
Blockchain is the biggest buzzword of the year.
(例句:Diversity is the new buzzword 时髦词 in education.)
(例句:They help us grasp the diversity 多元化 of life on the planet.)
However, we are just now beginning to see what creative (silly) ways will this technology be applied.
The newest example from China is a blockchain-based toothbrush by Shenzhen-based 32Teeth, currently crowdfunding 众筹 the project through the JD Finance platform.
The company aims to make your teeth really clean by applying not only blockchain technology, but also facial recognition, sensors, and big data.
The toothbrush app offers precise identification of 16 tooth surface cleanliness levels, analyzes users' brushing activity data, and offers a powerful intelligent reminder. It even has AR function which gives you an inside look (literally) into how you brush your teeth.
Augmented Reality 增强现实技术,与VR virtual reality 虚拟现实技术不同,AR是现实和虚拟结合在一起,重点是增强现实。一种有意思的说法就是,AR就像见到了鬼,VR就像做了场梦。
The toothbrush also tries to make each of your 32 teeth—the average number of teeth in an adult—a cryptocurrency mine.
cryptocurrency这个词来自cryptography + currency的组合,意为加密货币,而现在文中说这家公司把牙齿当做数字货币的矿场来看待,实在让人忍俊不禁,不知道那些为了挖到比特币写代码写到手抽筋的码农们会怎么想。
Brushing your teeth regularly rewards you with AYA tokens (literally "love teeth coins") which can be exchanged for more toothbrushes, toothpaste, and dental hygiene services.
(例句:Everyone should have a good personal hygiene 卫生状况 habit.)
Although some have ridiculed the product—one commentator worried that his mother might give it to the dog to chew so she can mine as much free stuff as possible—many consumers seem excited with the idea. The high tech toothbrush has already exceeded the RMB 100, 000 crowdfunding goal required for the project. The crowdfunding will continue until May this year.
(虽然该产品被一些评论员嘲笑,一位评论员担心他的妈妈会把牙刷给狗去嚼,这样她就可以挖到尽可能多的免费物品,但很多用户似乎对这个想法很兴奋。目前这个高科技牙刷已获得了超过项目所需的 10 万人民币众筹目标的资金,该众筹会持续到今年 5 月。)