「雅思听力-医疗」剑雅8Test 2-Section 4

「雅思听力-医疗」剑雅8Test 2-Section 4

作者: 橙弗弗 | 来源:发表于2023-02-07 12:25 被阅读0次



    Research on questions about doctors

    I've been doing some research into what people in Britain think of doctors, the ones who work in general practice - the first call for medical care - and comparing this with the situation in a couple of other countries. I want to talk about the rationale behind what I decided to do.


    Now I had to set up my programme of research in three different countries so I approached postgraduates in my field in overseas departments, contacting them by email, to organise things for me at their end. I thought I would have trouble recruiting help but in fact everyone was very willing and sometimes their tutors got involved too.现在我要在三个不同的国家建立我的研究计划,所以我通过电子邮件联系了海外部同领域研究生,安排他们为我做一些事情。我本想没有那么容易可以获得帮助,但事实上每个人都非常愿意帮我,有时他们的导师也参与了。

    I had to give my helpers clear instructions about what kind of sample population I wanted them to use. I decided that people under 18 should be excluded because most of them are students or looking for their first job, and also I decided at this stage just to focus on men who were in employment, and set up something for people who didn't have jobs and for employed women later on as a separate investigation.我必须给我的帮助者明确说明我希望他们用什么样的样本人口。我认为18岁以下的人应该被排除在外,因为他们中的大多数都是学生或者是在寻找他们的第一份工作,我也在这个阶段决定把重点放在那些有工作的男人身上,然后再为那些没有工作的人和有工作的女性做一个单独的调查。

    specifically wanted to do aquestionnaire, and interviews with a focus group. With the questionnaire, rather than limiting it to one specific point, I wanted to include as much variety as possible. I know questionnaires are a very controlled way to do things but I thought I could do taped interviews later on tocounteractthe effects of this. And the focus group may also prove useful in future, by targeting subjects I can easily return to, as the participants tend to be more involved.我特别想做一个问卷调查,并与关注的小组做访谈。就调查问卷而言,我并不想把调查问卷限制到一个某个特定的点。我想有更多多样性。我知道问卷是一种可以控制的方式,但我想我可以做一些录音采访,以抵消这种影响。而重点小组也可能在未来证明是很有用的,通过了解受访者,我可以很容易地回到多样性,因为受访者通常是各种各样的。

    So I'm just collating the results now. At the moment it looks as if, in the UK, despite the fact that newspapers continually report that people are unhappy with medical care, in fact it is mainly the third level of care, which takes place in hospitals, that they are worried about. Government reforms have been proposed at all levels and although their success is not guaranteed, long-term hospital care is in fact probably less of an issue than the media would have us believe. However, I've still got quite a bit of data to look at.所以我现在只是校对结果。在英国尽管报纸不断报道,人们对医疗保健不满意,事实上,人们担心的主要是在医院的第三级医疗保健。各级政府已经提出了改革,尽管他们不一定能成功,但长期的医疗保健实际上可能没有媒体宣传的那么多。然而,我仍然有相当多的数据看。

    Certainly I will need to do more far-reaching research than I had anticipated in order to establish if people want extra medical staff invested in the community, or if they want care torevertto fewer, but larger, key medical units. The solution may well be something that can be easily implemented by those responsible in local government, with central government support of course.当然,我需要做比我预期更加深远的研究,以确定人们是想要社区有额外的医疗人员,还是他们想要回到更精更大的重点医疗机构。解决问题的方法可能是当地政府负责人员容易实施又有中央政府支持的项目

    This first stage has proved very valuable though. I was surprised by how willing most of the subjects were to get involved in the project -1 had expected some unwillingness to answer questions honestly. But I was taken abackand rather concerned that something I thought I'd set up very well didn't necessarily seem that way to everyone in my own department.但是可以证明这第一阶段非常宝贵。我惊讶地发现,实验对象都非常愿意参与这个项目——当然也有些不愿意坦诚回答问题的人。我还很意外,很担心,尽管我觉得我的一些设计很好,但未必系里所有的同事都会这么认为。

    I thought you might also be interested in some of the problems I encountered in collecting my data. There were odd cases that threw me - one of the subjects who I had approached while he was out shopping in town, decided to pull out when it came to the second round. It was a shame as it was someone who I would like to have interviewed more closely.我想你可能也对我收集的数据中遇到的一些问题感兴趣。有些奇怪的案例把我难住了——有这样一个受访者,我第一次找到他是他正在城里购物,到了第二阶段他却决定退出采访。这是一个耻辱,因为我想要更加进一步地采访他。

    And one of the first-year students I interviewed wantedreassurancethat no names would betraceablefrom the answers. I was so surprised, because they think nothing of telling you about themselves and their opinions in seminar groups!还有一个我采访的一个年级学生一直要我们保证说答案并不能看出回答者是谁。我很惊讶,因为他们不想坦诚自己也不想在讨论组里表达自己的想法!

    Then, one of the people that I work with got a bit funny. The questions were quite personal and one minute he said he'd do it, then the next day he wouldn't, and in the end he did do it. It's hard not to get angry in that situation but I tried to keep focused on the overall picture in order to stay calm.然后,还有些人会有点滑稽。问题是相当针对个人情况的,前一分钟他说他会做的,然后第二天,他就说他不会那么做,但在最后他又真的去那么做了。在这种情况下,我很难不生气,但我会看到大局以保持冷静。

    The mostbizarrecase was a telephone interview I did with a teacher at a university in France. He answered all my questions in great detail - but then when I asked how much access he had to dangerous substances he wouldn't tell me exactly what his work involved. It's a real eye-opener…最离奇的是和法国一所大学里的一位老师的电话采访。他很详细地回答了我所有的问题,但当我问他要接触多少危险物质的时候,他就不会告诉我他所做的工作具体是什么。这真的令人大开眼界

    31 students=原文中的postgraduates

    33 get a wide range of data对应原文中的include as much variety as possible。

    36 colleagues do not always agree对应原文中的didn't necessarily seem that way to everyone in my own department。

    37「」a person interviewed in the street

    38「」an undergraduate at the university

    39「」a colleague in her department

    40「」a tutor in a foreign university

    A. gave false data

    B. decided to stop participating

    C. refused to tell Shona about their job

    D. kept changing their mind about participating

    E. became very angry with Shona

    F. was worried about confidentiality



    第37 ~ 40题是搭配题。

    37.B。注意同义替换;decided to stop participating=原文中的decided to pull out



    40.C。refused to tell Shona about their job对应原文中的he wouldn't tell me exactly what his work involved。




        本文标题:「雅思听力-医疗」剑雅8Test 2-Section 4
