悦读50-7 <Lean Turnaround>
精益转型,副标题为: How business leaders use lean principles to create value and transform their company. 领导者如何利用精益原则,创造价值并改变自己的公司。
他拥有近30年的精益管理经验,曾在不同管理级别运用精益原则令公司取得更好的业绩,从通用电气业务部的总经理到多元化经营公司丹纳赫集团的集团执行总裁,到大型制造公司Wiremold的首席执行官,他一次又一次运用精益的原则缔造了奇迹。现在他是私募股权公司J.W. Childs 的运营合作方及非执行主席。
是的,正是精益经典指南<精益思想>中的提到的丹纳赫和线模公司案例,以及亚特伯恩的精益转型经验,在他领导和精益管理下的线模公司,从1990年的人均销售9万美元到1995年的19万美元、Lead time从4到6周改善到1到2天,产品开发时间从3年到3到6个月等等。可参考第七章<复杂事例>。
这本<Lean turnaround>中,这位传奇的公司领导者与读者分享了他学习并运用精益原则的过程,以及他如何站在消费者立场上重新思考公司运行的每一个细节,带领每一位员工实现公司业绩扭亏为盈的心得和经验,包括:
2.注意到书中有多处运用WIIFM(What's in it for me?)技巧,即书中的原则、方法、案例,如何给你的公司带来帮助?
4.亚特伯恩也鼓励领导者设立有挑战的目标(Stretch goals),例如线模公司战略提到的目标就有: 每年50%的质量改善、每年20%的生产力提升等,用高中化学汪老师的话说,你得”跳一跳“!
有兴趣的朋友联系,一起做一期读书会? 再把中文读一遍,结合实际案例,会是更有深度的学习。
Introduction: Any Business Can Be Turned Around
1.The way in which a company adds value is what distinguishes it from its competitors.
-the most important and powerful way of succeeding in the long term
2.A real sustainable turnaround for any company occurs only when it transforms each and every value-adding activity by removing the waste and letting value flow to the customer.
3.Improving your operations (i.e., your value-adding activities) by relentlessly trying to find and eliminate the waste should be your primary, all-consuming strategic focus.
4.Game Plan to follow, experience from Danaher Corporation, Wiremold Company, and J.W.Childs Associates.
5.Change Your Vision, to develop "Lean Eyes" and learn to see the waste that is clogging up your value-adding activities.
6.in manufacturing, Setup times reduction average 91 percent. - SMED to actually connect the customer directly to the production cell and its value-adding employees.
-to increase the employees' sense of purpose, boosting their understanding of what the company has to do to satisfy its customers. reducing costs, improves quality, dramatically shortens lead times and greatly improves customer service.
7.to apply flow concept into service industry, focusing on improving the value-adding activities in response to the demands of the customer will have a dramatic impact on the value that you can return to the customer. i.e. hospitals, governments.
8.Create More with Less-consider every metric by 100% improvement.
Chapter 1: My Lean Journey
1.the better we got at adding value, the worse our P&L looked in short term.
2.We forced our presidents to do Kaizen. you are going to have to force yourself.
3.My visits to my various operations always started with a walk on the shop floor to see what progress had been made sine my last trip. - Gemba
4.Lean to green program
Chapter 2: Don't just Do Lean, Be Lean
1.to understand and commit to three management principles
-lean is the strategy (the foundational core of everything you do)
-lead from the top(lead it in a visible, hands-on way)
-transform the people.(treat people with respect/servant leadership/do kaizen)
2.Lean focus on removing waste creates a learning environment for everyone.
Chapter 3: Four Lean Principles to Guide Your Transformation
1.work to takt time (keep everyone's attention focused on the customer)
2.create one-piece flow
3.establish standard work(to get consistent quality/productivity)
4.create pull system (to connect your customer to your shop floor)
Chapter 4: Where is Lean taking you?
1.PVBON thinking model
-articulate the strategy and core values
-set stretch goals
-obtain Lean knowledge-training
-get Lean resources-lean consultant
-add Lean knowledge to your board of directors
Chapter 5: Reorganize your people around value steams
1.based on value-stream type of structure>traditional batch organizational structure
从亚马逊森林搬运大树到外面,是从森林里面慢慢走?(库存) 还是利用亚马逊河流而下? 要建立木筏/船只/批次
Chapter 6: Go to the Gemba to Run Your Kaizen
1.one week Kaizen to bring dramatic changes and results
2.concentrating all your early work on creating a model product line or model factory to showcase the Lean organization that is being created.
3.returning to an area many times with Kaizen projects is expected in a Lean world.
4.Lean transformation = a journey with two major movements: creating flow, and then creating pull.
5.checklist for creating flow (both manufacturing and non-manufacturing companies)
6.checklist for creating pull (both manufacturing and non-manufacturing companies)
Chapter 7: What Lean Leaders do
1.Y=f(x) success = L x T (Leadership x Time)
2.lean transformation, shift from managing to leading
3.Things to do:
-Walk of shame: Lean CEO should be on the shop floor working to understand and eliminate the non-value-adding activities.
-Hoshin Kanri Planning: policy deployment is a powerful leadership tool that will help you align your entire company around your Lean turnaround.
-daily management: critical need to establish a very strong and disciplined daily management approach at the point of value adding.
-Leaps of faith<>taking a risk (jumping into the unknown) in order to make a dramatic improvement in some process.
4.Lean Leader = Coach - Being a Lean leader is a lot like being a player coach.
5.Lean leaders' standard work
Chapter 8: How Lean changes everything
1.focus on improving key process drivers-such as productivity, lead time, inventory turns, customer services, instead of wasting time thinking about how to present the past. (e.g. Big month-end reviews)
2.increasing inventory turns is the best indicator of weather you making progress or not.
Chapter 9: Leveraging Lean in the marketiplace
1.Your Lean success will extend beyond your company walls, treating your vendors as your partners in delivering value to your customers is also a key part of this equation.
2.excellence from inside out - operations to marketplace, including areas of new products
3.QFD focuses on including customer desires in product design decisions and drastically reducing time to market.
4.one of the best ways to leverage Lean is to focus on cutting the time for everything you do.
5.good example: lead time from eight weeks to two days. jewelry business
Chapter 10: Capitalizing on your gains
1.Profit sharing program
2.Lean management Incentive system - personal recognition for an individual salary increase.
3.Internal growth to absorb saved people
4.External Lean acquisitions.
Chapter 11: Lean Everywhere
1.The truth is that establishing flow has the highest of all returns for a hospital.
Summary: So what are you waiting for
1.the first is a general lack of understanding of Lean and Lean strategy
2.second and more important reason why companies are not using a Lean strategy to achieve a Lean turnaround of their companies is a lack of leadership. " the winners will be those that focus on their processes, not their results".
