

作者: 范俊如 | 来源:发表于2017-05-10 09:27 被阅读0次


The Internet provides students with a huge quantity of learning resources. 很多同学接下来的内容会是:当学生在学习中遇到问题的时候,他们可以去网上找资料来解答问题。网上的信息量非常大,很多都是很有用的。如果他们的问题能够解决,他们的学习效率就可能会更高。


Students could now easily gain access to academic databases through iPad screen, read classical works on Kindle, or watch historic documents on the Internet. These great works are essentially helpful in arousing their curiosity and prepare them with key knowledge necessary for thier academic tasks, like writing an essay, and conducting a scientific research.


A person’s worth nowadays seems to be judged according to social status and material possessions. Old-fashioned values, such as honor, kindness and trust, no longer seem important. To what do you agree or disagree?

Given the power and influence of the super rich, it might seem as if social status and material possessions are the new symbols of personal worth, but in everyday life I do not think this is true.

It is apparent that most celebrities today are admired or envied solely for their material wealth or position in various social hierarchies. Many of these people are known to turn their backs on friends, cheat on their spouses or spend their evening over-indulging in alcohol and/or drugs. Things like owning a mansion, driving an expensive car and getting into A-list parties are exalted above old-fashioned values.Ultimately, though, it is the many readers of gossip magazines and celebrity blogs who reinforce these ideas.

Nevertheless, I do believe that in their day-to-day lives most people still believe in values such as honor, kindness and trust. In some way most of us want to form loving families, raise our children to be good citizens, stand up for the downtrodden and protect our communities from harm. We still form friendships, romances and business partnerships based on old-fashioned criteria.When our trust is abused or we are unfairly treated, we see that as a major violation of our relationship and we judge the wrongdoer accordingly.

In conclusion, I believe there is some truth to the notion that status and possessions have superseded old-fashioned values as a measure of a person’s worth. Looking beyond the tabloids, however,it is apparent that most ordinary people have still preserved an old-fashioned conscience.


Many of these people are known to turn their backs on friends, cheat on their spouses or spend their evening over-indulging in alcohol and/or drugs.


Things like owing a mansion, driving an expensive car and getting into A-list parties are exalted above old-fashioned values.


In some way most of us want to form loving families, raise our children to be good citizens, stand up for the downtrodden and protect our communities from harm. We still form friendships, romances and business partnerships based on old-fashioned criteria.

希望大家体会到了细节。 请再仔细读一遍另一个图文消息中的第三天全文写作的参考范文,感受一下哪些地方是细节!

任务三: 请脑洞打开-想的越多越好

1. 游客会帮助传统文化的传播。请列举细节

2. 电脑游戏导致学生上瘾的原因。请列举

3. 学生可以在课外活动中学到很多的技能。请列举

4. 有一些工作是更适合男性的,有一些是更适合女性的。请列举

5. 对于交通违规,有很多的处罚方式。请列举


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