West Indies was a chain island Between South American and North America, and also located in the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.You can find it in the world map,First, you must find out where North America and South America are, that’s too big place, so you can find them easily, Then , Find the Caribbean Sea ,It’s between South America and North America, Then, between Caribbean Sea, You will find Many chain island, And The Northernmost chain Island between Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean was West Indies.

3000 years ago,(in the other island , even 5000 years ago )They where mankind live in the West Indies, But because they all live in the small island, And didn’t Have a condition of development ,they didn’t have a reputation, just like aboriginals in Africa.But,in the Age Of Wind.A European sponsored Columbus find The west Indies,and think those chain islands was Indies,Although they soon find that those chain Island was not Indies,They name those Cayman Islands West Indies.
sponsored Columbus Find West Indies what is a good news to Europe but a bad news to The person who live in those islands first,Because soon,European find out that they had Gold in West Indies,but those Island are belong to the person Who live in those islands first!So,European massacre almost all the aboriginals in West Indies,Seize west Indies and also migrate to it,Also bring many Black slaves to work,That’s why in today’s west Indies,there had many black people(they are later age of the black slaves Who be transported to the west Indies.some white people(because the migrate),But almost impossible to see aboriginals.
Many years ago ,West Indies was stand alone and become Manny country,but because the migrate from the European,Those Country had a bad economy.I think,we should help West Indians country to get out of the shadow of migrate and massacre to the aboriginals.