Books and friends should be few but good. 读书如交友,应求少而精。
Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 今日事,今日毕。
He who spends more than he should shall not have to spare when he would. 不该花的乱花,要花时没有花。
One should eat to live, not live to eat. 人为生而食,非为食而生。
Children should be seen but not be heard. 大人说话,小孩别插嘴。
Maidens should (or must) be mild and meek, swift to hear and slow to speak. 少女应温良谦恭,敏于听而慎于言。少女尚温柔,多听慢开口。
Take medicine for three years and practise medicine. 吃药三年会行医。
When I drink water,I just drink water. 该工作时好好工作,该休息时好好休息。
Drink water when you first get up. 早晨起床后喝水。
Nothing is impossible! Anything is possible! 一切皆有可能!
Gold will not buy anything. 黄金不能买尽一切。黄金并非万能。
Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real. 但凡人能想象到的事物,必定有人能将它实现。 —— Jules Verne 凡尔纳
One never loses anything by politeness. 一个人从不因礼貌而失去任何东西。讲礼貌不吃亏。
If one desires to succeed in anything, he must pay the price. 如果想做成点事,就得付出代价。It is easy to learn something about everything, but difficult to learn everything about anything. 对一些事情知道是容易的,对任何一件事都了解详细却是困难的。
You should never put anything smaller than your elbow in your ear. 不要用比你肘部小的东西掏耳朵。小题大做.
It's the daily practice of all the monotonous little boring things like brushing your teeth that matter the most. 最重要的是每天都要做的,像刷牙那样单调乏味的小事。
Clean your finger, before you point at my spots.先洗浄你的手指,再指出我的污迹。别贼喊捉贼。
You are a red neck!你是个红脖子乡巴佬大老粗穷鬼山野村夫火星来的非碳基生物!
Washing dishes is a pain in the neck. 脖子疼(苦事) 一件很麻烦的事 烫手山芋的无奈 如鲠在喉 如芒在背 如坐针毡 让人十分难受烦恼讨厌头疼