作者: I枫林渡 | 来源:发表于2018-01-26 21:11 被阅读0次

25th January

How time flies,we got to the end of our tour in Hainan province unconsciously.The activity tonight could be divided into two parts as follows.On the one hand,our group consisting of 24 teams,each of which had been busy with making preparations for a show,such as singing a song,dancing,reciting a poem and so on.Each team and their shows well prepared  were excellent and wonderful.

On the other hand,having enjoyed the unique show,we queued up to the beach to have a campfire party,with beers and snacks lifted in hand.On the beach,where we ,more than 200 partners, had a dancing round a fire,and ate snacks.When eating snacks,we came across two Turks,who were freshmen in Beijing Foreign Studies University,planning to travel in some comfortable and wellknown cities,with whom we had talked with for nearly one hour.From the long but embarrassing conversation,I came to some conclusions as follows.Firstly,when you have a chat with foreigners ,the atmosphere and feelings are more important than what you are talking about.Secondly,the contents you talk to a foreigner with are the same with what we communicate with our friends in daily life.What you should do is to express them in English.In this way,under no circumstance,should we recite  mechanical conversations from oral—English books.Lastly,practice makes perfect,you should speak in English consciously.


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