英语课程 | Growing up with Harry Pot

英语课程 | Growing up with Harry Pot

作者: 陈冬兰 | 来源:发表于2019-06-15 11:44 被阅读0次

上学期,H5的同学(注:我们实行分级走班制,H5的学生由六七年级英语较好的学生组成)在KK老师的带领下,穿越了Harry Potter第一部电影,能够绘声绘色朗读整部电影台词,并在电影的带动下,阅读了它的原著。对于很多同学来说,这是他们第一本整本书英文原著;一些同学虽然读过一些绘本和初阶童书(比如Roald Dahl的书),但难度和厚度都不及Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone——因此,读完之后,大家都成就感满满。

于是,H5决定在本学期开启阅读大挑战:读完整套Harry Potter英文原著!




其次,Harry Potter在全世界都非常受欢迎,被译成60多种语言,全球销量三亿多册,成为有史以来最畅销的文学作品。这样的好作品,也带来了许多相关电影、游戏以及周边产品。我们去年到英国游学时,同行的有一个诺丁汉的博士生,他自我介绍的时候,说他和自己的妻子是在Harry Potter社团认识的呢!那么,当我们走出中国或平时跟外国人交流的时候,Harry Potter也很容易成为共同语言。

再次,从语言难度上,Harry Potter系列是公认的教科书式的分级阅读呢,每一部比前一部多一千多的生词量,我们上学期看了第1部觉得刚刚好,这学期就接着后面几部正好拾级而上,既有量又有梯级。这样的挑战也是我们所愿——不奋斗不挑战怎么叫“青春”呢!




We must not make decisions so lightly

——review of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

 By Luvyn

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a story of Harry and his godfather Sirius Black. Sirius is a prisoner of Azkaban, he’s a murderer, but without knowing why, he escape from Azkaban, you know, no one escape before. And, everyone’s frighten, because they all believe that Sirius works for Voldemore, and worse, Hogwarze are full of Dementors.  

But Sirius is more powerful, he can change into a dog, and he slip in Hogwarze. Because Harry has a magic map, he finds out Sirius is in school. Harry knows Sirius is his godfather, but he heard Sirius betrayed his parents, because of Sirius, Harry’s parents died. So he wants a revenge, he finds Sirius. But to his surprise, the Dark Arts teacher Lupin,his favorite and trusted teacher,  is on the same side of Sirius, Harry’s totally dizzy. 

At last, he finds out it’s actually a very big misunderstanding, Sirius has never betrayed Harry’s parents, the one that betrayed is Peter, but every one think Peter’s dead, because all we can find is one of his fingers. We thought all he left is a finger, but in fact, he only lost a finger. Sirius is guiltless. 

In short, this story is a big misunderstanding, of course everything clear at the end. I think, if everyone find more clues, and didn’t make decisions so lightly, these thing won’t happen. But sometimes we didn’t know to we find all the evidences, so just thinking twice, not make decisions so lightly.    

Defend and protect

——review of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

By Lisa

This is the third year at Hogwarts for Harry. The back of two years for Harry is full of dangerous. But this time, a greater threat is coming for him.

A prisoner in Azkaban has escaped. The prisoner’s name was Sirius Black.  Sirius was friend with James Potter, but the  said that he betray them, and let Voldemore kill James and Lili. On this time, everyone think Sirius is coming for Harry. This year, Harry had a new dark art defend teacher, his name was Lupin. Every student think that this teacher is the best teacher ever.

Because the Ministry needs to defend Sirius Black, so they put some Dementors around to capture him. But Dementors are very dangerous things. When they nears you, the air will get cold. It feel like all the happiness inside you has gone. In the end, the Dementors will “kiss” you. They will suck out your sole. So you will become a nearly dead man. Harry has been attack by Dementors once, and it was professor Lupin who save him. So Harry went to learn Patronus Charm from Lupin. This charm can stop the Dementors.

Black went closer and closer, sometimes Harry will get awake just because of a bad dream. When Harry and his friends finally meet with Sirius, they think they are gonna get killed. But instead of killing them, Sirius and Lupin told Harry something he didn’t know. It’s the true reason about James and Lili’s death. The betrayer were nor Sirius, it was Peter. When the moment that they were telling stories, Snape came by. He know almost everything but he still want to kill Sirius Black. Harry knock him down. When they are leaving, they drag Snape and Peter along with them.

But trouble went on. Lupin was a werewolf, and today is the full moon. Lupin got mad. Sirius were protecting Harry. But Peter escaped. Then on the fight, Sirius got badly hurt. Lupin ran away, Left Sirius and Harry behind all the Dementors. Harry used the patron charm , it didn’t work. At the moment, Harry saw a full patronus coming towards them. Harry waked up at the hospital. The ministry still want to kill Sirius, also Harry find out who calls the full patronus, it’s himself.

This story is about protection. I think every one wants to protect their friends. But some one didn’t understand them. Those people just listen to the rumors and they twist the true. Just like the matter of Sirius. He didn’t do anything wrong, but he still needs to go to Azkaban. The people won’t listen to truth is because they fear of doing the wrong thing. So they just keep lying to themselves instead of put everything back on track. Sometime, they just kill innocent people to hide their mistaken. This reminds me of Le Comte de Monte-Christo.

But in this situation, I think Sirius is very kind. If I were him, when I finally get out of prison, I probably will “hate the world” and I will take my revenges on them. The first time when I watch the movie I think Sirius will do the same thing. But he didn’t. He didn’t hate the world, he didn’t kill anyone. He went out of the prison for protecting the one he loved.


Luvyn’s reading record



      本文标题:英语课程 | Growing up with Harry Pot
