms and laughs happily

Hanbao asked me if my father would hold me when I grew up

I said I'll hold you when you have a son

Hanbao is very happy to read

I'm still working overtime at home

Maybe it's a month of lack of exercise, it's obvious that Hanbao is a little heavier

Of course, I have plenty of supplies for my family

I supplement my son with enough meat, vegetables and protein fruits every day

Spring Festival is also a time for children to grow up

My kids were scared to see me when I was in isolation for 14 days

As soon as the quarantine period ended, I went back to work

No matter how busy I am, I will arrange time for my children to buy all kinds of food

Hope the epidemic can pass soon so Hanbao can go out to play again


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