

作者: hyxzc | 来源:发表于2018-04-11 23:06 被阅读0次

    In Steve Jobs's speech, I was slightly touched by the first story, but the most influential was the third story. In my opinion, whether a person succeeds or not has nothing to do with academic qualifications, but my parents still hope that I can go to college. Perhaps Jobs is part of the family's economical  difficulties because of his difficulties, but more often he has his own future.  Because he knew what he wanted, he couldn't see his future from the university's curriculum, because it was only glorious on the surface. I strongly agree with this point that I have never denied that I am a sentimental person. I have a strange feeling about death. I am deeply emotional about everything. So I hate to leave and hate to deceive, so I avoid the difference. I avoided all the beginnings. It clears out the old to make way for the new. This sentence gives me a new starting point and also tells me that people should move forward and not to spin around in memories.


    在乔布斯的演讲中,我对第一个故事稍有感触,但影响最深的是第三个故事。在我的观念中,一个人成功与否与学历无关,但我的父母还都是希望我能够读大学,也许乔布斯退学一部分是因为家庭的困难,但更多的是他对自己的未来有着自己的看法。因为他知道自己想要什么,他从大学的课程里看不到自己的未来,因为那只是流于表面的光荣。这点我非常赞同我从未否认过,我是一个感性的人,我对死亡有种莫名其妙的感觉,我对于所有的事物用情很深,所以我非常讨厌离开,讨厌欺骗,所以为了避免分别,我避免了所有的开始。It clears out the old to make way for the new. 这句话给我一个新的起点,也告诉我,人要向前走,不要在回忆里打转。



