Who Is This Guide For?
What Does This Guide Cover?
本教程将构建一个称为 Scratch 简单笔记应用(simple note taking app)。
Scratch Phone Scratch这里有前端和后端应用的完整代码(backend,frontend),虽然是一个简单的应用,但是我们期望达到以下需求:
- 用户注册与登录
- 创建笔记
- 每个笔记都可以上传附件
- 允许用户修改笔记和附件
- 用户可以删除自己的笔记
- 可以处理信用卡付款
- 应用能通过 HTTP 或者自定义的域名访问
- 安全的后端 API
- 提供应用响应
我们使用亚马逊云平台 AWS 构建,我们以后可能或扩展到其他平台,但是从 AWS 起步不失为一个好的选择。
- Lambda & API Gateway for our serverless API
- DynamoDB for our database
- Cognito for user authentication and securing our APIs
- S3 for hosting our app and file uploads
- CloudFront for serving out our app
- Route 53 for our domain
- Certificate Manager for SSL
- React.js for our single page app
- React Router for routing
- Bootstrap for the UI Kit
- Stripe for processing credit card payments
- Seed for automating Serverless deployments
- Netlify for automating React deployments
- GitHub for hosting our project repos.
Node v8.10+
NPM v5.5+
Part I
For the backend:
- Configure your AWS account
- Create your database using DynamoDB
- Set up S3 for file uploads
- Set up Cognito User Pools to manage user accounts
- Set up Cognito Identity Pool to secure our file uploads
- Set up the Serverless Framework to work with Lambda & API Gateway
- Write the various backend APIs
For the frontend:
- Set up our project with Create React App
- Add favicons, fonts, and a UI Kit using Bootstrap
- Set up routes using React-Router
- Use AWS Cognito SDK to login and signup users
- Plugin to the backend APIs to manage our notes
- Use the AWS JS SDK to upload files
- Create an S3 bucket to upload our app
- Configure CloudFront to serve out our app
- Point our domain with Route 53 to CloudFront
- Set up SSL to serve our app over HTTPS
Part II
For the backend:
- Configure DynamoDB through code
- Configure S3 through code
- Configure Cognito User Pool through code
- Configure Cognito Identity Pool through code
- Environment variables in Serverless Framework
- Working with the Stripe API
- Working with secrets in Serverless Framework
- Unit tests in Serverless
- Automating deployments using Seed
- Configuring custom domains through Seed
- Monitoring deployments through Seed
For the frontend
- Environments in Create React App
- Accepting credit card payments in React
- Automating deployments using Netlify
- Configure custom domains through Netlify
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