Pain + Reflection = Progress

Pain + Reflection = Progress

作者: 鱼香肉丝_89 | 来源:发表于2018-02-12 20:20 被阅读31次

《Principles》读书笔记 - 精读营 2018/02/12

12/Feb 《Principles》Part III - Work Principle Chapter 1(Page 310-336)
  • Chapter 2: Cultivate Meaningful Work and Meaning Relationships
  • Chapter 3: Create a Culture in Which it is Okay to Make Mistake and Unacceptable Not to Learn from Them
  • Chapter 4: Get and Stay in Sync


  • To me, a meaningful relationship is one in which people care enough about each other to be there whenever someone need to support and they enjoy each other's company so much that they can have great times together both inside and outside of work. I literally love many of the people I work with, and I respect them deeply.
  • Don't worry about looking good --- worry about achieving your goals.
  • Getting in SYNC
    Pain+Reflection = Progress

Reading notes / understanding:

  • 因为篇幅比较短小,今天多读了几个Principles,今天最大的收获就如上面所写:
    • Focus on achieving your goals is much more than what looks like. 随时随地的关注于你想要的、你的目标和结果!而不是仅仅看起来好看~~~ 现在的社会绣花枕头已经远远不能只是一个摆设的作用了,同样还要兼顾头枕这舒服,同时还需要有健康的原材料, 等等各种不同的需求。这些不同的种种需求,就是所要Focus的goals
    • 痛 + 反思 = 进步 首先感受到痛本身就是一件好事,说明方向对了 + 已经 lean in uncomfort zone, 但是由于经验不足、方法不对等等原因导致了失败,所以感受到了痛!如果不反思的话,可能只能是烦躁抱怨、不了了之!如果加以反思,遇到所有的这种情况都反思、学习总结,就意味这进步,同时意味着以后在遇到类似的事情思考的方面会更全面!
    • Getting in SYNC 我觉得这个Principle还蛮有体会的。平时上班时候,现在很多的任务都需要Collaborate,与所有的Stakeholders保持同步真的非常重要!可以避免不必要的麻烦和浪费,同时可以保障项目的进展顺利!
同时Ray老还给了很多实用的小原则,可以运用在开会上,lead and manage conversations! Lead and Manage Conversations!



    本文标题:Pain + Reflection = Progress
